Quality Control Feedback
You can report quality control issues and generic abuse reports with no mention of specific URLs, editors or categories here.
Issues with links can be reported directly in the directory (flag icon to the right of each listing) or in the forum thread below. Thanks :-)
561 topics in this forum
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 8 replies
So it has been almost 2 years now since I first submitted my site to Dmoz.org. Specifically, I submitted my site to the Dating International section in early 2006 when my site first launched. I wasn't expecting an immediate inclusion, nor any inclusion at all for that matter - it was a young site, but a quality and worthwhile one - certainly not a 1 page wonder. After 6 months and no inclusion, I went back to my site to see if it needed improving to a certain standard. I did that, and in the process it improved and gained almost 20,000 new members. So I submited again. After another 6 months, I asked for help and was told to re-submit again as Dmoz had server …
Last reply by crowbar,
- Meta
- 1 reply
A number of links are not working in Dmoz Directory. Should the information about these links reported ? If yes, can you please tell me an appropriate method to do so?
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 7 replies
They have their accounts suspended and that's it?
Last reply by avacado, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
This page http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=%22Dummy+Search+String%22 contains a link to this page http://www.wisenut.com/search/query.dll?q=%22Dummy%20Search%20String%22 The link is broken. LookSmart shut down WiseNut. The same page with no search argument http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search contains a more general broken link to WiseNut http://www.wisenut.com/
Last reply by informator,
Site Removed
by kzak-
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 9 replies
After being listed in this category for several years, my site has disappeared. Is this the correct forum to get some assistance on this issue? <URL Info Removed>
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 11 replies
Inappropriate category * http://dmoz.org/World/Sicilianu/ - language spoken in Southern Italy, island of Sicily ( http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Italy/Regions/Sicily/ ) by ~5 millions of people. The category now has 53 sites listed and has 3 active editors. First of all, I'm Italian, so I know what I'm talking about. This category is listing a local dialect, not a language. It's something really inappropriate. In Italy there is a dialect, almost for every region, so why only the siciliano (Sicilianu) should be listed in World/ ? It shouldn't. I suggest to remove the category and to move the sites listed there into some other like in http://www.dmoz.org/…
Last reply by Jantima, -
- 4 replies
Hi there... For the last 6 months I have attempted to get a site title correction! But, nobody is home in the editor category. Can someone look into this? http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Antiques_and_Collectibles/Clothing/ see the site misnamed: <title removed> Thanks!
Last reply by DTMst, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Hey guys, After I saw how badly edited the category of my hometown (Top: Regional: Europe: Portugal: Districts: Coimbra: Coimbra) was I decided to apply for editor on Dmoz..for my surprise I was rejected with only the common reasons for rejection. I think my application was perfectly OK and, at the very least, I could be doing a better job than the current editor. My english might not be perfect but it is more than fine for short descriptions. At least they paid attention to some of the improper and broken links I reported and removed them but why reject my application and keep on having a badly edited category? I even included information about the editing I did on…
Last reply by Elper,
- 5 replies
Hi there, Id like to highlight the poor quality of the directory listings in the DMOZ section: Business > Arts and Entertainment > Photography > Photographers > Wedding and Events > Oceania > Australia > New South Wales There are several sites that are either: -not actually in NSW (a state of Australia) -not wedding or events photographers at all -not recent eg one site hasn't been updated since 2002 Worse, one site is a fake directory site with google adwords links. It makes me quite angry when I try and list my legitimate NSW-based wedding photography site in DMOZ and it gets rejected. Is someone actually editing this category? …
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- Editall
- 14 replies
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&cat=gwd%2FTop&q=newgie.com Editors, please confirm that this is not harmful to our machines otherwise should be delisted. Thanks
Last reply by pdub, -
- 0 replies
Well, today I visited http://dmoz.org/Health/Weight_Loss/ and got disappointed of how poor site is listed there. "Lose Body Weight - Articles describe changes in lifestyle that will assist with weight management." If you take a close look at this site you will realise that it uses duplicate and rewritten content only. Does such site have any permission to be listed in dmoz? I do not think so. Just for fun I am attaching Google search queries, so that everyone can see what I am talking about: query 1 - see that edu domain! query 2 - yes, content from articles directories! query 3 - oh, another article directory's content query 4 - another "unique" cont…
Last reply by janhvizdak, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Editors, Now, go to the category you in-charge... Scroll down to the bottom of the page, If you see something like this, then this category has been hacked meaning that few spam links reside in this category. If you see something like this, then this category is clean. Here is the exercise, Go to this category then find out which spam link reside in this category.
Last reply by informator,
Waiting almost a month for abuse investigation Hi Can someone give some idea of the timescale it takes to investigate abuse. A report was made almost a month ago and there seems to have been no action.
Last reply by rhys2007, -
- 2 replies
Hi folks, I have a legit site with no keywork spamming, etc however for some reason I cannot get listed in DMOZ. Maybe because there is no editor in that category and the only editor up the heirarchy has too many requests to tackle. However, I was wondering how is it that sites that are using keyword spamming approach getting themselves listed, e.g. (Plz look at the bottom to notice the spamming) url deleted url deleted url deleted Regards, Mans.
