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Everything posted by brmehlman

  1. What hutcheson said, plus ... Bumping a four year old thread to ask a question which you have already gotten an answer to (albeit an answer you may not have liked) is kind of rude, don't you think?
  2. Still awaiting review.
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  4. Not a huge deal, it happens all the time. Bookmarking this one might not be a bad idea to prevent it in the future.
  5. Answering here the question you asked in a new thread, the site was found not to be at all suited to a category about servers. It now awaits review for possible inclusion in http://dmoz.org/Home/Consumer_Information/Auctions/ .
  6. brmehlman

    Status of 5babes.com

    That suggestion belongs in, and now awaits review in, Adult/Image_Galleries/Celebrities/Free/B. I'm not saying it will necessarily be listed there, but it will be reviewed by an Adult editor. Since this thread discusses an Adult site, would a moderator please move it to the Adult forum and leave behind a mention of the move?
  7. It's awaiting review in the Genre_and_Subculture subcategory.
  8. Sure, someone can do that. When a full calendar month has elapsed since your last query was answered. That would be Saturday.
  9. We've decided not to list it because your other site offers the same products and is already listed in this category.
  10. Re: Status Request for http://www.artofthesouth.co Please wait at least a full calendar month between queries.
  11. Re: Status of http://www.asmarteru.com/ Awaiting review, along with a few dozen others. It's not a queue, site suggestions may be reviewed in any order, so "where does it stand?" isn't really a meaningful question.
  12. The site is still in the Rockabilly unreviewed because we are in the process of reorganizing that area. We have no intention of listing it there. If someone does so by mistake, I'll personally move it. It's not likely to end up in Punk either. There's enough Retro and Goth there that, if we decide to list it, it would likely be in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/Niche/Genre_and_Subculture/ .
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  14. Re: Status:www.tahoeweddings.com Not to worry, I never could keep a bad mood going when faced with a good apology.
  15. Re: Status:www.tahoeweddings.com Regardless of category, we like to keep queries about a site to a single thread. It makes things a lot easier for us to follow. Thanks, appreciate your understanding.
  16. Re: Status:www.tahoeweddings.com Could we keep questions about the same site in the original thread please?
  17. Oh, dear. I blinked once and my hair got gray and punk got retro. I think you're right about this not being rockabilly. I'm not sure punk is the right place either. This is something we'll have to discuss among ourselves. Please post here in a month or two if you haven't seen a resolution by then.
  18. No change in the status, but I can tell you that the number of sites awaiting review in that category is quite small. On the search, it works if you drop the www and just search on protectcopyrights.com.
  19. The site is awaiting review in that category along with fewer than a dozen others. We're showing a submission date of July 11, so it seems that a resubmission then must have overwritten any older ones.
  20. The publicly viewable page for that category was generated in early June. You can see the date on the bottom of the category page. It's stale because of our upgrade effort which, we hope, is just about done. The real page behind it is being actively edited. Quite a few sites have been added each of the past few months, and you'll see them when the upgrade stuff settles and the pages are being refreshed again. The bad news, from your point of view, is that there's still quite a backlog. Your site awaits review there, but I can't predict how long it will take to review it. If I were you, because of the backlog, I'd wait several months between status inquiries.
  21. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  22. That listing was added, appropriately enough, on Juneteenth. For those who don't know how to jive, that's June 19. It will appear on the publicly viewable pages when they next update.
  23. Re: Status of http://www.topcambabes.com/ Still waiting, no real change. The good news for you is that quite a few of the other submissions are obvious non-starters (wrong language, or something else equally easy to move away or out) so the number should go down pretty quickly when someone edits there.
  24. Re: http://www.wi-fitechnology.com/ OK, now I'm confused. I thought July 4 and July 29 were in the same month, not consecutive months. Silly me.
  25. Re: http://www.wi-fitechnology.com/ month (munth) n. 2. the period between the same dates in successive months. The Oxford American Dictionary.
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