I think that many applicants make the mistake of thinking that since they are volunteering the application is merely a formality and that a perfunctory attempt at completing the form is all that is required.
If an applicant puts a bit of time into crafting a decent application, applies for an appropriate category, checks his or her grammar and spelling, is upfront about affiliations, gives an impression of understanding the nature of the category and shows that they can describe and title sites then their chances of approval are high
An application does not need to be perfect, but if it is lacking because the applicant does not have the ability, or is not prepared to put in the effort to create a decent one, then it is a reasonable assumption that the edits from that editor will also be lacking.
Potential editors are not turned down for frivolous or vexatious reasons, they are declined because it appears to the reviewer that the applicant has not demonstrated that they have the ability or inclination to assist in the creation in a quality, unbiased and comprehensive directory. It can be a difficult judgment call and we do not get it right all of the time.
We do understand the frustration of submitters waiting for their sited to be listed, this was one of the reasons these fora were set up. However in building a directory there is much more to the equation than getting sites reviewed as quickly as possible.