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Everything posted by dfy

  1. As was stated above, your site was listed on 30th March. The dmoz search page currently says "Search database last updated on: Wed Mar 26", so your site won't be included yet. Please be patient.
  2. The product that you offer is already represented in Shopping/Health/Nutrition/Dietary_Supplements/Specialty_Products/ and we simply don't need any more sites that sell the exact same coral 'formula' promoted by the same guy.
  3. Nope, not in that queue either.
  4. I don't see it in there, nor is there any indication that it has ever been there. Are you sure that's where you submitted?
  5. The public-side page has now been updated, and your site is now visible. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  6. It *is* listed in that category, it's just that the public-side page hasn't been regenerated since it was listed. Your site was listed on 13th March, and if you look at the bottom of the category page, you can see that the public-side page was last updated on 4th March. I've just gone in there and given the category a kick to get it updated. At the moment, page regeneration is on hold while some internal processes are completed, so regeneration requests are being queued. The process should start up again in a day or so. Please come back here and prompt us if your site doesn't appear after 3 days.
  7. Silvernecklaces.com is a sub-site of internationalgoldchain.com, and as such it will not be listed.
  8. >> My client is really pushing me to find answers [...] He finds "evenutally" an unacceptable answer. << Then you shouldn't have promised him something you can't deliver. The queue for the correct category is the only place your site should be waiting. If we moved it elsewhere, another editor might get to it sooner, but he or she would just move it to where it should be listed, and it would sit in the queue again. Sit back, be patient, and remember not to promise ODP listings to your clients again.
  9. Re: URL update for http://www.paloaltosoftware.com I was about to go and sort it out for you, but I found that someone else had already done it. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  10. John_Caius: You missed one. Go back and check them all again, and then remember that windharp is German, and not a native English speaker, but he was willing to use someone else's language to help them out.
  11. dfy

    change or not?

    You can go to the category where the site is listed and click the Update_URL link at the top right of the page. Bear in mind that some areas have strict rules about what is and isn't allowed to be used as a site title, and that we do not change descriptions to add keywords. If there is something wrong with either your title or description, we'll change it. If what we've written is correct, but you just don't like it, we'll probably leave it as it is.
  12. http://dmoz.org/Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/Prosthetics/Breast_Prosthetics/ I've updated the description for you. Now I have my first job for the day, as the majority of titles in that category do not conform to the guidelines. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> <add> Corrected after Yapuka pointed out my mistake. <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" /> </add>
  13. dfy

    change or not?

    What sort of changes?
  14. Re: Site removed due to take personal "revenge" Yes you should. Please be ready to accept whatever the meta says. I don't know the details in your case, but it may be that your site was removed by a different editor, for a different reason. If things are the way you describe them, you can expect to see your site re-listed. However, there may be other parts to the story that you are currently unaware of, in which case you'll just have to accept them. Good luck.
  15. Re: Site removed due to take personal "revenge" You can look through some of the threads here and pick anyone with the word "meta" under their name (where you have "member"). Send the details to that person via a PM, and they will either look into it, or pass it to someone that will.
  16. Gone. Thanks for reporting it.
  17. Re: URL update for http://www.paloaltosoftware.com Since the two sites are very nearly identical, we've chosen one of them and listed it. There's no reason for us to change the URL of a working site.
  18. Re: i'm not sure that i'm submitted. i've been tr There's no indication that anything has happened to your site. This means that, assuming it went into our spam bucket, it's still in there. Don't worry, we have a team of dedicated editors that spend all of their time emptying the spam bucket every day. If your site's in there, it'll be found soon.
  19. Re: Status of http://www.topcambabes.com/ You're way too early to be asking about status yet, it was only submitted 20 days ago. Your site is in the queue, waiting for someone to come along and review it. Please wait at least a month between status requests. <add> Darn! She was too quick for me. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> </add>
  20. >> nobody hacked into Dmoz last year. It was an April's fool << And it looks like a lot of people got fooled. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  21. Every re-submission overwrites the previous one. This means that if an editor is sorting the queue by date (the default), a re-submission will bump a site down to the bottom of the queue.
  22. Your site is in the queue for that category, and it shows as having been submitted on 12th December 2002. I make that just over 3 months, and way short of 2 years.
  23. I believe you really meant Computers/Hardware/Technical_Evaluations_and_Product_Reviews. I can see your site there in the queue, dated 20th March 2003. Please leave at least a month between status requests.
  24. Re: Please check status http://www.myadzone.com/ >> my other site [...] deals with autos only and it is not sub-site of myadzone.com << It looks to me like it is. When I go to myadzone.com I see a classified ads directory, with several categories. At the top of the page, before the categories, is a mysterious unexplained 'form', which turns out to be the search function from autotraderzone.com. Moving down a little we come to the first category, which is "Aircrafts / Automotives / Boats" (sic). The first four sub-categories here all lead to autotraderzone.com. And not to deep-links either, all go to the front page. Further down, below the rest of the categories there's a "Local Auto Trader Zones" area, with links to dozens of autotraderzone.com sub-sites. Still further down there is a vast list of keywords, mostly related to autos, and auto trading. It seems clear from this that autotraderzone.com is where all the auto ads submitted to myadzone.com will end up. This means that autotraderzone.com is a sub-site of myadzone.com.
  25. Re: Status: http://www.MonotStreet.com/ Your submission got caught by our spam filter and sent for manual sorting. Don't worry about this, our spam filter is easily triggered and we won't hold it against you. It's half way through the sorting process right now, and it will soon be moved to the correct category. There's no need for you to do anything more. Please wait at least a month before enquiring again (in this thread).
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