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About guddu

  • Birthday September 3

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  1. Fine. I would do the re-submission as soon as the problem of Internal Server Error resolves. Thanks Guddu
  2. Sorry, I did not mean to say "HE". This was just a way refering to an editor, we write "he". Sorry for that. Have you reposted the listing already or shall I do it at my end. The website requires a password. Thanks and Regards Guddu
  3. But he said it was rejected and he forwarded this thread to the editor. So , what I understood was that listing is still in the queue waiting to be reviewed by the editor. So, I did not post it again fearing of making a duplicate entry once again. Shall I resubmit it again? Please Confirm. Regards Guddu
  4. Hi, Please advice us if our listing is still there in que. Thanks & Regards Guddu
  5. Hi Lin, Many thanks for your concern. I really appreciate for every effort you made for us. I understand, that a site may be rejected for valid reasons and hope the editor would understand my problem and give us one more chance to get our site accepted. Thanks & Regards Guddu
  6. Thanks for your quick update about resubmissions that have taken place over last few months for medicalloveconnection. This submission was done along with the username and password after the previous discussion and as suggested by Robert. I have been working with submissions in DMOZ for quite a long time now and am aware of the guidelines. I was not aware of the fact that more than 20 submissions have been done for this domain over a short period. As per my knowledge, over the last 3 months, we have done submissions only 3 times and out of them, the last one was as per the discussions over resource-zone.com. (Our client has also denied any submisssions on their part) I think that this activity might have been done by any of our competitors. We apologize for any mistake committed at our end. But it's simply impossible for us to keep track for any submissions done by any other person intentionally, which might result in not listing our site. I'll be thankful if you could look into the issue once more and suggest some way out. Regards Guddu
  7. Just to notify again an update. (The April Update in Google Directory noticed.)
  8. Please provide me a solution. I do not understand what to do. Shall I resubmit to the same category, if it has been rejected and deleted. Please clear the situation. Thanks & Regards Guddu
  9. Please do help me solve the problem. Thanks & Regards Guddu
  10. Reference: http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=23868&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 I am sorry, but I was not aware of that. The client might have posted himself, to different categories in order to get listed. Please suggest, what all can we do to resolve the problem. regards guddu
  11. I am sorry, but I was not aware of that. The client might have posted himself, to different categories in order to get listed. Please suggest, what all can we do to resolve the problem. regards guddu
  12. Hi windharp, How is this possible. We have submitted to the category after a discussion at resource-zone itself. The category has been suggested by an Editall - Robert (uzs980) to us as the most suitable category to be posted in. Please go through the discussion at http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=20472&page=16&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 and suggest us the possible measures we can adopt to get the site listed. Thanks & Regards guddu
  13. Hi, I would like to enquire about the status of www.medicalloveconnection.com submitted to the category: Society: Relationships: Dating: Personals: Specialized with the title: Dating & Matchmaking Service and description as: offers online dating and matchmaking service for doctors, nurses, physicians, dentists and other medical practitioners. Includes photo search, matchmaking personals. Thanks & Regards Guddu
  14. Thanks lachenm, for explaining things well. This answers all my queries. But, I would like to report that the example of vedamsbooks, I mentioned above, is the one that I saw listed under multiple categories in DMOZ. Thanks John, This was quite helpful. Regards Guddu
  15. Motsa, As you are unable to visit these sites, I would like to provide some more information on these sites. All these deeplink pages from these sites contain a huge list of different books along with their Author, Publisher, ISBN number, Prices and Book details that may be relevant for researchers,university students and faculties and are widely used in different departments of world universities, museums and also for individuals. Some of the subjects they deal in are Art, (Books on Art, Paintings, Sculptures, etc.) Architecture, Culture, Tribal Studies, History (Ancient & Modern History), Literature (Dance, Music, Drama,etc), Religion (Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, etc.), Philosophy, Women Studies, Biographies, Oceoanology, Social sciences ( Social issues, growth & development), Bio Sciences, Environmental studies, Fauna & Flora (Wild life) etc. These students & faculties may search for particular subject only in the directory and may not find refernces for booksellers / books exporters / publishers that can help them acquire these books & reference material. So I personally feel, that they may be allowed to get listed atleast in major subjects categories such as Art, History, Literature, Religion, Philosophy and Women studies apart from one top listing in Books Category and one regional. While sites like amazon.com provide links to different companies and provide online shopping cart system for different items, these sites offer a huge list of books & reference materials on different subjects to be chosen from. Regards <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
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