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Everything posted by apeuro

  1. Moving this to Bugs and Features . . .
  2. Your site is eligible for both a Business and Regional listing.
  3. Could you please post a link to the category you submmited your site to, as required by the Site Submission Forum Guidelines?
  4. While there's no official "ODP chatroom" several "unofficial" ones exist.
  5. Done. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  6. Not that I know of. If you're interested in seeing how certain categories looked in the past try using Archive.org.
  7. Re: http://www.ringtonesearch.com This thread has not only deviated from the original topic, but has outlived its purpose. The moral of the story kids, is in order to get listed you need to provide UNIQUE content.
  8. Re: http://www.ringtonesearch.com >>I will tell you why, because if you went to stealthnet you would not be able to buy ringtones. Happy now?<< But I could get ringtones from the 21,000 or so other sites that offer the same ringtones as you. Which sort of makes your content - what's the word I'm looking for - NOT UNIQUE.
  9. Re: http://www.ringtonesearch.com Frankly we don't care one whit what your business model is - the ODP reserves the sole right to determine whether or not to list your site. Your claims of having unique content are all the more laughable when I see this in the source code (surely you didn't think that disabling the right-click function will make your source code inaccessable!): " <!-- ####################################################################################### THIS SITE AND IT'S CONTENTS IS DRIVEN BY STEALTHNET INTERACTIVE. Visit us @ http://www.stealthnet.co.uk Email: sales@stealthnet.co.uk ####################################################################################### -->" So, riddle me this. If I was looking for ringtones, why would I bother visiting your site if I could go directly to stealthnet? Seems to me stealthnet has the unique content - you don't.
  10. Anyone who is offering to volunteer their services ... The problem is that the large majority of applicant's aren't exactly volunteering. They are applying to further their own interests which make the applicant review process necessary.
  11. With regards to the little flags, a person with an "A" flag is an Administrator in this forum. A person with an "M" is a moderator.
  12. Nick, as long as you feel you could be impartial with regards to your site, nothing prevents you from applying to edit that category yourself. If you do, make sure to mention your affiliation.
  13. You should probably reapply . . .
  14. According to the Real Estate Guidelines you are appropriately listed.
  15. Please DO NOT start new threads regarding the same site. You have been warned.
  16. Please DO NOT start new threads for this purpose. Instead post in this thread. Thanks.
  17. apeuro

    UBB status

    Please do not start duplicate threads. Thanks.
  18. Re: help if possible I have sent a private message to apuero with details, rather than cite it here. That's exactly the way it should be done. Thanks. /images/icons/smile.gif If you find what you believe to be abusive behavior, DO NOT post it here. Contact your favorite meta editor instead.
  19. Done.
  20. Déplaçant cette discussion ici.
  21. apeuro

    Test 2

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>Test test test test test<p><hr></blockquote>
  22. Thank you VERY much in advance if it can be approved now! While we never promised to review sites on demand, once the ODP is back up and running (there are some access problems at the moment), we'll be able to tell you the status of your submission.
  23. For those who can, please let's continue this discussion here. Thanks.
  24. For those who can, please let's continue this discussion here. Thanks.
  25. For those who can, please let's continue this discussion here. Thanks.
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