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Everything posted by targetseo

  1. I am a editor in Musicmoz open music project in the catagory of http://musicmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/ my question is 1. what is diffrent between dmoz & musicmoz.org 2. i am interested to using same dmoz data for musicmoz in above catagory it's possible? 3. Musicmoz using data from dmoz ? becoz, i found diffrent description for same site in dmoz & musicmoz, like Catagory : Dmoz http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Arts_and_Entertainment/Music/Bands_and_Artists/ Hans Raj Hans - Profile and audio-files of the Punjabi singer. Musicmoz http://musicmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Bands_and_Artists/ Hans Raj Hans - listen to Hans Raj Hans songs. Please reply asap
  2. http://dmoz.org/Business/Textiles_and_Nonwovens/Trade_Shows/ We are adding our website url at above catagory, But since June No update is there. Our site is related to Textile Trade Fair at India on 14 - 17th November, Last Update of above catagory :21:21 PT, Tuesday, July 9, 2002 Please give me suggetions as earliest,our site review after closing the fair, there is no meaning of listing. Please reply me urgently, site url mentioned herewith. Textech 2000 - Textile Technology Fair <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />
  3. http://dmoz.org/Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Apparel/Manufacture/Clothing/Knitwear/Sweaters/ Last update: 0:34 PT, Tuesday, August 13, 2002 http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Hong_Kong/Business_and_Economy/Industries/Import_and_Export/Textiles_and_Garments/ (Last update: 11:38 PT, Saturday, June 22, 2002) Sir, I have been submitted our website on above two catagory before 1 month, but still date no update is there. What should i Do, Please help me for the same if possible suggest other catagory & suggetions for site. Thx. Our Site Links
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