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Everything posted by motsa
Just a little comment regarding wanting to add your site to the vending machine manufacturers category: I know you told me that you assemble some of your own machines but as far as I can tell the category is for companies that actually manufacture parts (or entire pieces) for vending machines, not ones that assemble parts created elsewhere. I also couldn't find anything on your site that gave any kind of information about that aspect of your business so I don't think the site would be listed in that category.
Only 2 weeks have passed since your last post....it's too soon to ask again. Please leave at least a month between requests.
What about applying somewhere around Monroe? I'm sure there are lots of small localities in NC that could use some loving care?
Re: Thanks It could take a lot longer than a month. We just ask that you (a) don't ask about it until at least a month after you submitted and (b) that you leave at least a month between status update requests. :-)
Please do not start a new thread to discuss a site that you just posted about. Please continue all discussion about this site in this thread.
Further to your query in the other thread, your site was never rejected from that category. All that resubmitting did was overwrite the one that was already sitting there with one dated Feb. 12.
As I said, if there are others exactly like it already listed, they will get dealt with eventually but arguing about the listing of your competitors' sites is beyond the scope of this thread...and this forum. I will tell you that there's a big difference between a site that offers little content, all of that being affiliate links, and a site that offers a large amount of content, only part of which is affiliate links.
In the same way that submitters posting about their site's status won't get their site reviewed faster by an editor checking on it, asking about your application here will not get your editor application reviewed faster.
You're still waiting for review in the category along with under 50 other sites. And, no, we can't say how much longer it will take for you to get reviewed. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
In the future, please reuse your original thread when coming back to ask about a site again.
Re: Status of http://www.sainiherb.com/ This is what he wants:
In my experience, though, I've never had that problem with root domain URLs (only with specific pages on a web site where, yes, case is extremely important), not even with my own sites. For example, http://ACOUNTRYPRACTICE.COM , http://AcountRyPraCTice.cOM , and http://acountrypractice.com all bring up the same page (even using Rex Swain's viewer). Weird but I'm sure your host techies will come up with something. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
[i'm using IE 5.1 on a Mac and this is the only site I've ever come across that was sensitive about the case in the URL -- it has to be something on the server side that is incompatible with some browsers] If you look at my first post, you'll see that I said that the site (in all lower case) was waiting in the queue along with under a dozen sites.
Going to Dried-Flowers-Galore.com brings up http://www.arishost.com/dftpages/error404.html which states "HTTP ERROR 404 - Page Not Found - The server cannot locate a document corresponding to the URL your have entered. An improperly typed URL, broken link, or a removed document is usually the cause of this error. Please contact the administrator of the site or page you are trying to visit if you have any questions. " Going to dried-flowers-galore.com, on the other hand, brings up the site properly.
It's returning an error message from ArisHost. Having problems? [edited to add: Ah, you can't give the URL with capital letters like that as your host doesn't recognize it as being valid -- the correct URL is dried-flowers-galore.com. You're in the queue along with under a dozen others.]
The articles aren't unique content as there are just a handful of them and they are just links to other sites (the same with the news). We're not comparing your site to others like it. We're just talking just about yours here. If there are others like it, they will get dealt with eventually but that's beyond the scope of this thread. Your site lacks enough unique content to list. Period.
You offer neglible information about the schools and all of the "request information" links are affiliate links, not contact details for the schools themselves. As such you don't offer any unique information and will not be listed. [oops, had my reply window open too long and hutcheson beat me to it]
Please read the first post in this thread. It should answer your question.
Still waiting in both categories.
You can do that if you'd like.
The search may not have been updated with those deletions yet (search isn't updated automatically). Did you actually look in the categories where the sites were to see if they're still there?
Did you ask the editor you originally complained to about them again?
I've been checking at various points throughout today and it's been wonky each time -- but only the General ODP Issues forum. The others are all fine.
Because you aren't actually selling the systems from your web site (i.e. you don't have a catalog or prices), you don't qualify for a Shopping listing. Also, as nothing more than a lead generator for a group of ADT dealers, the site really isn't eligible for listing anywhere else.
You only submitted 10 days ago. Too early to be asking for a status check but FWIW you're in the queue along with under 100 others. Please wait at least a month before returning to this thread to inquire about the status of this site again. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />