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icxcnika last won the day on March 11 2005

icxcnika had the most liked content!

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  1. icxcnika


    Hola, cromlec. Hay una respuesta en el foro inglés "Becoming an Editor."
  2. The site was deleted from submissions. Not listed. You may submit again. This time, go directly to Paphos real estate; that will save time.
  3. Still waiting.
  4. Situation about the same. There are some more submissions, but certainly not double. It is meaningless to talk about how far down you are in the list, though. If an editor looks at it one way, you're about a third of the way down. Another way, you are very close to the top. In yet another way of looking at the submissions there, you're about two-thirds of the way down. Some editors might see that you're listed, and if the description is fair, copy it. Other editors might prefer to give people who aren't listed a chance first.
  5. There has been some editing--bad sites deleted, good new sites added--but, sorry to say, your site is still waiting, along with many others.
  6. Still waiting for review.
  7. Your site is awaiting review in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Health/Alternative/Herbs/ . Popular category. There are many other sites also waiting for review.
  8. Hey, webdude. The relevance of http://colorritebanners.com/ to Minneapolis business is, um, tenuous. But we have also missed http://rsdigitalmedia.com/ in the Regional part of our directory, and that definitely fits in Minneapolis business. So I've deleted the submission of ColorRite Banners from the queue in Minneapolis, and submitted RS Digital Media for you instead. There is a listed editor in Minneapolis, and I prefer not to step on other editors, so for now I have only submitted the site but not listed it. Plus you can imagine the stampede if asking about your site here meant instant listing. If your site still does not appear in Minneapolis in a month, you can ask again in this thread.
  9. If you apply again, make sure that the sites fit the category. Not too broad, not another kind of tourism. If you apply for a subcategory, not whale-watching in another geographical area.
  10. http://dmoz.org/Society/People/Personal_Homepages/W/Ward/ Title should be "Ward, Bryan J.: ColdNosed.com". You don't just have the section on coyotes and tips on auto maintenance; you also have a photo gallery, and it looks like you're planning to say something about your family too. If we knew where you were, you might be able to get a listing in the Regional section of our directory. Local guy's home page. For example, if Tremonton really is the closest town, http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Utah/Localities/T/Tremonton/
  11. To which category was it submitted?
  12. Whatever you did, it worked. Your application is in the queue now.
  13. Please use the earlier thread you started on this same question. Thanks.
  14. To which category did you submit it?
  15. You've been very patient. Take a look at your listing now.
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