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  1. There are multiple threads on this here, but I'll repost this link which looks at the operation in more detail. The site DOES say that you can cancel your listing and get a refund. I haven't heard any feedback from people trying to cancel though.
  2. I'll put my hands up and say that it's happened to me too.. the URL change thing is the most common way of having the problem. You can't actually add two entries with the same URL to a category, it is essentially a bug/feature. Side note - the workaround for editors is always to move a site back to the unreviewed queue when changing the URL, and then re-publish it.
  3. Re: Submission Status http://www.realultimatepower I can't find it at http://dmoz.org/Recreation/humor/Interactive/ - although the site does look familiar. Note that http://www.realultimatepower is what we call a "vanity" URL. We would most likely list the URL as being the msu.edu one. Have you submitted this site under a different URL in the past?
  4. At present the humor content part of the site ("Worst Boss" and "Worst Employee" stories) are empty - given that the only other content at present are links to some articles and a small collection of photos, then at present the site does not have sufficient content for a listing and has not been accepted at this time. I'm sure that if you ask around some online communities and friends for stories of this natures then you might be able to get a listing at a later date.
  5. That's sitting in a queue with 19 others to be looked over. No determination has been made on that site yet.
  6. Re: amazing-hgh.com - $250 award - site not MLM Affiliate sites are also prohibited from being listed in the directory. Please understand that I'm not the person who would be reviewing your application, but I can't see that you actually have the capacity to ship product yourself. The last time this came up the editors identified the site as a possible fraternal mirror: The shopping cart from 1Automationwiz.com lists order fulfillment as being from "IMI Health Care" which does not appear to be in the business listings anywhere. This is not reflected in your WHOIS entry which appears to indicate that you are a private individual. Pretty much all the product details are duplicated on other similiar sites, although I will concede that there is no other site with identical content as far as I can see. The 1AutomationWiz.com program is a useful one for MLM as it keeps track of different tiers of commissions, which is an indicator that some of the products might be MLM. So, if it's not MLM or an affiliate program, then I guess you must be dropshipping? Or do you actually process physical product?
  7. Re: amazing-hgh.com - help site not mlm I don't edit that area at all, but there are lots of signs that it appears to be an affiliate or MLM site. No, I won't list what those indications are here - I think in the case of this site you'd need to show that your company actually exists and is actually respsonsible for the distribution of these products and the fulfillment of customer orders.
  8. The site was listed in the category on 13th November 2002. Sorry for the delay, but that particular category is awash with new submissions. New editors for Humor are always welcome, but as theseeker suggests you should look for a smallish category with no listed editor to begin with - there are quite a few of these to choose from <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  9. I looked over the site and it's not really humor as such, although the products are quite funny. I think it's probably better placed in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Toys_and_Games/Novelty/ so the listing has been moved to that category for review.
  10. Please can you mark me as "editor" too please <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> http://dmoz.org/profiles/shritwod.html
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