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Everything posted by kokopeli
First, you should give a month before requesting status. I do not have access to that specific part of the directory to give specifics, but your site has not been deleted from that category and is therefore waiting to be reviewed if it was indeed submitted there. Do not submit again, by resubmitting you overwrite the submission date and send your site to the end of the queue. It has not been deleted, and therefore it is still pending review. Please try to be patient, three weeks isn't a long time--some sites wait much longer for review. In a month you can come back to this thread and again request a status of where your site is at.
Please wait a month before requesting the status of a site. Your site was just submitted on 03/Feb/2003. It is still pending review.
You may very well be a legitimate business, no one is saying that you are not. To be listed in DMOZ you need to be offering unique content. When you offer the exact same content as numerous other sites you are not offering unique content. The bottom line is that your site does NOT qualify and will NOT be listed in shopping. It has nothing to do with originating from Canada, lots of shopping sites originate from elsewhere. The problem is that you do not offer unique content and cannot be listed. Nothing you say is going to change that fact. Sorry, but arguing the fact won't make your content more unique.
A new thread was started here instead of using existing thread. From now on, this is the thread that should be used. My reply was as follows: First, you submitted a redirected site. This just makes more work for the editor--which takes away from the time that editor has to actually list sites. It will not result in multiple listings. Only one of your sites can be listed. http://www.bodyreliefdepot.com has been changed to http://www.reliefdepot.com/ which is where it redirects from/to. Your submission of 15/Jan/2003 is waiting in a unreviewed queue of around 150 sites. It will likely be quite awhile longer.
I just realized that you posted a new thread when you already had an existing thread in regards to this site located here from now on, please use the same thread.
First, you submitted a redirected site. This just makes more work for the editor--which takes away from the time that editor has to actually list sites. It will not result in multiple listings. Only one of your sites can be listed. http://www.bodyreliefdepot.com has been changed to http://www.reliefdepot.com/ which is where it redirects from/to. Your submission of 15/Jan/2003 is waiting in a unreviewed queue of around 150 sites. It will likely be quite awhile longer.
Response to posting from thread here Your site is not sitting in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/Accessories/Handbags_and_Purses/Designer/ under the yahoo url or http://www.SandHDesigns.com, nor has it ever been as the site shows no sign of being reviewed or deleted. It was submitted in Shopping/Clothing/Accessories/Handbags_and_Purses/ on 18/Feb/2003. Because you inquired about your site earlier, I imagine you just resubmitted. Resubmitting rewrites the date of submission, and sends your site to the end of the queue. Please do not resubmit. As mentioned above, the category is backlogged and you will need to be patient.
Please post in the same thread as you last used to inquire about your site here
I viewed your site, does it ship outside of the UK? It does not appear, by reading the Information section that you do. If you ship to the UK and another country, you would qualify for a Shopping listing. If you ship only to the UK and related territories, I would suggest submitting to http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Recreation_and_Sports/. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
Your submission, dated 29/Jul/2002, is still waiting to be reviewed in mid-queue of around 80 sites. This category is in need of volunteers, and the wait is likely to be longer.
I do not have access to the business category that you have submitted to. Your site has not been deleted, if that is indeed where it was submitted it would still be sitting in that queue. I can, however, speak for the shopping submit. Your site is not a shopping site. It does not have prices and a way to purchase through your site, but rather just offers an area to request information. It therefore does not qualify for a listing in Shopping/Office_Products/Equipment/Telephones_and_Accessories. I have deleted that submission. [edited to add] In the future please provide clickable links to check on submission status. Here is that link for the editor who checks the business portion: http://dmoz.org/Business/Business_Services/AudioVisual/Videoconferencing/Distributors/
Your site is toward the bottom (with a submit date of 27/Nov/2002 18:48:34 MST) in a rather large queue, with several hundred sites waiting to be reviewed. I imagine it will be awhile before your site is evaluated.
Submission status for http://www.wakeside.com/
replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
In the future, please provide a clickable link, such as: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Sports/Water_Sports/Water_Skiing_and_Wakeboarding/Wakeboarding/ Your site was just submitted 19/Jan/2003 03:47:56 MST, please wait at least a month before inquiring. -
You did not submit to Shopping/Jewelry/Pearls/Freshwater as stated, but rather to Shopping/Jewelry/Pearls where it is currently waiting mid-queue on review with under 50 other sites. Do not resubmit, as it will send your site to the end of the queue. I cannot be more specific as far as how long the wait will be.
Submission Status of http://www.qtpatootie.com
replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Was changed to http://qtpatootie.buddyblankies.com/, which wasn't responding and was deleted. I have added the site back, but the content appears on geocities, so it is in the process in the category of Shopping/Clothing/Children's/Girls under http://www.geocities.com/cutiepatootiekidsllc/ with under 30 sites waiting for review. -
Was sent to Home/Homemaking/Cleaning_and_Stains/Fabric_Care on 12/13/02 and is in the works there. I cannot give further information, as I do not have access to that category--but it has been submitted to DMOZ.
