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  1. Is it still awaiting review? http://www.tahoeweddings.com http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Weddings/Directories_and_Guides/United_States/ keep in mind, deemozwatch is gone.
  2. Just stopped by to check on my favorite site awaiting review. also, is something up with dmoz search?
  3. I'm still hoping to find out the status of it's submission in http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Weddings/Directories_and_Guides/United_States/ Thanks
  4. I can only assume you thought the post above yours was from the original poster, which it was not. I would not ask you to do the homework for me, and I have done ALOT of homework. Peace
  5. Point taken. The section on backcountry skiing is both unique and very different from the wedding part of the site. Also, I don't actually have a current listing, have been in a queue for over a year and I may not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory, so it's not like I'm really asking for a second listing. Of course, technically, maybe it is the same. I guess thats what I may be asking.
  6. Thanks for the response. I wasn't sure if you were asking or not, but... http://dmoz.org/Sports/Winter_Sports/Skiing/Backcountry/ http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Regions/Lake_Tahoe/Recreation_and_Sports/ Once I get the content up to par in the camping and fishing sections, I would consider those as well.
  7. Just checking in again on the status of tahoeweddings.com. It now has morphed into a larger thing than it was at the time of original submission. I would like to submit it to some local cats as well. That's not a problem, is it?
  8. Re: Status:www.tahoeweddings.com Hi, Brmehlman, Sorry, I would have used the original thread but this is now a different situation. This is a different category that the site was already in but disappeared from this morning. Firestorm, I was referring to tahoeweddings.com, which used to be in that category, rather than the category itself.
  9. Status:www.tahoeweddings.com I heard in WebmasterWorld that the public side had updated. I checked my previous category http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Regions/Lake_Tahoe/Business_and_Economy/ and it was not there. Just curious as to whether it had been moved, removed, or changed and will reappear with next update of public side.
  10. Cancel mine, i just resigned
  11. Hi, Can I have my status changed to reflect my editorialship. Thanks <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
  12. Okay I did that (thanks) and I got this ***** editor note deleted Which does not jibe with this from the thread referenced above from 3/6/03 Your submission is waiting in http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Weddings/Directories_and_Guides/United_States/. Does that mean Senox resubmitted it for me?
  13. Hello, Just checking back to see if anything has changed. As an editor I can view the editor logs for the category. Can I assume that if I don't see any changes there it would still be in the queue?
  14. Thanks for the info. Sorry about the impatience in my other query.
  15. Eons ago I submiited http://www.resort-realty-llc.com to the following category (I think) http://www.dmoz.com/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Regions/Lake_Tahoe/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/ The owners have switched the domain over to http://www.resortrealtyllc.com. I'm at a loss as to where that leaves the submission. Both sites are currently active but not for long. Thanks for the help.
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