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Everything posted by lachenm
You're welcome. Glad to help. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Please feel free to check back in a month after you resubmit, if your site hasn't been listed. If you do, please re-use this thread, instead of starting a new one. Also, just a note to any other prospective submitters who may be reading this: In general, the Regional/United_States branch is concerned with where you are physically located, rather than where you serve, or what the nearest big city is to you. Although there are a few (very few) exceptions, in general, submitting to someplace other than the smallest geographic area encompassing all your locations (if you have one location, that's the city or town where you are) will just delay your listing.
Well, gee, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you've been staring at a computer screen for too long? <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Your site is still listed in http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/Full_Service/D/ under "Dot Magic Solutions". Your update requests haven't been touched and are waiting for review in a queue of less than 100 sites. If you have a physical location where clients can meet you, you may want to apply for a listing in an appropriate category of the Regional branch.
Your site is not in the queue in that category, and I can see no record of it having been reviewed. I recommend that you resubmit. However, since you are located in Miami Beach, not Miami proper, you should submit in: http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Florida/Localities/M/Miami_Beach/Business_and_Economy/
Unfortunately, we would need esp to do that... <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /> There is no way to find a submitted site without first finding the category to which it was submitted. The only way to find your site then, would be for an editor to guess every possible category to which you might have submitted and check them all. If you think you know where you might have submitted, please provide a clickable link. Without that information, all I can tell you is that it looks like your site hasn't been touched (neither accepted nor deleted) by an editor, and if you submitted successfully, it is probably sitting in an unreviewed queue somewhere. As you don't sell T-shirts online, I guessed that a reasonable place for your site might be http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Texas/Localities/S/Sherman/Business_and_Economy/ . However, there are no unreviewed sites in that cat. Since it looks like your site might belong there, and since it might be reviewed quickly in an area with a very short queue, I suggest submitting it there. Submitting to a Regional/ category won't affect your chances for a listing in one of the Topical categories.
You are correct, you should not resubmit. It's in the queue, and resubmitting will not help. If you do, you will likely overwrite your old submission, which would just have the effect of moving you down the page if an editor sorts the queue by date. "Position in the queue" is a largely meaningless concept in the ODP. The queue may be sorted in several ways, giving vastly different orders -- this is a matter of editor's personal choice. Moreover, editors may edit sites in any order (they don't have to follow the order on their screen). As a result, there is no way to predict when your site (or any other) will be reviewed. The best we can tell you is that the site is in the queue, so it will be reviewed when an editor with knowledge of the category has time to do so. Please feel free to check again by posting to this thread in a month.
Status request for http://www.candybardesigns.com
replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Re: Status request for http://www.candybardesigns. I doubt your reply was deemed inappropriate, but I have noticed that some people have been having problems with posts getting through. To answer your question: it does if it is part of a MLM scheme. In those cases (like Amway and Cherubs-N-Chocolate), we list the main corporate website, but not the individual representative/dealer sales sites. Again, I recommend reading http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#affiliate , especially the section entitled "Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) and Pyramid Schemes". It should provide an answer to your questions. You will find that the main site of Cherubs-N-Chocolate is listed in http://dmoz.org/Business/Opportunities/Networking-MLM/C/ , and that's the only listing they should get under the guidelines. -
Status request for http://www.candybardesigns.com
replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Re: Status request for http://www.candybardesigns. Oops. <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" /> Thanks dracus. I edited the URL in my post, just to avoid any confusion. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> -
Status request for http://www.candybardesigns.com
replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Re: Status request for http://www.candybardesigns. Your site is a Cherubs-N-Chocolate affiliate, and as such is not listable under ODP guidelines. If you have any questions, please see the ODP submission guidelines at: http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#affiliate [Edited URL to avoid confusion] -
Also, your site appears to have been submitted on March 1, 2003. Please leave at least a month before asking about its status. [Added] Darn beebware posting too fast <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Actually, no one said either "exactly 12" sites or anything about being "ahead" of yours. Beebware said that it was waiting "with around a dozen other sites," and the queue is still around a dozen. The concept of "ahead" (or behind, for that matter) is meaningless. Editors may review sites in any order they choose, regardless of which site appears at the top of their screen. Also, editors can view the queue in several different orders, so it would be impossible to tell you which site would appear at the top of any given editor's screen. So all we can tell you is that there are around a dozen sites awaiting review in that category. Please feel free to ask again about your site's status if it hasn't been listed after another month.
