
You have to really be a good Administrator to be able to fix things that are wrong. <br />
The Administrator motsa edited out some facts with a domain redirect. <br />
Because editors like Motsa shouldn't edit profiles I'll be posting back what he edited out. <br />
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Forums are for discussions and the forum in which I posted my question should have had a different result in my opinion. <br />
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Instead of correcting the redirect in the DMOZ listings Motsa felt it better to edit out the active TLD. <br />
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MnWorks.Net, MnWorks.Jobs are Active sites that do not redirect. The site listed in DMOZ is a redirect. <br />
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Class act Motsa. Ban me at anytime or do your job and follow your own QA rules and remove TLD redirects from your link farm directory.

Currently I'm interested in resolving a bad link in the DMOZ.ORG listings index. This issue has been ongoing since 2002. Soon I'll be able to say "It might take a decade to fix."
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