Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
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- 5 replies
I have noticed that a site similar has 17 entries in the DMOZ. Some seem to be in categories that overlap. Is this spamming or normal listings?
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 3 replies
It appears that three entries in the DMOZ for our domain have been removed. The listing that have been removed were all affected by the two SQL inject hack/attack that we suffered recently. The other entries from our domain that remain in the DMOZ were not "index" or "default" and so were not damaged by the attack. Is there a plan to automatically recheck and re-insert all the entries that were removed because of this hack? (This would have impacted on many sites). Edit/Update: After further research I have found that two of the three entries removed, were removed prior to any known issues with the hacking/attack. They were in the DMOZ for 5th Feb 2008 release and …
Last reply by shadow575,
- 1 reply
Two months ago I requested an amendment to my website listing. I was emailed by an editor who sent me the following email.... Thanks for suggesting that we amend our listing of <removed> . I've taken a look at the website and I can quite see why an editor gave it the description that s/he did. There's no mention of qualifications and there is no address given - both pretty important when evaluating such a website's worth. I've temporarily removed it from our directory for deeper consideration. I have made the changes he suggested (address/qualifications) and I've tried contacting the editor several times to find out when my website will be re-listed…
Last reply by spectregunner, -
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- 10 replies
I don't know what else I can do. I have been trying to get my site submitted for the last 6 years. I have submitted it every 2 years. Is there anything I can do to have someone look into it? We are a 40 million dollar a year company and on Inc 500 as one of the top 300 fastest growing Internet companies. I know everyone says it is not corrupt, but how is it possible it takes this long? Is it possible an competitor is constantly submitting our site and putting us at the bottom of the list? Is there anything I can do to have a senior editor look at my case? I love what you guys do and respect that you do this in your free time, and hope you can see why I would…
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
I had submitted an update to our description last week after noticing Google was using the inaccurate DMOZ description for our company. Today I noticed there was no editor listed for the category we're in so I attempted to contact the editor one level above - his contact page returned an error message. I went another level above that editor and sent a note asking if he could help. Two hours later I notice our site has been removed from DMOZ. This jogged my memory, I remember now the diatribe I received in an email from this same editor when I contacted him back in 2006 because our site had been submitted eight months earlier and was never listed. It was a nice li…
Last reply by EastEnder, -
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- 13 replies
im just shooting my mouth here since i have no idea whats going on inside dmoz so please bear with me 1) automated script to check for dead links and links that redirect i think this should have been brought up before in the past...guess i will just bring it up again tools:: there are also some webmaster websites that lets you input a url and they will check it for broken links, or theres some scripts available too 2) accept only domains/sites above 2 years old... this should really cut short the submission queue and have some sort of barrier against spam. i am willing to bet that a significant number of new websites created around the world...never opera…
Last reply by inquirersg, -
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- 2 replies
although all of my competition is. I find it hard to believe that some submissions take weeks and some take years. I am a leading site on page 1 of many Google search terms and yet no inclusion even though my original content is twice my competition. I submitted 6 times in 8 months. Please do not respond with we are swamped as I tried to become an editor to my catagory just so I would recieve a decline. While I am not a conspiracy theorist you at least should be aware that you are being noted as the closed directory in the SEO world. Food for thought.
Last reply by pvgool,
- 2 replies
I had sent an email to the DMOZ administrators. The email system replied with an auto verification requiring me to reply to that with the code opendir - 06f3cfbc5d75f37ab51a58a6c6954990 in the subject heading before the email would be accepted by DMOZ. I did this twice and each time the email had been returned as undeliverable. Please repair.
Last reply by chaos127,
- Meta
- 9 replies
I've tried to get an updated description posted for <url removed> Changes have been submitted, but the update has not happened. Where may I get further assistance? Thanks
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 5 replies
It looks like DMOZ is getting hijacked by spam Editors. This is the only reason why link submissions are getting delayed without any reason. We provide legal information related to different legal firms. DMOZ directory has excellent repository of legal resources and law firms. We syndicate results from DMOZ directory to present useful information to our online new york legal directory. However we observed several discrepancies within New York category ( http://www.dmoz.org/Society/Law/Services/Lawyers_and_Law_Firms/Personal_Injury/North_America/United_States/New_York/). Take for example:- a) http://www.decarokaplen.com/ - Site not working anymore. Does not…
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 1 reply
www dot China<no space here>pans dot com. 1. All the item prices he listed is "0" 2. You can never check out ,every time you get a 404 page. 3. This guy even has a sex form on this online "shop"! But this site is listed well here in DMOZ: http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Electronics/ the domain created only in 23-apr-2007, seems suspiciou why he is listed. Anyone has any idea towards this ?
Last reply by nea,
- 2 replies
Hi; I have reported an abuse on 2007-12-05 21:28 . The web site that i have reported is list on turkish part of dmoz. This web site is making spam and there is no relation between web site content and listed category. Is there any turkish editor to check it? Regards Ulas
Last reply by chaos127,
- 7 replies
Hi there I recently tryed to get my site listed on this section of your directory Top: Computers: Internet: Chat: Web-Based: Chat Rooms (55) Since my site hasnt been listed im assuming that my site wasnt good enough <url removed> to get into this category, so i thought i would go thru the sites in this category to see what im up against, unfortunatly i was pretty shocked with some of the sites that are on this section. The category seems to out of date, and full of sites with no safety advice and sites with little quality, i tryed to contact the editor of this section to give my thoughts on the offending sites, somone from digital point has pointed me t…
Last reply by chaos127,
- Meta
- 18 replies
Greetings! I've been trying to update a listing (from one category to another) for the past couple years to no available. The site did originally have content related to the category it is currently in, however over the years, much has changed and it's best fit would be in another category. I see that the category is active (sites come and go) however, for some reason my update requests have been over-looked. I can assure you that the site does "meet" all the requirements for a listing in that category. I've seen several posts that say it typically takes 2 weeks for an update since that is a higher priority for the editors, however, it doesn't make sense to continue to…
Last reply by chaos127,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Would you please alter the description to my Software Project Management page? My page is a directory to all kinds of sites about project management, not just project management software packages, but the description makes it look as if it's primarily a list of software. URL - <removed> Currently - "Project software directory, includes news, books, and links." Desired - "A directory of resources about managing software projects, including project management methods, quality issues, risk management and financial appraisal." Thanks!
Last reply by nea,
- 11 replies
I updated my site listing over one month ago and it has not changed. The FAQ says to give the site 2 weeks. Has anyone encountered this issue? Is there anyway I can discover the status of my request?
Last reply by dhirajch, -
- 1 reply
I’m new to this forum. I have spent quite a bit of time tonight reading posts from angry website owners, some with conspiracy theories, in the Quality Control Feedback thread. I was drawn to this particular thread because I too questioned ODP and the editor of the category that I feel I would fit best in. I even reported possible editor abuse, although I did confess in my report that I don’t know if its abuse or if I’m simply interpreting the category incorrectly. Brief description of my situation – I work for an online retailer. We do not have a brick and mortar store of any kind. We are currently listed in the regional category where our warehouse is located, which …
Last reply by crowbar,
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- Editall
- 11 replies
Hello, DMOZ is currently linked to my former site www.paulgoochimages.com I allowed the domain to lapse, it was deleted and has now been taken over by another owner. The content of the site has no similarities with the content of the site which DMOZ was linking to, ie. www.paulgoochimages.com, it is now a marketing site. I have created a new site www.paulgoochimages.org which does have the same content as the original site. Would you please change the link to www.paulgoochimages.org Regards, Paul Gooch
Last reply by crowbar,
- 14 replies
Hi At category Top: World: Greek: Κοινωνία: Πολιτική: Ιστοσελίδες Πολιτικών there is the following entry: Μπακογιάννη, Ντόρα - Βουλευτής ΠΑΣΟΚ Α' Αθηνών. Βιογραφικό, κοινοβουλετική δραστηριότητα και προτάσεις. It is about a Greek politician, the current Foreign Affairs Minister, you can see the wikipedia entry about Dora Bakoyannis. The problem is that the entry describes her as a member of the "opposition" party and that according to my view is a really nasty trick. Someone wanted to have a laugh and created this so that he could spread it around. The editor might have failed to see the error although she is really very famous in Greece and such a mistake …
Last reply by lpc, -
- Meta
- Editall
- 11 replies
My site is an authority site which is eight years old and has 15,000 backlinks or more. We are expanding and I sent in a request to change my category to a more proper one. I found my site deleted after the request was made and my corporate site in it's place. One site is the store and other corporate information on other matters. Both familly friendly. The problem is the corporate site is new and has 15 back links. To the piont: I sent in another request to have the site changed, nothing happened. I then thought that something was going on. I sent in an abuse report. Still no answer. I then e-mailed an office ODP member, still no answer. Well, you can imagine, imp…
Last reply by Callimachus,
- Meta
- 5 replies
Is it OK to list a site which uses any kind of unfair techniques for improving it's rankings in search engines? I am talking about customarmoring.com which uses hidden links and hidden text at the bottom of it's pages. The site is listed here: http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Business_Services/Fire_and_Security/Security/Armored_Vehicles/
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 8 replies
So it has been almost 2 years now since I first submitted my site to Dmoz.org. Specifically, I submitted my site to the Dating International section in early 2006 when my site first launched. I wasn't expecting an immediate inclusion, nor any inclusion at all for that matter - it was a young site, but a quality and worthwhile one - certainly not a 1 page wonder. After 6 months and no inclusion, I went back to my site to see if it needed improving to a certain standard. I did that, and in the process it improved and gained almost 20,000 new members. So I submited again. After another 6 months, I asked for help and was told to re-submit again as Dmoz had server …
Last reply by crowbar,
- Meta
- 1 reply
A number of links are not working in Dmoz Directory. Should the information about these links reported ? If yes, can you please tell me an appropriate method to do so?
Last reply by informator,
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 7 replies
They have their accounts suspended and that's it?
Last reply by avacado, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
This page http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=%22Dummy+Search+String%22 contains a link to this page http://www.wisenut.com/search/query.dll?q=%22Dummy%20Search%20String%22 The link is broken. LookSmart shut down WiseNut. The same page with no search argument http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search contains a more general broken link to WiseNut http://www.wisenut.com/
Last reply by informator,