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Everything posted by evision

  1. I submitted to this category in October :Business: Construction and Maintenance: Commercial Contractors: Exterior: Roofing. Is this the wrong category for them? Thnx
  2. Help me. I've been working on this one for 6 months. I sent the login to the members only area that was requested 6 weeks ago via email to one of the editors. Is there some problem we need to know about?
  3. I'm just following up on this one. I sent the login information to the members’ only area that we were asked for to one of the other editors, kenloc, at the beginning of the month. Is there a problem we need to know about (now that I’ve told them how important it is to get into OPD they keeping calling about it.) PS- There’s lots of pretty women to look at. Just a little incentive!
  4. Just checked. Yes that is the path
  5. In May I submitted this site to this category Business: Industries: Manufacturing: Casting, Molding, Machining: Plating and Metal Finishing A month or two later I used the feedback form to see if I had the correct category. The customer took a closer look at the available categories and told me he believes there should be a new category and sent me a (rather long) description of why. I’ll paste that below. I sent this using the feedback form sometime in August. I don’t remember which editor it went to (This was before I new about this forum). Can you tell me what category we should submit to if you don’t think there should be a new category? Thnx, Ok – Here’s the customers description on why they think there should be a new category. My name is Glenn Mueller I am from a company called Mueller Corporation, a vacuum metalizing facility located in East Bridgewater MA. Vacuum Metalizing is the process of evaporating aluminum or a number of other metals under a vacuum and then condensing it back on to what ever you are trying to coat. The result is a very uniform coating that is reflective or chrome in appearance. It is used for many things including flashlight reflectors, headlights, trophies, toys, ect. Vacuum Metalizing can also be use for RFI (radio frequency interference), EMI (electro magnetic interference), ESD (electro static discharge), and as a vapor barrier. The reason I am writing is in reference to the Open Directory Project. Under the category Business: Industries: Manufacturing , there is no sub category for plating, surface preparing, coating, or finishing. This is a very large industry including; vacuum metalizing, electroplating, sputtering, painting, powder coating, and many other industrial coatings. Not only that but using the search bar with the words (vacuum metalizers, vacuum metalizing, vacuum plating) gives you nothing. Granted if you go to Top: Business: Industries: Manufacturing: Casting, Molding, Machining: Plating and Metal Finishing; there are a few of these services offered but in my opinion they have nothing to do with : Casting, Molding, Machining. Most people would not know to look in this category to find these services. I believe there should be a subcategory for Industrial Coatings and Finishes under Business: Industries: Manufacturing category. I think it would make your site much more user friendly and make it much more useful for industrial coatings companies like Mueller Corporation. I hope that you will consider the change. Thank You. Here’s their site information – http://www.muellercorp.com Title: Vacuum metalizing; electronic shielding, reflective, chrome like finishes - Mueller Corporation description : The Mueller Corporation applies durable metallic finishes on plastic, glass and metals including; a decorative chrome like finish, reflective coatings, and RFI/EMI shielding, using a process called Vacuum Metalizing. An alternative to electroplating. ISO 9002 registered
  6. Just checking on this. Did the login information get to the correct person? I sent via the feedback form. There were, I think, 3 editors listed so I sent it to the first one on the list. Thnx
  7. Ok. Just sent a login using the feedback form. Thnx
  8. Just checked with them. The members get access to all the women, not just the ones who agreed to let their photos appear on the public pages. But they don't put any personal information on the web site for privacy reasons. The men are personally introduced to the women they'd like to meet. But if I can direct you to a couple of pages I think you'll see they are matchmakers. The guys pay a $10,000 to $20,000 fee (I guess that's why it's for millionaires!) here's the page about joining; http://millionairesclub123.com/join_men.html. The about page explains how they work; http://millionairesclub123.com/about_us.html And then there's an article that appeared in Marie Clarie that talks about them; http://magazines.ivillage.com/marieclaire/mind/issues/articles/0,13794,434739_437862-2,00.html Let me know if you need anything else. Thnx.
  9. Ok Thnx. I'll submit to the other category
  10. I submitted this site about six weeks ago to http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Dating/Personals/Specialized/. Do you know if there's a problem or if it's not the correct category? This is a high end dating service (way too rich for me!). We had a choice of this category or http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Dating/Personals/Matchmaking/ We went with 'specialized' since we saw their competitors there.
  11. Thanks for the quick reply. The site's not acutally a mirror. The .biz site is database driven and uses URL queries, with questions marks, to build dynamic product pages. Becuase we wouldn't be able to get the search engines to index the product pages we built the .com site with top products in standard HTML pages. Since this dosen't matter with OPD I guess we should just submit .biz site? They tell me it's not an affilate site either, but a separate business that's actually a competitor of that other one, and many others. However the ordering processes are all handled by one company (I don't know. Does that make them an affilate). Thanks again. I learned a few things.
  12. On 5-21-02 I submitted this http://www.shoppingasseenontv.com/ to the Top: Arts: Television: Infomercials, http://dmoz.org/Arts/Television/Infomercials/, category where I found similar web sites. Checking on 7-26-02 the site was not listed and I noticed there was no editor so I submitted to Shopping: Gifts: Stores: S, http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Varied_Merchandise/S/ So far the site has not been listed. I’m a web designer and do more and more Search engine marketing for clients. I never knowing SPAM and follow the ‘best practices’. I swear!
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