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  1. status of http://managingthefamilybusiness.com Hi, I was wondering what the status of Managing the Family Business is? I submitted the site on 1/16/2004 in Business: Management: Consulting: Small-Medium Sized Businesses. Thanks, Tabot Tietjen
  2. Re: submission status for http://billfishingcostar Hello, Is there any change with the status of this site? Thanks, Tabot
  3. Hi beebware, Is there any update on the status of this site? Here is the original post: On 10/22/2002 I submitted http://postcardmarketingsecrets.com to http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Marketing_and_Advertising/Direct_Marketing/Direct_Mail/ and was wondering what the status was? Thanks, Tabot
  4. Re: submission status for http://billfishingcostar I was wondering if there was any change with the status for this site? Is this the correct way to re-inquire about a site? Thanks, Tabot
  5. I am re-inquiring into the status for http://bettyrollin.com which I submitted to http://www.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/add.cgi?where=Business/Business_Services/Public_Speaking/Motivation on 2/3/03. Also, how long should I wait after submitting to inquire about a site? Thanks, Tabot Tietjen
  6. I am inquiring into the status for http://bettyrollin.com which I submitted to http://www.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/add.cgi?where=Business/Business_Services/Public_Speaking/Motivation on 2/3/03. Thanks, Tabot Tietjen
  7. Hi, On 10/22/2002 I submitted http://postcardmarketingsecrets.com to http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Marketing_and_Advertising/Direct_Marketing/Direct_Mail/ and was wondering what the status was? Thanks, Tabot Tietjen
  8. Hi, I submitted http://www.universityhouse.com on 11/27/02 in http://dmoz.org/Business/Real_Estate/Residential/Rentals/Students/ and was wondering what the status is with this site. Thanks, Tabot Tietjen
  9. I submitted Billfishing in Costa Rica on 11/14/02 to http://dmoz.org/Regional/Central_America/Costa_Rica/Recreation_and_Sports/Fishing/Guides_and_Charters/ and was wondering what the status is? Thank you, Tabot Tietjen
  10. Thank you! I will submit to the public speaking category.
  11. Thank you! I guess we just wait at this point?
  12. I was wondering what the status is for Betty Rollin I submitted the site to http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Cancer/Breast/ Thank you, Tabot Tietjen
  13. I was wondering what the status is for the site Managing the Family Business: Dr. Marshall Northington I submitted on 9/25/02 in category http://dmoz.org/Business/Management/Consulting/Small-Medium_Sized_Businesses/Independent_or_Private_Practice/ Thank you in advance, Tabot Tietjen
  14. If I submit a site to a category with no editor, will my site ever be accepted? If not, what do you recommend? This is a general question and I don't have a specific example.
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