My first post simplified some of the submission details. Probably around August 2001 was when I first submitted The Visbile Policy to the Home ::: Life category. I may have used the site's formal address, which is . AT&T Worldnet offers what they call "vanity URL's" -- in this case . They resolve to the same place, without any silly URL-forwarding.
(I think Google realizes they are the same, because it does not index both forms. Google is inconsistent though; sometimes the vanity URL gets in the index, and sometimes the true URL. I have started using the vanity forms exclusively, although some of my ODP listings use the true form.)
After several weeks with no response, I tried a different category, Business: Financial Services: Insurance: News and Information. The editor of that category was resistant to accept it, and I admit that my site is not a good fit. I sent him another e-mail asking how to get it in the Home ::: Life category, and his response was to go ahead and list it in his. After about two months, though, he removed it. (I'm not b*tching -- just giving the "long version".)
So around January I resubmitted the site to the first category, and there was never a response. I didn't follow up until early September. Thinking that the entire site might overwhelm the Home ::: Life reviewer, only a single page was submitted, one which I was sure belonged in that category.
About two weeks later, I saw that this category had updated, but without my page. I assumed the page had been rejected, and submitted the site to where it now is.
It may well be that the entire site does fit in Actuarial Science. The "deep linked" page (the one you say is still in the queue) still belongs in the Life category, IMO. The page is subtitled "How does participating whole life insurance work?", and it was authored to be complete in itself.