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  1. Don't bother waiting. Since this site has no unique content it will not be listed.
  2. There's only one thing that puzzles me about your site - why link to an online casino at the bottom of the page?
  3. The short answer is - NO. If we start reviewing a site for one member we would have to review them for all. Wait patiently, your site will be listed in due time.
  4. I tried looking around in the admin features today, and I couldn't find an option anywhere to change those strings. Sorry. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
  5. Both sites are gone, thanks.
  6. Since this thread is getting a little long, let's continue here.
  7. apeuro

    Test 2

    dmoz.org[censored]/guidelines.html , dmoz.org[censored]/editors
  8. apeuro

    Test 2

    *test* *test* *test* dmoz.org[censored]/editors *test* *test*
  9. Re: Family Camping site - no longer family camping Thanks Kevin. The site is gone.
  10. As a matter of policy, we do not comment on editor removal. As always the editing community reserves the right to reevaluate sites that are in the index to determine whether they still indeed add unique content to the directory. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.
  11. Your site hasn't been looked at by an editor yet.
  12. It's not abuse per se (in other words most likely it wasn't intentional), but it is something that will corrected. Thanks.
  13. Since it's clear that you own both sites there's absolutely no reason to make you jump through hoops in order to change your URL. In fact I changed it myself. In the future simply submit an "update URL" request.
  14. Re: DMOZ policies on advertising ? I personally reviewed the site. After nearly crashing my computer with the amount of pop ups (all of them are set on a timer so that after 2 or more seconds each pop up spawns a child and so on), I could find absolutely no unique content on this site. As such it's gone.
  15. This thread really deviated from it's original purpose, not to mention from the Forum Guidelines. Discussing editor notes is really beyond the scope of this forum. Let's keep the discussion on topic. Thanks.
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