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pvgool last won the day on March 7 2023

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  1. Nope. Webmastere create websites but not all websites are created by webmaters. Many websites are created by people just for their hobby or as an extention of their small business. These people do not see themself as webmaster and neither do we. A stone collector is interested in unique and interestig stones. Do you bring all pebbles on the beach to him. No. A DMOZ editor is interested in unique and interestig websites. Do you bring all similar websites on the net to him. Yes. Why?
  2. Please reread what we already have written about unique and this time try to understand what we mean. It is something completely different as you are referring to. First of all the DMOZ editors care. We build it as our hobby. Do we tell you which hobby you must have and how you should act within that hobby. No. So why do you think you should tell us how to fullfil our hobby. And secondly. You seem to care. Why else would you be here to write about it. Ofcourse it will. DMOZ does not need the webmasters. Notice that in my eyes "webmaster" is not the same as "person owning or developing a website". Webmasters do build and own websites but there are many more people that delevelop and own websites who don't think of themself as webmaster. Those 'normal' people are writing about their hobbies, about their mom & pop business, about the things they are interested in, about the things they do. Those are the people we care about and without them there wouldn't be a DMOZ. The people who call themself ''webmaster" we can do without.
  3. DMOZ editors come from all kinds of background, from all over the world, in both sexes and in all ages. We have editors from schoolkids to pensioners. That's OK. DMOZ does not provide any service to website owners so it is good that they don't need us. I don't know anyone that would pay 150.000 for a website site at all. High or low quality. Problem is that DMOZ does not care about "quality". Not quality of layout, not quality of programming, not quality of content. We only ask that a site has enough unique content. BTW the fact that a site is not listed does not mean it has no unique content. Most of the times it just means that it is not reviewed yet.
  4. I think you have a totaly different idea of what "unique" means than that we in DMOZ use. Let's simplify things. There are 2 kinds of websites. 1) Commercial: the uniqueness lies in the information about the company and their activities not in the products they sell - else we would not have to list any bookshops except Amazon - if there is a real company that has real activities it will have a listable website. MMF, MLM, Affiliates, Dropshippers, they are all not real/unique activities and they won't be listed. 2) Information: if the website publishes information written specificaly for the site it has unique content and is listable (it doesn't matter if the same subject is descibed on other sites - similar websites are listable), if the website just copies information from other websites it is not unique and most probably is not lisatble. We don't ban websites for that reason. We just prefer not to include them in the directory. Correct. Being listed in other directories or search engines will have totaly no effect on the listablity of a site in DMOZ. We have our own guidelines about what we will list and what we won't. DMOZ exists just over 10 years and these predictions have been given almost from the start. As long as there are volunteer editors DMOZ will continue. Our existence does not depend on people suggesting websites.
  5. It is not necesarry abuse, but it could be an inappropriate listing. Without any more information, and with the difficult to read sentences, it is not possible to tell.
  6. Ja, de site staat daar te wachten samen met een paar andere aanmeldingen. Site is aangemeld op 11 november.
  7. As there is no list it is impossible to lose your place. See it as a group of sites waiting for reviewing. Editors have several ways to sort this group, one of the is by date. Another way is to sort on url, which I use. Does this mean that a site with url www.aaa.com will be handeled first by me. No. I look at given titles and descriptions, the sites with good looking titles+descriptions will be handeled first. Why, they bothered to read our guidelines and submit their sites according to them. But that is just the way I work. Every editor has his/her own favorable way of doing things. Your site is waiting for review, that's all you can and should do. It could be reviewed within a view days, it is also possible it has to wait for another year. Noone can tell.
  8. De site staat te wachten op review met zo'n 50 à 60 andere sites in die catgeorie. Opnieuw aanmelden hoeft dus niet. Het enige dat je nu kan doen is wachten.
  9. quote]Now let's talk business here. The Editor for the main Category has FOUR sites listed in the ODP. Let's say it so, I found 4. I did not look any further. All of them are linked together just like my two sites, from which you woul like to eliminate one.. And hey. ohe yeah...... Of course, we talking about store.yahoo.com/<storeid> sites, which are listed with the regular domain. Wanna have the URLS?/quote] If you want to report abuse please read http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=34323&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
  10. We hebben de laatste dagen problemen met aanmelden van nieuwe sites. Ik heb over mijn hart gestreken en heb de aanmelding zelf klaar gezet in de door jou gewenste categorie. Let wel: Dit wil niet zeggen dat de site ook opgenomen zal worden. Ik kan ook niet beloven wanneer een redacteur de aanmelding zal behandelen, dit kan varieren van enkele dagen tot enkele maanden. Nu kan je alleen maar wachten.
  11. www.startje.nl/woon-bemiddeling/ Deze site staat niet aangemeld in de door jou opgegeven categorie en ook niet in de daaronder liggende categoriën. De site is nog niet door een redacteur in een andere categorie behandeld. Helaas, zonder de juiste catgeorie kunnen we niet achterhalen waar de site aangemeld is. Voordat je hem opnieuw aanmeld raad ik je wel aan om de site eerst geheel aftebouwen (zonder de zoek functie is de site in mijn ogen niet bruikbaar). www.zoeky.nl staat te wachten op review met een 20-tal andere site. In mijn ogen is dit echter geen Zoekmachine maar een Webindex en zou dan beter in World/Nederlands/Computers/Internet/Zoeken_op_het_Net/Webindexen passen. Ik zie echter iets heel vervelends. Jouw indeling van de webindex komt wel heel erg veel overeen met die van DMOZ. Ook onze structuur valt onder de Open Directory License zie http://dmoz.org/license.html . Je voldoet niet aan de eisen die ODP stelt aan het gebruik van haar informatie.
  12. Re: www.flobberdewotsky.nl Geen idee. DMOZ heeft geen relatie met Google. Zij zijn vrij om de gegevens uit onze database te gebruiken als ze dat willen.
  13. Site is still waiting for review. Submission date is July 11th.
  14. www.rotax-max.com staat te wachten op review in World/Nederlands/Sport/Autosport , aangemeld op 21/Apr/2003 , samen met een 80-tal andere sites. Dat er voor een categorie geen redacteur vermeld staat wil niet zeggen dat er geen redacteur voor die categorie is. Alle redacteuren van hogere categorie levels en de redacteuren met algemene bevoegdheden kunnen hier sites reviewen.
  15. Hallo, Dat probleem wordt mede veroorzaakt door de server upgrades die plaats vinden. De public site dmoz.org is een aantal weken niet meer bijgewerkt. In de tussentijd hebben een aantal categoriën een andere naam gekregen waardoor jouw aanmelding niet mogelijk is. Op dit moment is de server die door de editors gebruikt wordt toegankelijk voor iedereen (zodar de public server weer bijgewerkt is wordt de editor server afgesloten voor het publiek). Je kan je site aanmelden via deze link World/Nederlands/Webwinkelen/Kleding/Kinderen/
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