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  1. Wow! That was fast! I guess the modified directory page will not show up for a while though? Regards - Lauvergnat
  2. Hello, We recently requested that the URL for our site Gitelink France, in the DMOZ directory, should be changed. Thankyou very much for making the change as requested. However, I now see that our site figures twice in succession in the DMOZ directory, page: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/France/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Vacation_Rentals/ Now that's very nice to get the rare privilege of double exposure in DMOZ !! But the idea of changing our URL was to have the old URL changed, not to get a second listing ! We now figure as: # Gitelink France - Directory of privately owned holiday rentals. # Gitelink France - Directory of holiday cottages and rentals organized by region. We would be grateful if an editor could remove the first of these two listings, which is the old URL on AOL that we are phasing out, and just keep the second. If, at the same time, the keyword "gites" could be added to the description, that would be much appreciated. # Gitelink France - Directory of holiday cottages, gites and rentals organized by region. (linking to http://gitelink.bravepages.com) Many thanks Lauvergnat
  3. This is great news - <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Gitelink France is listed at last. Thanks whoever put it there! Re spamming, there was no attempted spamming, just that the site has two addresses and one mirror, and that it has been submitted to DMOZ at least 4 times over two years during which there was no editor for the category. Presumably, and quite unintentionally, it was not always the same address that was submitted... But anyway, now its up, that's great. there will be no need for any more submitting! thanks
  4. "Perhaps you could try viewing the category once a month to check up on it. " I've been doing this for a year and a half now, and the category remains apparently unupdated, even if there is now an editor. A month ago I was told that the waiting list was shorter. What is the situation now?
  5. Two months later, and the category still seems to have the same number of entries (41) as ever. Any idea of how near my site is to getting listed? Thanks in advance
  6. Is there any progress on the listing of www.gitelink.bravepages.com ? (originally resubmitted last November... after a year's fruitless wait in an editorless category) KInd regards Lauvergnat
  7. Thanks for the rapid reply. Yes, I knew it was listed in the French version; I originally submitted this bilingual site to French and English versions at the same time - that was about two years ago if I remember correctly! I submitted a modification to the French version on the day I resubmitted the English version, and the French version was modified within 24 hours. Bravo! I did not know about losing rank on resubmitting, thanks for the tip. I guess that many others of the "several dozen" applicants will be resubmitting from time to time. How long is it until queued sites get automatically removed from the waiting list, or can they wait for ever if no-one actually edits the category?
  8. Hi, I submitted this site to: http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/France/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/Vacation_Rentals/ on November 2nd 2002, and again quite recently. the category however is editorless, and I have not noticed any change to it in over a year. Any news of when the site might eventually get listed?
  9. Dutch hits the nail on the head. The problem of absent editors coupled with DMOZ's - might one say "puritanical" - approach to acceptance of new editors, even when they have a good profile and good area knowledge, will inevitably lead to DMOZ falling increasingly behind in its inclusion of new sites, even the most interesting ones. It is mathematically unavoidable, unless a lot more editors are recruited. Even in the reasonably short term, a huge and growing backlog of unlisted sites can only serve to show that "humans do not do it best", however laudible the DMOZ ideal may be. As one who has been twice rejected as an editor, and consequently given up trying (whose loss is that?), could I suggest that instead of refusing new editors and at the same time inviting them to "apply again for a smaller category", DMOZ changes policy, and accepts such editors but offering them a smaller cat than the one they originally applied for. That would save a lot of time, and bring in a lot more editors, and might just start to allow some of the backlog to be caught up. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  10. <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> Chillysnow writes: So for instance, http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/France/Regions/Ile-de-France/ has zero sites and no listed editor, but actually contains 535 sites when you take into account all the subcategories. Typically new editors should aim to apply for categories that have up to 50 sites total. You can tell the total by the number next to the directory tree at the top of the category's page. ******** All told, the category: Top: Regional: Europe: France: Regions: Auvergne: Travel and Tourism: Lodging plus its subcategories amount to 36 sites (adding the braketed figures), though a few have been added since I applied. Of these 36, my area knowledge lets me see immediately that at least three (I haven't checked them all) are placed in the wrong geographical subcategory (good "editor", poor knowledge of the area?) and one appears twice, almost identically, on two successive lines. The categories remain editorless.
  11. A few weeks ago, I applied (for the second time) to become an ODP editor in a subcategory of World/regional/europe/france... I have lived in this country for over 30 years, am an experienced writer, and have specialist knowledge in the category I applied to, which is editorless. I was rejected, and invited to apply for a smaller category, in spite of the fact that the category I applied to edit had (and still has) the grand total of zero entries in it, and represents just a small area of France. I also submitted a site to the editorless category in question. Yesterday, however the site concerned was (thanks! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> ) added to the DMOZ directory, but (a) not where I had asked for it to be included , and (b)in the WRONG <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" /> DMOZ geographical area. A quick check shows other misplaced entries in similar categories. So I'd really love to know why my editor application was refused, whether knowledge of an area is really a criterion, and how small a category has to be for it to be suitable for a new editor?
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