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Everything posted by kokopeli

  1. Whenever the public side next update takes place, no way to know when that will happen but it should be soon.
  2. I'm going to answer even thought the question wasn't actually asked The update has been processed and the url was changed. The suggested description did not meet ODP guidelines and was not changed. The third section of the request has already been addressed here previously.
  3. To answer your post regarding site status which was placed in a new thread (which is now locked), your site has been denied as it does not provide unique content. For information regarding this decision, please see ODP Guidelines
  4. Your suggestion is still pending review in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Children/Parties
  5. Sorry...but no change at this time. Your suggestion is still pending review in that category.
  6. Your site is still waiting with around a dozen other sites.
  7. If you see anything that looks like abuse, it is definately appropriate to report it so that it can be checked out. That is something we definately want done. I have a support group site that has been pending review in an area with no listed editor (of course no category truly is without an editor) since I submitted it in November 2002.
  8. schluggi, flicker was speaking about a time perspective, not saying that placement in a subcat as opposed to the parent cat. ODP finds it important to place a site in the correct category. Flicker was saying that the editor of the parent category is usually the one to review the sites in the main and the subcat, so a smaller number of unreviewed in the subcat doesn't much matter if a larger number are in the parent cat...the editor may review in either place. Your submission is dated 12/Jan/2003 ODP is not Google, the ODP does not control what Google does with ODP data, and the ODP is not a web promotion service. ODP does not exist for the website, it exists for the end user and is a directory. Google also lists sites independant of the ODP. If you want to be listed in Google independant of a listing at ODP, go there and submit your site. I understand that you would like your site listed NOW, so would thousands and thousands of others. Editors are volunteer, listings are free, and submissions are actually just suggestions for sites. No listing is guaranteed. Commercial categories receive a large quantity of submissions daily and as a result often take longer to be reviewed. The time you've waited really isn't unreasonble--although I completely understand that it may feel that way. Hopefully your site will be reviewed soon, but there really is nothing to do but wait. Someone will review it as soon as they are able to.
  9. It's been listed and will show once the public side next updates
  10. It is listed in http://dmoz.org/Business/Electronics_and_Electrical/Control_Systems/Electrical_Panel_Builders
  11. Sorry your other post got missed, sometimes they fall off and need a bump...but I see you through the crowd now ! Unfortunately, no change...still pending in that category, sorry I don't have better news.
  12. There is no order that editors are required to submit in, therefore we cannot tell you who is in front of you. There are editors who work in that area of the directory as well as well as numerous others who have the ability to edit in that area. Because editors are volunteer some spend more time editing than others. The beauty category of health, and the subcategories tend to get a lot of site suggestions in addition. There is no way to say how long it will take.
  13. Re: status : http://www.discountedwheelwarehouse.c It appears you are checking on http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Vehicles/Parts_and_Accessories/Wheels_and_Tires/ Your submission from 04/Jun/2003 is still pending there. The site is listed in Regional: North America: United States: California: Localities: R: Roseville: Business and Economy: Automotive in May.
  14. Still pending review in that category, no change as of yet.
  15. Your submission is waiting in a medium sized queue, with a submission date of 16/Jun/2003. As you may be aware, the editor side of ODP has been down for an upgrade. I would suggest waiting 2 months and trying back after that.
  16. I didn't actually address status of the site, currently I am unable to access the editor side, someone can check to see if your site is still pending in that category or if it has been denied/listed...but you were told in the other thread that you were already pending there and not to resubmit so I'm not sure why you are asking about how to go about submitting there. I did re-read the previous thread mentioned above--I thought I remembered you being denied but that was not exactly correct. I am mainly a shopping editor, and to be very honest I wouldn't list your site there. Mostly I found products that are sold in bulk of 500+ as a minimum which to me just doesn't say retail sales, it says business. I just tried to access the editor side again and am still not successful, if no one addresses the status you can bump the thread and ask again. The editor side has been working well, so I am sure it will be working again shortly.
  17. That was already addressed in this thread which I am aware is locked but you were already told your site doesn't qualify for a shopping listing. If the content has changed, you can resubmit. edited to add: I re-looked at your site, you mainly sell in bulk with large numbers of products for the minimum sold...your site is appropriately listed in business and the previous discussion still applies as far as why it probably won't be listed in shopping as opposed to business, sorry. As discussed, the site is usually only listed in the one most appropriate category.
  18. Unfortunately there has been no change in status at this time.
  19. Individuals are denied for valid reasons, not minor ones. While I don't have anything to do with accepting or denying applications, I've been an editor for 3 years and believe that there is a good process intact. It is the job of a Meta to approve applicants who are going to do a good job editing. If for example someone was accepted that submitted spelling errors, sites that didn't belong listed, etc...then that will likely continue and someone else will need to go in and correct those mistakes--causing much more time to be lost in the long run. If you want to be an editor, and truly want to make a contribution as opposed to just listing your own site--then that is WONDERFUL and you should go for it. You can get tips by going to http://www.resource-zone.com/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=bemome and reading thread posts, and studying http://dmoz.org/guidelines/. Good luck
  20. Please see NO STATUS CHECKS THIS WEEK , you can bump this thread after the upgrade is complete and editors can again access the editor side of ODP.
  21. Please see NO STATUS CHECKS THIS WEEK , you can repost the question after the date mentioned in that thread.
  22. As noted in the post about dmoz being down, I cannot view the editor notes or get in to the editor side at this time. I do remember viewing your site and am pretty sure that it was moved from the category you submitted to as an editor felt it belonged in the military category. If you disagree, you can do a url update for the category where it is listed now and ask that it be moved to the original category. The decision depends upon an editor agreeing that it belongs in the other category...editors list sites based on their experience and where they deem it to be appropriate. I'm not sure what the status is upon submitting sites, I would wait to submit a change request for a week--so that the current portion of the upgrade has been completed.
  23. Unfortunately there is never any guarantee as to how long it will take...as all editors are volunteer and edit as time allows.
  24. Your site was moved on June 16th to http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Visual_Arts/Ethnic_and_Regional/North_American where it is waiting in a medium sized queue. Sorry for a lack of response earlier, sometimes requests drop off the first page and are accidentally missed <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
  25. The purpose of this forum is to find out if a site has been reviewed/rejected, and to ask questions. It wouldn't be fair to allow individuals to basically jump to the head of the line when others are patiently waiting review also. You are welcome to check back here after a month or more to find out our current status using this same thread. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
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