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Everything posted by vladd

  1. Scuze pentru întârziere. URL-ul a fost modificat.
  2. Done.
  3. Millionaire - not available yet as a status in this forum. Editor - done. Thanks <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  4. It is still pending there. That category has a long pending queue, so I'd give it another month or more for getting accepted. Sorry for the delay.
  5. http://www.clublotto.co.za/ is a mirror for http://www.clublottery.co.za/ . The site is pending right now in the unreviewed of http://dmoz.org/Games/Gambling/Lotteries/Regional/ so it's not required to submit it again. Unless the editor that declines your submission chooses to contact you personally, no. If a category has no editor, eventually the site will be reviewed by editors from parent categories. Hope this helps, vladd
  6. Hi Matt, First of all, thanks for coming to this forum. The public is very important for us, and concerns, such as yours, are very welcomed here. However, with limited editorial abilities, we are dealing often with lack of manpower, and overload. Therefore, we try to put the important guidelines into a document, and we hope that in this way we will save some amount of time that could be used in order to increase our productivity. One such document is http://dmoz.org/add.html . >> Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites. << Speaking about your problems and concerns is very interesting, and probably if your questions weren't already addressed in similar places, as well as official documents, probably you would have received more diplomatic advices. But I can't blame hard-working, volunteer editors that donate their free time to help us fight spam, that process up to 200 submissions per day just because they believe in ODP's ideals, that already mentor their collegues and must keep up also with the internal editorial forum, for been a little angry when hundreds of URLs are submitted in the whole directory without even reading the submission guidelines. I'm sorry if comments above offended you, but we simply can't do more. The quoted message above is already displayed on http://dmoz.org/add.html , and I can't think of a more important place to add it. If submitters can't work with us by reading a simple document in order to improve the speed on which we list their sites, I'm afraid that comments like the one specified in this thread are unavoidable. Thanks for letting us know your concerns, and we'll work in the future in order to find even better ways to address them. Thank you again, vladd.
  7. Last 2 items done, thank you <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  8. deadsea, gameshints: done. Thank you. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  9. A decision regarding your editor status is never final. Even if you have been rejected, you can still reapply and try again, if you're willing to take constructive critics to the heart and improve your editing. :-) Due to the fact that decisions aren't final, I won't call anybody a "dead horse" <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  10. oneeye - done. /images/icons/smile.gif Thanks. etceteral - seems someone reached before I did and you have been already changed to "Editor" status.
  11. Karen - change done, thanks. /images/icons/smile.gif Guillaume - changement realise, merci. /images/icons/smile.gif
  12. Last 2 requests done. Thanks. /images/icons/smile.gif
  13. Grant, change done. Thank you. /images/icons/smile.gif
  14. celico and helenaom - both requests done, thank you. /images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif
  15. Acest forum se bucura si de participarea comunitatii editoriale din World/Românã. Unii editori din aceastã categorie sunt disponibili, la fel ca ºi colegii lor englezi, sã ofere sfaturi ºi sugestii legate de ODP. Sperãm ca acest forum sã ne ajute sã ne îmbunãtãþim ºi prin el sã apropiem legãturile dintre comunitatea editorialã ºi public. Nu ezitaþi sã adresaþi probleme referitoare la categoria World/Românã. vladd - ODP Meta Editor.
  16. There aren't any official RDF files for a limited category. If you want to import only a small category by RDF, you'll have to download the whole RDF and select the right section. However, for a small category, you could send a spider (a software program) in order to save the .html pages directly from ODP (or you could save them manually). You could import after that this information in your website. Or there are scripts dedicated to help you in doing this. There are a lot of methods available. See: Computers/Internet/Searching/Directories/Volunteer-Edited/DMOZ/Use_of_DMOZ_Data/Upload_Tools/ for details.
  17. Hello. First, thanks for asking. The mininum standard is to be able to spell correctly, and to avoid the promotional language in descriptions. It is highly unlikely to accept an editor which gives as description: "Click HERE! The best site on the net". Just supply 3 URLs with good titles and descriptions. Be honest about your affiliation and your reason for applying. Knowledge related to the topic is a plus, but it's not a requirement. If you have an area that you are familiar with, consider applying for it :/images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif
  18. Re: Are SEO practioners not welcomed as editors? Hi Mel. Quote from ODP Guidelines - http://dmoz.org/guidelines.html : >> In some cases, an editor's business affiliation overlaps their involvement in the directory, such as with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) professionals and Professional Content Providers (PCPs), whose participation may benefit both the editor and the directory. Instances when the involvement is mutually beneficial are acceptable, however, the primary focus and goal should always be to serve the best interests of the ODP and the editing community. Conducting unfair and deceptive activities to promote and support client listings will result in removal of editing privileges. << So, we have webmasters and SEOs as editors. They know their competition better than anybody else, and in this way they are more than experienced to edit some categories. However, we have a zero tolerance policy for abuse, and those that use their editorial ODP account in order to promote sites that are affiliated with will be inactivated.
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