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Everything posted by apeuro

  1. Please continue discussion in this thread. Thanks.
  2. Please continue discussion in this thread. Thanks.
  3. ...Some members of the public joined originally with questions and then stayed around to troll, but they're irrelevant. Please try to avoid making overtly broad generalizations such as these. We value the contributions of everyone that posts here - whether they are ODP editors or not. Editors don't have a monopoly on knowing how the ODP works, and we are quite fortunate to have some non-editor members who care enough to share their knowledge with us - they are certainly not irrelevant. That being said there are trolls but they are easily spotted. Although, I haven't seen any instances of trolling in this thread.
  4. Please take the time, both editors and members alike, to take a look at the new and revised Editor Guidelines.
  5. What hutcheson said.
  6. People will have to learn that it is impossible to silence others ... just because they are against what others are saying. It's not what you're saying, it's how you're saying it. Remember the old adage about catching flies with honey, not vinegar? If it’s commercial content, it should be reviewed by a paid professional, not a volunteer. The whole underpinnings of the ODP rest on all sites being reviewed by volunteer editors. Yahoo has paid editors - and look at the quality of their product.
  7. If you read hutcheson's post correctly, you would understand he was being sarcastic. SEO's are welcome in the ODP as long as they follow the Editor Guidelines. Now I strongly suggest you re-read our Forum Guidelines. We welcome polite and civil discussion, but if you keep up your hostile tone you'll find you can be kicked out of more places than just the ODP.
  8. The decision was made by meta-editors to create these categories.
  9. We really have no idea. Why don't you volunteer to edit that category?
  10. Your site is waiting to be reviewed along with more than 500 other sites.
  11. You're allowed to be listed in both, so submit away. /images/icons/smile.gif
  12. Your site is still waiting to be reviewed in that category.
  13. For future reference, to verify that you truly are an editor, please post your request in the following thread: http://dmoz.org/forum/threaddisplay.cgi?t=Forum35/HTML/001608.html Otherwise feel free to send an admin here internal ODP feedback (i.e. the kind that sent when you're logged in). Thanks.
  14. I hope everyone takes the time to check out the new German Forum, moderated by mfichtner and olri, and Italian Forum, moderated by albovicamp and ettore. Enjoy.
  15. Re: >1yr wait for submit of www.crosscustomworks.c Unfortunately, it still means your site is waiting to be reviewed.
  16. Please don't start two threads about the same topic. Please post any replies here. Thanks.
  17. Re: www.feedmypet.com Do you truly believe this, and do you think it applies in this case? I do believe this wholeheartedly, although since I'm unfamiliar with your MLM program I cannot comment with respect to your site. 99% of the MLM IR sites consisted of what we call a "business card" listing. That is the content of the site consisted of nothing but the contact info. Although I don't think this is possible in the context of an MLM site, were an MLM rep be able to offer online shopping with UNIQUE prices, I would be seriously consider the site in question.
  18. Re: www.feedmypet.com Can a Meta Editor comment on the statements above? What Khym wrote is true. Can an Administrator kindly rename this thread to "Removal of MLM IR sites" and place it in the General ODP Issues category? Ask and ye shall receive. /images/icons/wink.gif
  19. Re: Shopping/Gifts/stores -site unlisted with no r Please post all questions about specific sites in the Site Submission Forum. Additionally please try not to create two threads about the same subject. Please continue this conversation in the following forum. Thanks. /images/icons/smile.gif
  20. The reasons for having a reinstatement denied, like all editor matters, are not divulged.
  21. Please restrict discussion of this site to this thread. Thanks. /images/icons/smile.gif
  22. Re: No Unique Content The stealthnet site is purely an addition, so how can you say no unique content. Somehow it looks the other way around.
  23. ...are the unreviewed stats available to those who use the directory on their own sites? No.
  24. It's true that to the individual submitter it seems like it takes forever to get listed. However between 2500 and 3000 sites a day are added to the directory. On average around 75,000 sites are added to the directory a month. That's far from being chump-change. [Edited] I actually took a look at the statistics. In the past week 23,810 sites were added to the directory. That averages 3400 sites a day.
  25. Your site offers no unique content. It simply is an affiliate front for Stealth Net Interactive. As such it will not be listed.
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