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Everything posted by lachenm
No, sorry, nothing new. Your site is still waiting. You are absolutely right about no category in the ODP being without an editor. There are many editors listed higher in that branch of the directory who can edit there, and there are also quite a few editall and meta editors who can edit anywhere in the directory.
First, a website may have separate listings for each language, so there would be no problem with having irisceramica.it listed in both an English and and Italian language category. Incidentally, the http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Italy categories are for sites about Italy that are written in English. If they are in Italian, they would be listed in http://dmoz.org/World/Italiano/Regionale/Europa/Italia/ Generally, we will list one main URL for a company, and allow users to find the appropriate language-specific version using the company's website navigation, as this is generally a much more stable solution for us. In other words, we will list either irisceramica.com or irisceramica.it in the directory, but not both. You will have to decide which one is your main site, and it will be listed in appropriate English-language and Italian-language categories.
It looks like the discussion has just about wrapped up. I've brought your post to the attention of one of the editors who was discussing it, so we should know more soon.
I'm afraid it's still waiting in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Sports/Boarding/Skateboarding/ , with over 100 others. Sorry the news isn't better.
Well, here's the thing, your site really isn't selling anything (it's a collection of digital images, mostly of cars, with some motorcross). That's not a bad thing at all, but it means that it doesn't belong anywhere in the Shopping/ hierarchy. Shopping/ is for sites that sell things to people. The question then becomes, "Where does your site belong?". As far as I can tel, your site is primarily recreational in nature -- you like cars and motorcycles, and want to share your pictures of them. I don't know of any category for image galleries of both autos and motorcycles, but most of your content is about autos. As a result, your site has been moved to http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Autos/Image_Galleries , where it is awaiting review with fewer than 75 others.
Ah, thanks windharp. I didn't try www.medical.philips.com. Information about heartstarthome.com isn't obvious from the main www.philips.com site, where the heartstarthome.com subpage backlinks. So I'd still say that Philips could do a better job of marketing, and I'll stick with my points about their Philips.com site -- if it's not so important to them, why should it be to us? The answer, of course, is that it shouldn't. And windharp is absolutely correct about our not caring how much a website is spread out -- in general, we'll list it once.
Actually, that wasn't what I was implying. I was saying that Philips could do a better job of promoting its own product, instead of worrying about an ODP listing. But now that you mention it, you make an excellent point. Let me get this straight -- the company that owns the site, and ostensibly knew about its development even before the site went live, hasn't even linked to it yet, and you're complaining about ODP response time? Think about this another way: the company that owns this product, and is supposedly making money from it, doesn't think it is important enough to link from its own site (at least I couldn't find a link) -- but you think that the ODP, which has no interest in the product, should consider it important enough to link from our site? That's why the ODP rarely lists single-product sites of larger companies. The ODP is not a crutch for companies or designers who can't figure out how to market their products effectively from their websites. Now, I'm not saying that the site definitely won't be listed, but it is somewhat unlikely. I don't know about losing momentum. As far as I can tell, the ODP adds more sites every day than any other directory. Now, it may not always add sites in the categories of interest to you, but it does add plenty of sites. Unfortunately, you seem to be sharing a common misconception about the ODP. The ODP is not a service for website promoters, designers, or owners. It is a volunteer-run directory that is aimed at helping people find information on the internet -- in other words, it is ultimately a service for surfers. Sometimes the interests of website promoters, designers, and owners are aligned with our own. That's why we accept site suggestions from the public -- those suggestions sometimes alert us to excellent resources. However, because those outside interests are not always aligned with ours, the categories with the greatest number of public suggestions aren't necessarily the ones that help users the most (How much value does the 3,001st site selling left-handed, tie-dyed widgets really add for the end user?). As a result, those categories don't necessarily capture the greatest amount of interest from volunteer editors. It is also important to remember that site suggestions are by no means the only way we build the ODP -- editors are encouraged to find sites on their own, and are not required to process site suggestions in any order or at any particular speed. Adding good sites that editors find can often be more productive than processing site suggestions -- instead of the ODP being limited to a reflection of what designers, promoters, and owners want people to see, it also reflects what people who actually use the web want to see. Editors edit where they have an interest and where they see a need. If members of the public see a need that is not being addressed, they can apply to be editors. The bottom line is that your site will be reviewed when a volunteer editor finds the time and has the interest. Do I wish the processing times could be faster? Sure. And that's part of the reason why I constantly encourage people to apply to be editors.
Were you requesting another status check? From what you wrote, I wasn't exactly sure. If you were, your site is still waiting, still with lots of others. As for what is going on, the answer is simple: we are glad that so many people, including you, are interested enough in the ODP to suggest sites for inclusion. We don't guarantee a specific time for review, and indeed, we don't guarantee a listing for any site. When a volunteer editor has both enough time and interest, the sites in a category will be reviewed. In the meantime, speaking not as an editor, but as an individual, I highly suggest trying some other web promotion strategies. There are many more appropriate forums where these types of strategies can be discussed. One thing I will mention is that since your site is part of Philips, which is already listed in the directory, if Philips wants to direct ODP users to their HeartStart product, they can certainly do so from their already listed pages.
