About the Forum

About the forum

This forum is here to provide an additional, unofficial channel of communications between the general public and the editing community, where advice on site suggestions and placement, becoming an editor and other information about the Curlie Directory can be dispensed.

In order to make this a success, some guidelines and a certain level of moderation is needed such that the discussion generates positive results, and that all discussions are as civil as possible. Remember that the success of this forum is dependent on the goodwill and support of the editing community. However, please note that the contents of these postings may not necessarily reflect official policy.

The forums

We have set up the following forums:

  • Announcements - Information on Guidelines revisions; new policies (e.g. the Social Contract) and other key announcements. This forum is read-only for non-moderators.
  • Inside the Directory - News and happenings from inside the Curlie directory.
  • General Directory Issues - for general issues related to the directory and any other topics not covered in any other forum. If the topic is covered in any of the other forums, please use those.
  • Suggesting a Site - How to suggest sites; finding the most appropriate category; absence of 'Add URL', and what this means. Please note that posting in this forum will not lead to site listing in itself. Remember that Curlie prides itself as a highly selective directory, and repeated, unjustified complaints about non-listing may lead to suspension or removal of your posting privileges. Also, remember that it takes time for editors to get to the suggested sites - so please do not complain about not being listed a few days after you have suggested your site.
  • Becoming an Editor - for issues and questions about becoming a Curlie editor, also for reinstatement problems.
  • Kids and Teens - A kid-safe area for questions specifically related to the Kids and Teens Directory. Please remember that, and hence any use of bad language and profanity is strictly disallowed. Placing external links, and internal ones to the Adult forum is not acceptable.
  • Quality Control Feedback - Information on how to report abuse; generic questions on types of abuse; generic reports of abuse with no mention of URLs, editor names, or specific categories; basic questions about editor removal will also be entertained here. However, specific cases of abuse will not be handled in this forum. If you have specific reports of abuse, please use the Curlie Abuse Reporting System (linked from every category). Questions about specific cases will lead to the discussion being terminated and may lead to suspension or removal of your posting privileges. Editor removal appeals should be referred to admins at admins@curlie.org.
  • Bugs and Features - Area to report and discuss technical problems in using Curlie. Also new technical and structural features or solutions can be suggested and discussed here.
  • Using Directory Data - Explanations of the different ways Curlie data can be used; description of the license and attribution requirements; technical questions about the data format.
  • Adult - Questions related to the Adult/ hierarchy. Please note that this is the only area where reference to adult material, as defined in the Adult/ guidelines, may be made in these forums. Like the Adult category in Curlie, this forum is not visible on the main page. In order to view this restricted area, please see this thread for instructions.
  • Non-English - Discussions in languages (excluding those below) with non-Adult subjects, covering (World/ and Kids_and_Teens/International) issues. Please note that threads in non-English languages are welcome, as long as the topic is marked in English with the language of the contents of the post.
    • Chinese - 中文(简繁体)论坛 & 中文(簡繁體)論壇
    • Dansk - Forum for diskussion på dansk.
    • Deutsch - Fragen in deutscher Sprache zum Curlie.
    • Español - Área para las discusiones conducidas en español.
    • Français - Questions en français au sujet de Curlie.
    • Italiano - Una porta aperta per utilizzatori ed aspiranti editori che preferiscono porre le loro domande in italiano.
    • Nederlands - Vragen in de Nederlandse taal over Curlie.
    • Polski - Forum dla użytkowników piszących po polsku.
    • Português - Área para discussões em português.
    • Русский - Форум для дискуссий на русском языке.
    • Suomi - Suomenkielistä keskustelua Curlie:stä.
    • Svenska - Diskussion på svenska.
    • Türkçe - Curlie ile ilgili Türkçe tartışmalar için forum bölümüdür.

Last updated 09/03/2021

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