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Everything posted by motsa
Given what can be seen without actually applying for a payday loan on any of the URLs that make up this site (prldirect.com, paydayloan-fastcash.com, secure.telenium.ca, www.paydayloan-application.com, etc.), it looks like a lead generator. You provide zero contact details beyond a fill-in form and a button to connect to live chat. You provide neglible company information, not even the name.
Wow, so sorry about the delay - looks like you submitted in July 2001. You're there now (I'm off to check the area for other oldies). By the way, if you're at all interested in becoming an editor, it looks like a few localities in New Mexico could use some loving attention (and I imagine there are quite a few sites/businesses in those towns that aren't yet listed). Just a thought. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
You were deleted from the http://dmoz.org/Business/Financial_Services/Loans/Payday_Advance_Services/ queue because you are just a lead generator for Fast Media Leads.
Please don't start a new thread to add new information to the request you just made -- please use your first thread for this request.
No idea. It's been a couple of months since the category was last updated.
Make sure, when you're asking for the status of submissions, that you specify where you submitted them (i.e. what category).
Your site was rejected for lack of content (you only have one condo listed). BTW what's with the gibberish on the condo communities page?
You're waiting in the smallish (under a dozen sites) queue so you don't need to resubmit.
Your content is predominantly affiliate links to other sites so you were rejected.
Please don't start a new thread to recheck on a site you've already asked about -- please use original thread.
You're listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Georgia/Localities/M/Marietta/Business_and_Economy/Travel_Services (which is the appropriate place for the site so you can stop submitting to the state level cat now). BTW editors rarely email submitters to tell them whether their site has been accepted or rejected so you weren't being singled out.
Want to give us your URL? I'm guessing it's http://jandd.com/ . BTW, that category should be http://dmoz.org/Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Sporting_Goods/Cycling/Accessories/Bags,_Cases,_and_Covers/ <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
It's been listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/West_Yorkshire/Wakefield/Business_and_Economy/Motoring since the end of November.
When you submitted the site, you would have seen the message in big letters that said "Very few submissions are accepted here. To reduce delays, please try to find an appropriate subcategory.", yes? Your site has been listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Motoring/Directories since the end of November.
FYI: when you provide the category link, please provide the dmoz.org category, not the google directory link -- http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Crafts/Supplies/Soap_and_Candle_Making/Candles/ You're waiting in the queue, along with a couple dozen other sites.
You're in the queue, along with over 30 others.
Which should tell you that Dmoz hasn't really updated.
It was felt that the current description is accurate so your requests to change it were denied.
original query When you come back to ask about this site, please reuse this thread; don't start a brand new one. Thanks.
No worries, mate. <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" /> [My gran'daddy was born in Lachine, donchaknow. Been lost there many times. LOL]
Don't know how you're related to the site (owner? designer?) but it was a nice change from some of the other sites I've been looking at lately -- no popups or ads, simply but nicely designed, interesting content (makes me want to go make some candles -- or at least burn them). <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Actually, http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/Quebec/Localities/L/Lachine/ is where you would want to submit, not the Montreal category.
2 months and a smidge isn't really very long. Your site is still in the queue along with a couple dozen others.
Re: At my category, click on add url, no sub. form I'm thinking you might be confusing filling in the editor application form (where it is very important that you fill the form in carefully and completely) with submitting a URL (which isn't really that serious a process). The only information asked for is the URL, title, and description of your site and your email address. If the title or description don't meet our guidelines, all that will happen is that the editor reviewing your site will correct them. It's important that you pick the best category to submit to but that's really it. When you submit your site, it goes into the unreviewed queue of the category you submitted it to. Beebware has helped you bypass the submittal process by putting you directly into the unreviewed queue -- he most likely used the title and description that are in your site's meta tags but those will probably not be in the final listing (whenever that happens). You don't need to do anything now that your site is in the queue except wait patiently. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Actually, that would probably end up being in the Palm Beach category.