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  1. HELP! AAA! I am not spamming, I am just getting dumb and crazy for net getting in. I do want this listing, I do need it. I do deserve it. Oh, please...
  2. Hey guys, I understand that the directory is getting too big to manage, and Internet is probably too dynamic for just a team of belivers (even a big one), but... a year! I mean, what's the purpose then? Is it a time-check? Or maybe my nitch is not that interesting to edit? C'mon! I have a love poems site and I hoped to be in DMOZ on last St.Valentine, but it looks like I won't make it even for this one... ... ... ... help people need love info now ;) not another supa-cool PHP/ASP/SQL/LINUX portal... or? do you build for users or for yourself?
  3. Any news, please? A lot of time passed. I've been a good girl and waited for many many months
  4. Still not in. Any chance to see it there soon?
  5. Any good news, pleeeeeease?
  6. So many months passed... Please anyone... Check my site status... I contacted the editor of the parent category but nothing happened. Wht can I do to get listed?
  7. bump <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" />
  8. bump End of the month. And soooo much time passed since my submission. <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />
  9. Ooops, mixed dates in the forum. Sorry Sorry Sorry. I see it's only 15 days. Well, since I finally did it, maybe someone could drop a note? <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />
  10. As advised I am asking again. Almost 1,5 months passed since my last post. Could anyone comment if there're any positive changes with my submission status?
  11. Hello again good guys! Over a month passed from my post and as you adviced I post again. Could you check if my website is still there to be included and maybe you can tell when? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  12. Hello dear DMOZ editors. I am sorry that I have to violate this forums' rules from my very first post. The problem is that I forgot the directiry where I submitted my site to and I can't now link to it. Maybe you could find yourself? I tried to submit my site a few months ago without any success and then I tried once again but I had some kind of mistake after I completed submission. Please understand that I didn't want to neither spam or abuse DMOZ. My site is pretty nice, straightforward and has a lot of good content, about 50% of my content can not be found anywhere else. Google PageRank is 5. Please tell what might be a problem that my site is not in DMOZ now? Thanks a lot Julia
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