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About chillysnow

  • Birthday 03/30/1974

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  1. When judging how big a category is, you have to take into account not only the amount of sites listed in it, but also how many sites are listed in all of its subcategories as well. (I am assuming that you applied for a category with no listed sites but one or more subcategories, similar to the example below) This is because an editor granted privileges in that category will also have access to all its subcats as well. So for instance, http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/France/Regions/Ile-de-France/ has zero sites and no listed editor, but actually contains 535 sites when you take into account all the subcategories. Typically new editors should aim to apply for categories that have up to 50 sites total. You can tell the total by the number next to the directory tree at the top of the category's page. It's also important to understand that new editors should start off in small categories because experience of editing is what needs to be gained before higher categories are granted. Life experience and knowledge of the subject etc. is of course useful but that will not tell you how to interact with the ODP properly. Good luck
  2. Dear alecodp Your site appears to use mms3 as a content provider, and as such is unlikely to get a listing in this category, especially since there is an mms3 site already listed. [added] It also contains a large amount of adult picture messages, and so is inappropriate for anywhere outside Adult/ [/added] regards Mark
  3. could you add me too? thanks <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  4. Hello Could I be changed to editor please? Chillysnow Thanks Mark <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  5. There should now be 71 sites: items 1, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13 from your list are not listed. Is this what you see?
  6. Thanks for pointing this out Marisa and Ringtonesearch, it has now been attended to. Ringtonesearch, I've been through your list carefully. You'll find that six of them were deleted in a clear out several weeks ago. The public side has been a bit slow in updating of late but it appears to be up to date now, try hitting refresh on your browser. Of the remaining eight, neither of the two mirrors you point out are listed. Two others of course are valid entries for their respective providers, which leaves four remaining. I will certainly have another look at the remainder but even if they do have some stealthnet/mms3 elements, such as animated screensavers, they may have been listed on the basis that there is other relevant unique content. If there are any more that you've located, please let me know, but in the meantime thanks for your input.
  7. I can't see the evidence that RingtonesUK.com uses Stealthnet material. Comparing it with ringtonesnstuff.co.uk, which is the listed Stealthnet service, there appears to be no corellation. Could you elaborate?
  8. Hi Your site uses the content provider mms3. This cat already lists one site which contains mms3 content, so your site is unlikely to be listed unless you change the content to something more unique. Hope this sheds some light on the matter.
  9. Let's not forget that each category can legitimately have ONE site listed which represents the content from each affiliate provider. So, for instance, in United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Industries/Telecommunications/Mobile/Services/Ring_Tones,_Graphics_and_Logos/ there is ringtonesnokia.co.uk containing mms3 material and ringtonesnstuff.co.uk containing stealthnet material But, as far as I can see, there are no others within this cat, unless you can see something I can't (please note that I am not looking at or crossreferencing with any other cat here)
  10. Thanks for your positive comments mr reaper. OK, considering only the category: Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Industries: Telecommunications: Mobile: Services: Ring Tones, Graphics and Logos Having looked, I believe each site within this cat to have only unique entries. 1) adifferentlogo.com indeed has about 5 mirrors, but only one is listed in this category. Just because a site has mirrors, does not mean it should be entirely excluded, IMHO. It also doesn't matter if one of the other mirrors shows up somewhere else in the directory, as the site is entitled to multiple listings in its own right anyway. 2) findatone.co.uk also has some mirrors and near mirrors. However, again, I cannot see any of the mirrors listed in this category. 3) ringtonesnstuff.co.uk vs mobileclubber.com: I agree with you here, but it is easy to see how this could slip through the net. I am sure the editors will remove this in due course. 4) tonemania.com appears to have some mirrors too, none of which appear to be listed. The other ringtone cat I cannot comment on as I have looked at this one only. I am sure you will appreciate how difficult it is for volunteer editors who may have 1000+ sites to look after, to constantly cross reference 80+ sites per category. Let us also not forget the tricks that the spammers use in order to get in, including constructing an entire site solely for the purpose of getting a listing based on something unique, then changing it later for their affiliate site. I believe this was the case for a couple of the sites you mentioned earlier.
  11. Re: Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Industries: Telecommunications: Mobile: Services: Ring Tones, Graphics and Logos (78) I notice that phone-a-tone and tones4phones have both been removed, but I personally cannot see any reason why the others in your list don't deserve to be there? Could you elaborate?
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