[edited out response to wrong thread -- my mistake]
If you submitted in January, you must also have submitted on February 26, overwriting your previous submission. Your site is awaiting review in a queue with fewer than 10 sites. Every category in the ODP has an editor, whether one is listed in that category or not. Anyone who edits in a category listed above a given category may edit in that category. In addition, editors with editall, editall/catmv, and meta privileges may edit in any category in the directory. Don't worry, your site will be reviewed! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> After one month, if your site has not appeared in the directory, please feel free to ask about the status again (please reuse this thread instead of starting a new one).
Unfortunately, your site has little actual "guide" content, and moreover, it is a TravelNow.com affiliate. As a result, is not listable according to ODP guidelines. If you have questions about the ODP policies regarding affiliate sites, please see http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#affiliate
Flaky DNS? The correct URL (without the period) works for me. The update request is waiting for review with over 100 other sites.
Re: Status of www.eczemasite.com - any movement? Nope, it's not too early, but unfortunately, there's no new information. Your site is still awaiting review in a fairly short (less than 20 sites) queue.
Re: http://www.win4now.co.uk Site Submission Statu There is no change. It is awaiting review in a short (less than 20 sites) queue. Times to review vary greatly among categories, and are not easily predictable.
I don't edit in that category, but if I did, I wouldn't add "Recruiting Software" to your title. Why not? Well, besides the guidelines that hutcheson correctly mentioned, your site is full of references to "Recruit Track" without "Recruiting Software" appended (including the title graphic). Personally, I would think that someone who was really worried about a trademark issue would change the material on the company's own website before worrying about how it was listed in a web directory. You're not likely to get sued because of how ODP lists a site, after all. As for the other sites you mentioned with "Recruiting Software" in the title, I looked at a couple, and if I edited in that category, I would certainly modify some of them (though at least one company actually has "Recruiting" in its name, so in that case, I would just remove the "Software"). Why are they there? Probably because editing guidelines have changed over the years, and it is possible that some titles/descriptions are now out of date. They should be changed when an editor next takes a look at them. Regarding your submitted title and description, if you would like to know why it probably would never be accepted as is, I suggest looking at the ODP Editing Style Guidelines -- especially the sections referring to the Title and Description. For example, descriptions should not repeat words in the category or pathname. They should also describe the contents of the site, not just the business of the site owner.
Oops. Sorry about misreading the logs, and any confusion from my post. Must have been having a bad day. <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" /> In my defense, one submission of http://www.italiancookerycourse.com/ was deleted back in 2001 from http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Travel/Specialty_Travel/ , though. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> And, to clarify further, I don't really see any reason why the cooking school shouldn't be listed in the Specialty_Travel/Culinary subcategory. It seems to be in line with the other sites listed there. Whether the main site or the "subsite" is listed would be an editorial choice (which is what I was really trying to say -- we usually don't link two URL's, if one is a subsite, but there are exceptions, and this may be one). Again, sorry for any confusion caused by my far too brief and unclear post.
