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Everything posted by rpgdreamers

  1. Call me ignorant but aren't you a Meta? If so then don't Meta review application status? Can you review my application status? Or is there a particular Meta that I am waiting for to review my application.
  2. This is going to be a weird request. I applied to be on editor for this sub-category last week: http://dmoz.org/Games/Video_Games/Roleplaying/S/Suikoden_Series/Suikoden_III/ I can't remember the username that I applied under as well as the e-mail I enter. So basically I have no idea whether or not my application was looked at or that my application was responded to. I have a few e-mail and I can check back and forth now and then but I understand that application review may take a few hours to maybe over a month. But I like to change my e-mail addy in which I enter during the application process. How do I do that?
  3. Re: Has it been reviewed yet? I read that topic on the timeout..I don't know. It seems to be that it's an Internet Explore issue cause when I hit the submit button on Internet Explore 6, I would just sit there waiting for the success page to load up but it never does. But it works without fail on Netscape all the time. I now have to use Netscape to submit stuff. Well I took beebware advice and apply for an editor in a category that needs an editor. http://dmoz.org/Games/Video_Games/Roleplaying/S/Suikoden_Series/Suikoden_III/ No editor and no listing. LOL. It's not a big deal at all if I don't get to be an editor. I just wish there would be an editor there. LOL.
  4. Re: Has it been reviewed yet? Thanks for letting me know. There used to be an editor name analander that looked after this category. http://dmoz.org/Games/Video_Games/Roleplaying/full-index.html He was really good at doing his job. He usually update the category every couple of weeks or so. Since his departure updates on that category has been non-existence. I wouldn't mind being an editor of that category but I doubt I'll get it. Anyways do you know why you can't submit sites using Internet Explorer 6? Everytime I try to submit a site on Internet EXplorter 6, it crashes and time out on me.
  5. http://www.rpgdreamer.com/wa3/ I don't know why it still hasn't been added to this Category yet.
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