We recently requested that the URL for our site Gitelink France, in the DMOZ directory, should be changed.
Thankyou very much for making the change as requested.
However, I now see that our site figures twice in succession in the DMOZ directory, page:
Now that's very nice to get the rare privilege of double exposure in DMOZ !! But the idea of changing our URL was to have the old URL changed, not to get a second listing !
We now figure as:
# Gitelink France - Directory of privately owned holiday rentals.
# Gitelink France - Directory of holiday cottages and rentals organized by region.
We would be grateful if an editor could remove the first of these two listings, which is the old URL on AOL that we are phasing out, and just keep the second. If, at the same time, the keyword "gites" could be added to the description, that would be much appreciated.
# Gitelink France - Directory of holiday cottages, gites and rentals organized by region.
(linking to http://gitelink.bravepages.com)
Many thanks