Re: Change Category or resubmit? Yes, there is, but I don't have the necessary permissions to help you. You'll have to wait for an editall+ or an editor in that area of the directory to check the queue. In any event, there is no need to resubmit if you have already submitted an update. What I can tell you is that there are only a few sites in the queue in your category, and that your site doesn't appear to have had an update request denied. If you did submit, the request is probably still waiting in a relatively short line for review. Hopefully, someone else will be along soon to give you a more specific answer. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Re: Change Category or resubmit? While I am not familiar with the specifics of your business or category, a general answer to your question is that you can: 1. Try to find a better category for your site. 2. Go to the category in which your site is currently listed. 3. Use the "update URL" link at the top of the page. In the "nature of your changes" box, list the new category which you think is better, and why. It would also probably help to rewrite your description (in accordance with the guidelines -- keyword stuffing and promotional language are likely to be ignored) to fit with the requested category. An editor will review the request and will decide whether to move your site. Of course, there's no guarantee that you will get the desired outcome. In any event, a duplicate submission in a Topical category would not be appropriate. However, you are also eligible for a Regional listing in your home town (in your case http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Localities/V/Vista/Business_and_Economy/ seems to be an appropriate category).
Let's see... http://www.buywineonline.com brings up a generic BuyDomains.com "Domain for Sale" page. No action has been taken on it, but it won't be listed until there's some content. http://www.anglerscircle.com brings up a "Server Not Found" error. Again, no action has been taken on the URL, but it won't be listed until there is an actual website at that URL. http://www.ramblinguk.com looks like it was recently submitted, and seems to have run into the IP address "submission issue". It's in the queue and will be reviewed. Given the minimal content (a few affiliate links and some "under construction" pages), I doubt it will be accepted, though. If you want to check again, you should probably wait a month or so (but use this thread). If you do check again, please include a clickable link to the category or categories to which you submitted your URL(s). It looks to me like you may have bigger problems than getting an ODP listing. My unsolicited advice is to create your sites, and develop content for them so that visitors will have something to see, before worrying about where they are listed. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> The ODP doesn't accept sites "under construction" or sites lacking unique content (affiliate links are not considered unique content). As for suggesting small walking or fishing categories, you might want to try looking at one of the various subcategories in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Recreation_and_Sports/Walking/ or http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Recreation_and_Sports/Sports/Country_Sports/Fishing/ . There are also quite a few small subcategories of http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Outdoors/Fishing/ . I'm sure you could find more by searching the directory.
I don't edit in any of the categories to which you submitted, but hopefully I can be of some help. www.italiancookerycourse.com contains information about Casa Ombuto ( http://www.casaombuto.com/ ), which is already listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Italy/Regions/Tuscany/Localities/Poppi/ and http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Italien/Toskana/Gastgewerbe/Unterkunft/Ferienwohnungen_und_-h%e4user/ . As a result, it looks like it was deleted from the queue in both categories a long time ago. In general, we list one main url for a business. http://www.quality-villas.co.uk/ is a mirror of http://www.quality-villas.com/ and was not listed. Your agency is eligible for one listing in the appropriate subcategory of http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/ . I don't have time right now to check to see if it is already listed under one of your many url's (e.g. http://www.holiday-villa-france.com/ , http://www.luxury-villas-france.com/ , http://www.luxuryvillasfrance.com/ , http://www.qualityvillasitaly.co.uk/ ). Hopefully, both you and the editors more familiar with the England categories already know the answer.
If you have an actual brick-and-mortar location, you may also apply for a listing in Regional/ where the queues tend to be shorter. Judging from a quick glance at your site, http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/New_York/Localities/P/Poughkeepsie/Business_and_Economy/ looks like the appropriate place to apply..
>>You absolutely can't turn an affiliate shopping site into ANYTHING and make it listable in shopping. You generally can't turn an affiliate shopping site into an informational site (and make it listable).<< Hutcheson, I agree completely with almost everything you have said. It wasn't my intent to suggest that adding information would make the site listable in Shopping/ , and I hope it wasn't construed that way. However, I do think that it is possible to turn quite a few types of affiliate sites (though admittedly, not all) into listable informational sites; a little imagination and hard work can go a long way. The problem is that it would require much more work than most affiliate site owners are willing to undertake for an ODP listing.