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  1. Thank you for your response regarding our client’s Web site, http://www.coldsore.com/. As a follow-up to your email, I reviewed content on both sites (coldsore.com and valtrex.com) to scan for duplicate content. Although the look and feel of both sites is similar, I found no duplicate content on either site. The subject-matter of http://www.valtrex.com is that of Genital Herpes, ranging from treatment options, coping with/caring for, sexual health and finding support. The subject-matter of http://www.coldsore.com is coldsores – treatment, symptoms, contagion. The FDA views these sites as completely separate entities. Although each site does address variations of related topics, for example Valtrex.com does dedicate a page to coldsores, and Coldsore.com does make mention of STD’s, this content is not addressed in the same matter and differs greatly on each site. The medication, VALTREX, is discussed on both sites; however, even the descriptions of the medication (which is used to treat various forms of herpes including herpes zoster <shingles>, oral <coldsores> and genital herpes) are tailored to the specific indication of the site (genital herpes – Valtrex.com; coldsores – Coldsore.com). Please consider a re-evaluation of this site, as again, content on Coldsore.com and Valtrex.com does vary and presents different information to the user about different manifestations of the herpes virus. I am not sure how long this category has not had an editor, but would this have been the reason we were not listed when we originally submitted in October of 2002, and again in February, 2003? Thank you very much for your help, as the more clearly I understand this matter, the better I can explain the ramifications to our client. - Julie Shumaker
  2. Hello - Looks as though the category to which I submitted my client, GlaxoSmithKline - Coldsore.com, does not have an editor. I submitted to the category listed below in October, 2002 and again in February of 2003 in hopes of being listed. Unfortuntely, we have not been listed as yet. Any help that you can provide would be most appreciated, as I need to get this client indexed. Should I resubmit or submit to a different category? Thank you - Julie Shumaker(http://www.dmoz.org/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Infectious_Diseases/Viral/Herpes/Herpes_Simplex/Cold_Sores/)
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