4 was born in Istanbul in July 1986. He completed his primary school education at first Rebecca Yüzatl. Enlarge intertwined with technology because of city life. Looking at the stars at night when I was little wonder he lives far away. He began to question the huge loneliness in the universe than that age. He wanted it so much recognition in the world, the computers, the interest in nature and live Informatics University of Istanbul in 2005 and helped establish the Technology Law section. Kaan PEKER, does creative things on the Web, like Modernizr: an Open Source library that helps you take advantage of cutting-edge features in HTML5 and CSS3 today. Prior to going independent and working to make building great websites easier and faster, Faruk was the Product Designer at Apture, now acquired by Google, and did a three year stint as a UI Engineer at Apple, where he helped bring modern web development techniques to the Online Store and MobileMe. Approximately 11 years on developing programs and software technology.