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  1. Re: Status http://www.familyrs.com Geez, kept searching for the url and it wouldn't come up. Thanks!
  2. Re: Status http://www.familyrs.com Only ask once a month, I believe.... I actually tried finding the previous thread last month and couldn't find it, will try harder next time :-) I'll keep my fingers crossed there won't be a next time <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />
  3. Status http://www.familyrs.com http://www.familyrs.com/ http://dmoz.org/Health/Home_Health/Home_Care/Service_Providers/Non-Medical/ This category has not been touched since July 2002, thanks for a great forum!!!!
  4. Status of http://www.familyrs.com/ Looking for the status of: http://www.familyrs.com/ Submitted to: http://dmoz.org/Health/Home_Health/Home_Care/Service_Providers/Non-Medical/ Thanks!
  5. Sounds like a great idea...guess I have my work cut out for me :-) Thanks for the info! Dan
  6. Status, submitted 10-03-02 to http://dmoz.org/Arts/Celebrities/B/ Thanks, Dan (webmaster@haymeadows.com)
  7. http://www.familyrs.com http://dmoz.org/Health/Home_Health/Home_Care/Service_Providers/Non-Medical/ Thanks!
  8. Re: http://www.freedomspas.us *DELETED* Post deleted by HayMeadows
  9. Thank you, answered everything! Yes....I didn't have the url in the subject of the deleted post, sorry for the confustion....but thanks for the work!!!
  10. Sorry about the repost. Is there an alternate category that these can be listed in? This is an entirely separate product line that we carry - there are other major manufacturers that have all of their product lines in dmoz.
  11. Submitted to this category http://dmoz.org/Business/Industrial_Goods_and_Services/Casting,_Molding,_Machining/ (comma cuts off url - sorry) on 6-29-02, 8-31-02, 9-18-02, 10-03-02 Last time as: C&K Machine Shop A fully equipped tool and die machine shop facility that provides parts washing, part reclaim, welding, and trucking services.
  12. Submitted to this category without an editor http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Swimming_Pools_and_Spas/ on 8-22-02, 9-16-02, 10-03-02 Last time as: Discount hot tub spa, made in America.
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