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About bostonscott

  • Birthday 10/25/1981

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  1. Re That's a good point, it helps me to understand the reason behind the redirect rule. It raises the question of how you handle the same issue of when multiple domain names managed on the same name server point to the same website (a regular site, not a yahoo store). A redirect is easy to detect, but as you probably know, on any server it is easy to present the same exact website through multiple domains without any redirects. Can you offer some insight in to how you address those same issues on typical, non yahoo websites?
  2. Yahoo Store Linking Hello, I wanted to see if it would be possible to understand the qualitative reasons for indexing the "store.yahoo.com/xxxxx" instead of http://www.site.com besides the technical ones clearly stated above. I'm having trouble seeing that side, and I’m hoping you can help me with that. I guess my position would be that there are a lot of Yahoo Stores. Probably at least 60,000 active ones. Many of these Yahoo Stores promote themselves as http://www.StoreName.com, rather than store.yahoo.com/xxxxxx, and don’t maintain any public association with the Yahoo network. I'm having trouble finding principled reasons why user experience would somehow be jeopardized by linking to http://www.StoreName.com versus the version that you link to. So that would be one question… what impact does user experience have, if any, on your rules, and to making exceptions for issues like this one? I can understand why, as a matter of policy, you would link to the "redirected to" URL, but since there are so many Yahoo Stores, and since there is no threat to user experience or reliability of results (that I have been exposed to)... it would seem to me that making an exception to the rule would be both possible, and a reasonable request. If you could please help me understand the principles behind the rules, I would appreciate it. It would be easier to make a case for changing how Yahoo Stores are indexed if I understood the criteria that would be used to make the decision. Scott
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