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- Birthday December 22
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Re: Status of kp24,myadec, easeacold, beauticianS I've since learned that I unintentionally spread one piece of misinformation: Business does not share the same guideline as Shopping re: US v. non-US sites. I wanted to correct what I said before; my apologies. Robert is correct that your product sites will NOT be listed.
Re: Status of kp24,myadec, easeacold, beauticianS Hello Mark, I am one of the Metas working on the Business reorganization. I also work in the Shopping tree. Your individual product sites will NOT be listed in ODP. Per editor guidelines: http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html "Remember, no site is guaranteed a listing in the Open Directory, and we depend on editors to use their own discretion." I'll explain why: - We are a web *directory*, NOT a search engine. - The contact page for each of the sites you've mentioned clearly list Pharmacare Labs as the company to contact, i.e. Pharmacare is the manufacturer. - We list sites, not pages. What you've created with your individual product sites is the equivalent of subpages for Pharmacare's site. - Visiting the Pharmacare website, the product sites are clearly listed - and linked - in both the right frame, and on the products page. - A *search engine* will spider Pharmacare's site, and pick up the individual product sites. Gimmster is correct that some sites are able to be listed in both the Regional and Topical portions of the directory. However, to be listed in any given tree a site must meet that tree's/category's guidelines. You have submitted *product* sites to categories that are _purely informational_. (If there are sites that are not purely informational, we need to rereview the site, and move it to a more appropriate category.) If we *could* list Pharmacare's site in Topical, we'd move it to a more appropriate category in Business or Shopping. Both of these trees use a common guideline (to paraphrase): a business or retailer must (if in the US) sell in more than one US state/region, or (if not in the US) sell outside their home country. The Pharmacare websites clearly have plastered all over them that this, that, or the other thing are "Australia's most trusted ______ product!" Editors reviewing the site(s) interpret the products and the company as serving *only* Australia. Therefore, the Pharmacare site does not qualify for listing in Business or Shopping; it does qualify for listing in Regional. My recommendation to you for additional listings? Pharmacare needs to start serving New Zealand as well.
Just a heads up: there are over 6000 unreviewed in Shop/Clothing as a whole right now, so it may be awhile. Marissa Shop/Clothing
Re: Still Struggling with the application process It lives! (Yes, your application has been received.)
The alarm has already been sounded - the entire Business Tree is under reorganization. Part of this is clearing out duplicate submissions, something that is actively being done right now. As far as sites being listed in Business goes, actual review times are impossible to estimate, but they will happen eventually.
Steven, as an editor who *does* frequent Shopping/ let me respond with a few generalities. Many other search engines and directories accept payment for listing sites. ODP does not. Often because a site has been listed in one of these other locations, site owners or webmasters feel they should be guaranteed a listing in ODP. The difference with ODP is that a volunteer person - not a computerized robot - is looking through the site. Commercial entities frequently purchase multiple domain names in an attempt to get their name plastered on as many places as possible on the web. In other engines and directories, it's entirely possible that all those various domain names could get listed (because someone has paid to have that done). At ODP, all the variations get submitted to a queue, and then manually get checked by an editor. As our human volunteer works their way through the (often lengthy) queue of submissions, they come across all of these mirrors and affiliates that may very well be listed elsewhere. At ODP these sites are subject to our editorial guidelines, and 9 times out of 10 they get deleted. However, before we delete the sites, we do our best to determine which is the *main/original* one. If it qualifies for content, we keep it. If not, out it goes. As webmasters get sneakier in their tactics, our tracking skills have to increase exponentially as well. Sometimes we screw up - after all, we're human. Just keep in mind that those of us who're volunteering end up slogging through (literally) hundreds and thousands of commercial sites, trying to make sense of it all. Hope this provides you with some better background information of where *we're* coming from. Marissa Shop/Clothing
Re: status http://www.heavenlytreasures.com/ [201] No applications for anywhere in New Jersey at this time.
You don't need to do anything. There's a team of editors who _briefly_ review sites sent to misplaced submissions. If they determine it's a valid site, and not part of a bulk submission, they return it to the cat where its submission attempt was.
The cat in Ref/ dates from June 1998; the one in Shop/ from Dec 2001. Looks like we get to consider a cat merge internally...
Just a follow-up: Clothing has over 6000 sites waiting to be reviewed...it may be awhile. Marissa Shop/Clothing
Your application is not in the queue. If you're using IE as your browser, you might try submitting via Netsape or another browser instead. Some applicants have noted in the past their difficulty in getting their application to go through using IE. Good luck. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Re: Suggetion for Catagory The Business/ portion of the directory is undergoing a massive reorganization. Some of it is completed, but a *large* portion has yet to take place. We are just reaching the stage where individual topics will be addressed. I plan to be one of the editors working on the restructuring of the Business/...Apparel section; I am one of the moderators for Shopping/Clothing discussions. Your site is not listed in any of the unreviewed of the Business/...Manufacture/Clothing categories. I recommend you resubmit your site. The only notes I see are those created from Jim's adding your site to the Regional queue. Not sure what happened to your prior submissions, unless they are sitting lost in some other queue.
Staff cleared your "pending" application. You can reapply now. And yes, we do get the odd, unexplainable bug now and then. Metas have access to a lot; staff has access to even more. This was not something I or any other meta could access and resolve without staff intervention. We never know when or how these situations will crop up. Sorry your path through the application process has been bumpy - hopefully we'll see your application soon. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Metas have the option of sorting new applications by category (how I looked the first time), but just in case, I double-checked the entire queue: nothing for Rec/Drugs, nobody with mochamail.com as their email, and no username rfgdxm. Appears to be a bug; I'll have staff look into it, and if nothing else, they can clear the queue so you can resubmit your application. Please read and follow the editor Guidelines before resubmitting. Keeping up with and maintaining the Guidelines standards is something all editors are expected to do. A meta will post here to let you know when you can safely resubmit. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
You're one of less than 10 sites in that queue. You last submitted 1 October. Keep checking that category (don't just use the search function) and if your site isn't listed in another 4 weeks, you're welcome to ask for another status check. Please reuse this same thread if/when you come back; it'll bump up to the top.