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Everything posted by kokopeli

  1. kokopeli <---- not a "he" I did email the editor, who emailed me back and said he would review it again. I imagine he was waiting for you to resubmit. I would do so now.
  2. Re: site submission status - http://genx31.tripod.com There has been no change, your submission from 16/Feb/2003 16:48:49 MST is still waiting in that queue.
  3. Your submission from 21/Dec/2002 19:49:44 MST is still waiting in http://dmoz.org/Reference/Education/Educators/Higher_Education/. Personally I think that uzs980's suggestion was right on, and this isn't the right category...but it isn't my area of expertise, so I am assuming this is what you meant to check on. Above you said you were going to submit to that cat...so it appears you didn't. Worst case scenerio, the editor who does view it will move it to a more appropriate cat and you will then again wait for the site to be reviewed again. As for this queue, there is no change.
  4. In both regional and shopping, the sites are still waiting in the queue and have not been reviewed.
  5. Sorry...no change at this time, still waiting in the queue.
  6. [senox beat me and gave basically the same answer] <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" />
  7. Site, submission date 20/Feb/2003, is still waiting in a small queue (just a handful of sites) in http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Missouri/Localities/S/Saint_Peters/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/
  8. I would like to echo the editors above, we list your site in the one most appropriate category with the one exception being regional if there is a brick and mortar store. I agree that your site is listed according to the main focus. Continuing to resubmit to other categories could be viewed as spam, your site won't be listed in business as that is not the main focus. The site is already listed appropriately.
  9. Please wait a month between checking, and always use the same thread <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  10. Still waiting in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Recreation_and_Sports/Sports/Mountain_Sports/ with a minimal number of sites. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  11. There is no change, your site is still waiting there with a submission date of 14/Dec/2002 09:14:33 MST. The queue is quite large, so it will likely be quite awhile longer before your site is viewed. Sorry to not have better news.
  12. Sorry, no change yet...still pending.
  13. Sorry...no change as of yet, wish I had better news.
  14. ACK...lachenm is right <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" /> that didn't even occur to me <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> . That cat has existed for a few weeks only. It would be hard to recommend what wasn't even there!
  15. davaddavad, I wanted to let you know that after looking at your site in the queue I noticed others that were not diamond specific waiting in the queue. As a result, I have moved a number of sites to varied merchandise, of which yours was one. This is something I have been doing along with other areas of reorganization in the main category--so in no way was your site singled out nor was your the only one relocated. At this point your site is not diamond specific, and does not belong there. Do not submit to varied merchandise as I asked above, as sometimes sites are sorted by date submitted and doing so you would overwrite the original date which was retained when I moved your submission. Lin <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /> [edited to add] If checking in the future, the category to check would be http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Varied_Merchandise/J/
  16. Your site, submission dated 31/Jan/2003 08:26:50 MST, is still in the works under diamonds, the queue is quite large and it will likely be awhile before your site is evaluated. I did look at your site, and my view is a little different from lachenm's. I've done quite a bit of work in /Jewelry in the last few months, and I don't believe your site will be listed in the category where you are pending or in precious metals. You have a variety of products (bracelets, pendants, etc), medals and gemstones, and I believe that your site will continue waiting in the diamond category until that editor moves it to Shopping/Jewerly/Varied_Merchandise where you would end up sitting and waiting all over again. I have been doing a lot of sorting of misplaced sites in this tree and if I viewed your site and was sending to a specific category, Shopping/Jewerly/Varied Merchandise is where I would send it. Granted, you do not have a large selection of colored stones, but your site is not specific to diamonds and sites listed in precious metals are by the majority items using those metals without gemstones included. I can understand your wanting to be in the diamond category, however your site isn't diamond specific and I highly doubt it will be approved there. If I were you, I would submit to the correct alphabar in /Varied Merchandise and that would be my target.
  17. http://www.paradisemykonos.com/ is waiting under Regional/Europe/Greece/Prefectures/Cyclades/Mykonos/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Resorts as of 07/Feb/2003 10:27:11 MST. There are a minimal number of sites in that category, and your site is still pending.
  18. Re: vintagelegance.rubylane.com/ Your site is among a large queue of sites in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Estate_and_Collectible/ (several hundred) as well as Shopping/Jewelry/Costume (also several hundred). You can only be accepted in one of the two categories, and it seems to me that http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Estate_and_Collectible/ is probably the most appropriate, but as your products fall within both boundaries the editor who looks at them will decide. Jewelry categories get a huge number of submissions, and tend to be backed up. It may be a long wait...sorry the news is not better. In addition, your site redirects to http://www.rubylane.com/shops/vintagelegance so that is the url it would be listed under if and when it is accepted. I have changed that on both submissions.
  19. Your submission is currently waiting in http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Sports/Martial_Arts/Tae_Kwon_Do/ with around a dozen other sites. No need to resubmit.
  20. Your site is still waiting in the queue, no change as of yet.
  21. Your site has been moved. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
  22. Your submission from 20/Mar/2003 15:08:35 MST is still waiting for review. Category is a bit backlogged, is waiting with under 100 other sites.
  23. still no change, however, I would suggest reading motsa's suggestion above. What you are waiting for by checking on this category (I assume that is what you would like as you did not give a new category where to check) is whether or not the editor gets to your site and moves it somewhere more appropriate where you will in turn wait again. The topic of your site doesn't belong here and by waiting for a category where you site doesn't belong you are making the wait longer for an appropriate cat. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  24. The queue is backlogged (100+ sites), your site is still waiting. It will likely be awhile, there is no need to resubmit.
  25. As mentioned above, http://dmoz.org/Arts/Directories/ is backlogged. No change as of yet.
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