That would be "on the basis of an [/i]editorial[/i] judgement". Sites that have been listed for years are deleted every day when someone discovers them and determines that they don't warrant listing. Note: I wasn't the editor involved with this particular site but I certainly wouldn't email a webmaster, whose site I deemed inappropriate for listing, telling them what I was doing. That would just open me up for longwinded discussions about why their site should be listed and why I was a horrible meanie for deleting them....and possible spawn retaliation against my email account. Not worth it, IMO. It's a rare editor who will email you to tell you they're deleting your listing.
Frankly, you can have as many sites as you like but the larger site is really the only one that is likely to get a listing in the ODP (I say likely because it really depends on the sites involved). In your case in particular, really has very little content period that isn't covered by the hotels' web sites themselves being listed and when the listings themselves duplicate of what is available from the main national site, there is zero point from an ODP perspective in listing the state-specific subsite(s).
From my POV, you would have to add a significant amount of unique information that isn't available on the national site and is particular to Queensland and isn't replicated on any of a number of other sites about Queensland. I can't really be more specific than that.