Last reply by crowbar,
- 5 replies
I dont like to report websites or webmasters, but there is something that is bugging me a bit as it is almost criminal in my opinion. There is a dating site called loopylove.com....and another one that is called pocado.com They remind me of each other and I had the feeling it is exactly the same website. However they do not tell you on the terms and conditions, of course...but it is the same company behind them. So when you register on pocado.com, you end up in the same database. One way to find out, is the path to the uploaded user pictures: http://images.loopylove.com/images_resized/A7/EF/A7EFFEA5-1143-E871-1364442CB4BE9B53.jpg http://images.pocado.com…
Last reply by massage parlour, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Thought you guys might like a hand cleaning up Home: Family: Pregnancy: Chats and Forums Popups on every page and is just a landing page (dated 2002) to a forum that's not located on the same server. http://www.members.tripod.com/fallbaby02/ Closed in July 2006. http://s2.phpbbforfree.com/forums/babyplanet.html Popups on most pages. No updates since 2004 (check the forum, which isn't on the same server). http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/babyplay/boards.html Closed. http://p211.ezboard.com/fmommyguidepregnancygeneral Diverts to another site. http://p200.ezboard.com/bchitchat85441 Quote from site: "Site last updated April 11 2005" (plus no c…
Last reply by shadow575,
- 2 replies
Hi, I typed my url into google, and this showed up http://adminreports.com/stats/index.php?mode=stats&sid=421100&show=ref&sort=added&pageid=12&lang=en&start=3 Is the stats page for resource zone supposed to be public? I would have thought you'd have to login to open the stats page? The reason it showed up is very strange as well. A link to my stats page was listed there? Why would that be? as my stats page is not public. It even had my password in there so anyone would have been able to log in, or maybe it was there because it's in my cache...not sure! Edited to add: Just had a thought, and it's probably because I clicked …
Last reply by Joanner, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi The description in DMOZ for a page within one of our websites is incorrect and the client involved would like it to be updated as the same description appears to be being used by Google in their search results description. On the following page - http://dmoz.org/Science/Biology/Immunology/Publications/Journals/ - a journal that we publish for a client - "Immunolgy" - is described as "The official Journal of the Australiasian Society for Immunology." but that's not correct - it is "an official journal of the British Society for Immunology" - please see http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0019-2805&site=1 Any help/advice to remedy th…
Last reply by tbeuzeval, -
- 0 replies
SEMA is the organization that represents the entire automotive aftermarket parts industry and puts on one of the largest trade shows in the world. It seems somewhat inappropriate to have their website, sema.org, listed in this category: http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Autos/Enthusiasts/Customized_Cars/Rod_and_Custom/Clubs/ It's definitely not a car club, afterall. It seems like the following directory would be more appropriate. http://dmoz.org/Business/Automotive/Parts_and_Accessories/ Thanks
Last reply by Hamburglar, -
- 1 reply
Hello, Our site is listed here: http://dmoz.org/World/Espa%c3%b1ol/Regional/Europa/Espa%c3%b1a/Comunidades_Aut%c3%b3nomas/Catalu%c3%b1a/Barcelona/Barcelon%c3%a8s/Barcelona/Viajes_y_turismo/Alojamiento/Apartamentos/ The url is indicated as <url removed> but the Spanish site is <url removed> Could you change this please.
Last reply by gimmster, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi there, Following some major changes in the category my site is listed under in dmoz, the company we bought out some time ago that was listed in dmoz was changed to our new company name and the link was changed to the new company website. This was great. However the description was not updated - thats fine as I recognise it is our job to do so. However, we have been waiting for some time (around 2-3 months) and I have submitted a couple of descriptions - just in case the first was deemed inappropriate for some unknown reason. Ordinarily this would not be an issue, however as everyone is probably well aware, google now pulls out descriptions from dmoz in place of …
Last reply by crowbar,
- Meta
- 1 reply
I checked all of the sites in the above mentioned category and here is what I found (without URLs): Most of the sites share a common pattern : Very poor design. But there are much much more things to say about them: For example, about one of the sites: The site is moved to a new URL! Your linked site just redirects you to the new site. And when I go to the link they give (http://www.rationalreality.com/) what I found is a site totally unrelated with Quran&Science at all. There even are articles about "Israel & Democracy" and "Iraq War" in the new site. What is this? A joke? Let's look at another one: It is a poorly written site with no original content.…
Last reply by shadow575,
- 2 replies
Site: c-point.com permanently not working. Moreover, two of four links are duplicated. Please check: http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=c-point.com Regards
Last reply by Murray, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
I'm not sure if / where I should report these, please advise 1) dead links. 2) sites that are "under construction" 3) sites that are listed in a category, but clearly are not suited for it Thanks.
Last reply by TomerG, -