It is. Raggedyrugs was giving you advice about applying to be an editor, not about getting a site listed. However, it is good advice anyhow for people who are suggesting links to use appropriate titles and descriptions. If submitters make the editors' jobs easier, sites can be listed more quickly. Sure! Your site was listed on July 20. It should appear on the public side whenever it syncs with the editor side. Unfortunately, this normally quick process has been halted by the ongoing upgrades, and we don't know when it will resume, but staff is working on a fix.
Still no change, I'm sorry to say.
Re: photography site I'm afraid the status is still unchanged. Sorry the news isn't better.
Re: Did I post correctly? Is my site in the queue Bobrat gave you some good advice. To answer your other questions (two asked, one unasked): You asked if it was common for sites to wait a long time. The answer is that it depends. Editors are volunteers, and aren't required to process any particular number of submitted sites in any particular amount of time. Some sites wait for much longer than yours has, and some are accepted within minutes of submission. Unfortunately, we can't tell you how long it will be until your site is reviewed, because we don't know. You also asked if it is normal for editors not to respond to email. The answer is, most definitely, yes. Editors are absolutely not required to respond to email, and because so many have had bad experiences with email exchanges, very few editors ever reply. Finally, what you didn't ask directly is the status of your site, but I'll tell you anyhow. It is still awaiting review in that category, with fewer than fifty others. When a volunteer editor has the time, your site will be reviewed. I know it seems like a long time to wait, but many other sites have been waiting much longer. I'm afraid the only suggestion I have for you is to keey waiting, with as much patience as possible. There is nothing you can do to speed your site's review.
http://www.newterritoryleathers.com status please
replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Re: http://www.newterritoryleathers.com status pl Still awaiting review with over 250 others in that category. >>Have I moved up the list at all?<< Unfortunately, that's an impossible question to answer. Editors may sort unreviewed sites in several ways, and they may choose to edit them in any order they wish. As a result, "moving up" is a meaningless concept. All any of us can say is that your site is waiting, and it will be reviewed when a volunteer editor finds the time. Incidentally, it appears that you have a brick-and-mortar retail location in Santa Fe. If so, you might want to submit your site to: http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/New_Mexico/Localities/S/Santa_Fe/Business_and_Economy/Shopping There is no backlog in that category at all, so you may be listed more quickly. A listing in the Santa Fe Regional/ branch category should be completely independent of your original submission, and should not affect its status in any way. -
After checking on the situation, I think that the editor note was misleading you. No one has any problem with your editor status. Your site is currently awaiting review, so just sit back, take a deep breath, relax, and wait...
Hi Nick, There is absolutely no problem with an editor having his or her own site listed. I'd guess that a very large percentage of editors have sites listed. At the moment, I am attempting to clarify the situation regarding your site, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Although I'm not a meta, I'd say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being an editor of a category in which you have a site -- as long as you: 1. are honest about your affiliations from the very start. 2. can remain unbiased in your editing of the category.
Well, I was checking the site (at the same time alucard was, I guess)... Since I had the page loaded anyhow and since your site appears to be working, I added it back to the unreviewed pool for you, so there's no need to resubmit.
Yes, it has been a long time. Unfortunately, there are literally hundreds of sites waiting for review in that category -- and many have been waiting even longer than you. Now remember that those hundreds are just in one letter, and there are a lot of letters and numbers... We wish that we had more qualified volunteer editors to help reduce the numbers of sites waiting, but at the moment, we don't. This forum is not designed to expedite listings. It is designed to allow submitters to ask about the status of a site. Editors will not review a site more quickly just because it is requested in this forum. Doing so would quickly make these forums useless. Unfortunately, I'm afraid you'll have to be patient...but since you asked, I have a question for you. Are you just reselling Wild West (aka Go Daddy) hosting (and domain names)? If so, could you explain why we should list your site, given the ODP inclusion guidelines? In other words, what, if anything, is unique about your service that couldn't be found on Go Daddy, or on any one of the more than 1,000 other Wild West reseller sites?
Your submission of 25 Feb 2003 is still waiting, still with hundreds of others. Due to the large number of sites waiting in that category, if I were you, I'd probably wait several months to check again, but as the forum guidelines say, you should feel free to check again after at least one month.
The short answer is that we list sites based on what is actually on the website. We do not list sites based on the potential of some material appearing at some (specified or unspecified) time in the future. When I posted a couple of months ago, your sites were Connecticut-specific. Today, a brief look suggests that they are still Connecticut-specific. At the moment, the only place I can think that they might be listable is in a Connecticut category, as mentioned above. If your site develops content for other states, it might be listable elsewhere. But please note that I also stated that as a subsite for a specific project of CPEC, it might not be listable at all. It depends on what the local editor thinks, and the more content, the better your chances.
No. There is absolutely no way to speed up listings in the ODP. Editors are volunteers, and they are not required to review any particular number of listings, or to review them in any particular order. This forum is intended to help people check on the status of their submissions, not to help them "jump ahead in the line". If we were to list people based on requests here, this forum would quickly become overwhelmed, and would no longer be helpful to submitters or editors. I'm afraid you'll just have to be patient.
[Edited] Alucard was faster! [/Edited]
Re: http://www.doggtagz.com/ Your site is still waiting for review, still with lots of others. Sorry the news isn't better.
Still waiting, I'm afraid.
[Edited] Kokopeli was faster! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> [/Edited]
Re: Status of www.rerock4ever.com Sorry you didn't get a response last time. Sometimes those posts slip down the page too quickly. Your site is awaiting review in a very small pool.