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  1. Super! Thanks for the info... I shall wait for the reload. Have a good weekend! Jon
  2. Hello again... Just following up my previous posts as the site doesn't seem to have been listed yet. Can you let me know if it's still pending & if so, advise if a polite e-mail to matthewsim would help move things forward. Many thanks, Jon
  3. Hi there, Just following-up my original post. How to Jive still doesn't seem to be listed. Am I still in the queue? Thanks, Jon
  4. That's fine, thanks for the swift reply. I shall wait expectantly <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Jon
  5. Hi, Please could I have a status update for this domain, which was submitted to http://dmoz.org/Arts/Performing_Arts/Dance/Swing/ about a month ago. Many thanks, Jon
  6. Re: http://www.discoverthecotswolds.net/ Many thanks for your help. Regards, Jon <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  7. Thanks for the info! I don't see it listed in there at the moment... Do I have to wait for a refresh of the directory or something?
  8. I submitted Discover the Cotswolds about 2 or 3 weeks ago to Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Regions/South_West/Travel_and_Tourism/Accommodation/Self_Catering/ . On reflection, I think the site would be better located in : Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Gloucestershire/Travel_and_Tourism/Accommodation/ I'm unsure as to the status of the submission, so I don't know whether I should re-submit, or if are you able to move it to the other category? Many thanks, Jon
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