Re: Status of http://www.simplytapestries.com Your site hasn't been reviewed yet, and is in the queue with under 10 other sites. The url you submitted, however, was not http://www.simplytapestries.com but rather http://simplytapestries.site.yahoo.net/ which I have changed to http://store.yahoo.com/simplytapestries/ as it directs to that url if something is ordered.
Please check status for www.intimate-fashion.com
replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Your site is currently waiting in a queue of under 50 for review. You submitted the site twice, and a duplicate has been removed. In the future, please only submit once. The submission date on this one is 16/Dec/2002 13:38:33 MST which means that if you did submit several months ago, by resubmitting you moved your site further down in the queue. It is still in process at this time. -
The way your site stands now, it does not qualify as a shopping site. In order to qualify for shopping, a site must contain several basic elements, such as a list of products, prices, and a way to order them from home (via email, shopping cart, etc.). Your site contains no prices at all and no specifics for ordering. This was the reason for denial. All I can see are areas where you offer a chance for someone to inquire what the price of a product might be. The best suggestion I could give would be to add prices to your site and resubmit.
I'm not (by any means) an expert on listings in other search engines. You can find who uses ODP data here: http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Searching/Directories/Open_Directory_Project/Sites_Using_ODP_Data/. You can also submit a site to Google at http://www.google.com/addurl.html. Good luck, hope that helps some <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" />
The products originate from SMC, so they are part of the MLM structure. I have seen on some sites where they offer them "wholesale" to others but the origination point is the same. Because SMC products are sometimes hard to identify, as many of the sites look completely different, I imagine some sneak through soley because the editor who evaluated the site did not realize the content was from SMC. To answer your question about including other products. It would make a difference if the majority of the products offered were unique in content. Therefore, if only a few of the products were SMC (which is not the case involving this site) and the majority were unique it would likely be listed. Just because there are *some* SMC products wouldn't make it a requirement that the site not be listed. SMC products themselves are not the problem. Personally, I love some of these and have shopped the catalog. The problem is just that the exact same products exist on an unbelievable number of sites and are therefore the content is not unique.
Did you read this notice before posting? http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=3025&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=7&fpart=1 : If your site has been rejected, please keep in mind that arguing about the editorial decision will not be tolerated. -------------------------------------------- Statements such as "If you are an editor, you shouldn't be!" and "You should be ashmamed of yourself and I'll be following this up to see who you answer to." are not productive and go beyond being civil. The decision has been made, your site has been found to not have unique content. The bottom line is that is the decision. Dfy is a respected editor, and was simply stating facts. I see no point in discussing this further.
Your site was denied as all or the majority of the content is from Specialty Merchandise Corporation. ODP no longer lists representatives of multi-level marketing orgnanizations, such as SMC. While not specifically an affiliate, the site does not have unique content--as there are literally thousands and thousands of sites out there selling the same 3,000+ products. You can refer to the guidelines at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#affiliate, Sorry.
Category Updated/Listing Removed? http://www.ccnphawaii.com/
replied to Debbie's topic in Site Submission Status
Re: Category Updated/Listing Removed? I am not the person who moved the site, although I've been involved in several areas of reorganization in related categories--which is why I have been involved to some degree on what is taking place. I believe that some of why you are upset is that you would like your site listed where it was, and it seems unfair other sites remain. I do not have a commercial site, but I think I can understand your point of view. I do not believe, however, this is a case of abuse, "shotgun editing" or an example of someone ignoring the guidelines. I believe it is an example of a newer editor accepting some sites, which were submitted to the incorrect category in the first place, that may have been better placed elsewhere. This was noticed, and is in the process of being corrected. As hutcheson states, "Every editor has their own way of prioritizing." The important part is that it is being done, and the sites you have cited above will be re-evaluated with the rest. I believe the reason your site was moved out of crafts, is because of the statements made on your site. It appears to be commercial and not work of a specific crafter. No where on your site does it refer to any specific crafter. Rather, your site is full of "our" and appears to be a company. This can be hard to evaluate, so one must go by what is stated on the site. Specific crafters usually have names listed, or at the very least refer to their products under the term of "I". If I were the editor in questions, I would also evaluate your site to not qualify as a crafter site. Due to the combination of soap and bath products, I would place it where it is currently listed. Should this change in the future, and the information reflects this on your site, you are welcome to submit an update to the category where it is listed and it will be re-evaluated. In the meantime, there is no point in you taking the time to evaluate the other sites in the category your site used to be listed in, as it is in the process of being corrected by the editors involved. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> -
Category Updated/Listing Removed? http://www.ccnphawaii.com/
replied to Debbie's topic in Site Submission Status
Re: Category Updated/Listing Removed? The editor of the category in question is in the process of reviewing sites and moving the appropriate subcat within Shopping/Health/Beauty/Bath_and_Body (be it the main category or handmade soaps) as one of the top editors of crafts noticed some sites are better served by a listing in Bath and Body. Your site is not the only one that has been/will be moved. I believe the editor in that area is still working on this, and this is an ongoing project. Because we are all volunteer, often things aren't done "immediately" but rather as soon as our schedule permits. While it seems like yours may be the only one affected, I assure you it is not.