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  1. Sorry for rants... So can I have a status check? :0)
  2. Already did this. Spectregunner - I already did this at least a month ago as far as my memory has it? Is there any way to tell from looking ta the status? This has already been done... Web Pub
  3. http://www.webpublicitee.com Regarding Webpublicitee.com: why are we in the Web Design (W) general location still? This site is not focused on web design, it is focused clearly on site positioning and search engine positioning. I think I asked this question a few months back as well? Current location: http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/Basic_Service/W/ Can we have this moved to: http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Promotion/Search_Engine_Optimization_Firms/W/ We would appreciate the proper listing, thank you so much and have a relaxing weekend! B
  4. Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c ********** post removed for violation of the Forum's Guidelines. Abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. Please, avoid posting accusations to editors, if you want to continue being able to post here. Thank you[/b]
  5. Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c I am contacting Netscape HQ at this moment, we will see what happens... and the opionions they may have on this
  6. Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c I do not agree, if someone wants to contact me they can request my information, this is not a phone book.
  7. Can you please remove this post you have no right to show contact information on here unless someone requests it they can get it themselves by requesting it at whois. I think this is way out of line. All best! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  8. No they are not the same company.
  9. I think I sent this to myself earlier, I added much more content to this and await your prof. overlook and possible submission. Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.com - link below I am wondering the status of this for submission to section http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Domain_Names/Opinions/ Please advise stauts of the link for url http://www.webpublicitee.com/internet_marketing/google-expired-domains-news.html
  10. I am wondering the status of this for submission to section http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Domain_Names/Opinions/ Please advise stauts of the link for url http://www.webpublicitee.com/internet_marketing/google-expired-domains-news.html
  11. Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c I added much more original writing to the site today, what do you think? I appreciate your professional insight and I hope to be able to add this link to your directory. Prior content; I used a few quotes by a google source but actually most all of this page is written by myself. All best
  12. Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c Good points, I will add more content that has a better write-up next time. Maybe even to this link.
  13. Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c http://www.webpublicitee.com/internet_marketing/google-expired-domains-news.html I had the n as an m I am sorry, the link above is correct. If I post another time I am pretty sure they will think I am pushing it, will they get to it? I am worried as it took me almost 1 year to just get listed in my own city? <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
  14. Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c I Thank you so much! (Sorry about incorrect post locations.) I get confused on here so is there a way to fix this next problem? (Whew 2 dimentional world) I posted the wrong link for this category http://dmoz.org/cgi-bin/add.cgi?where=Computers/Internet/Domain_Names/Opinions Today The correct link is http://www.webpublicitee.com/intermet_marketing/google-expired-domains-news.html The wrong link was http://www.webpublicitee.com I looked around this forum and I think this is the correct place to report this?
  15. Sorry, this is regarding a seperate website link, this can be complicated at times, sorry. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
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