No, I'm afraid it hasn't - they do their thing, we do ours
Not unless you give us a clickable link to the category you submitted to.
Well, I can at least try.
There are several reasons, but at the heart of them all is the fact that the ODP is manned by volunteers. We don't have to review suggested web sites at all; most of us do, but all of us also find web sites on our own to add to the categories we edit in. (Note that I don't say "our categories" - we may feel particularly strongly about the cats we get to edit in but that doesn't mean we own them or can decide on our own what goes there or not!) The submitted sites are suggestions that carry no greater weight than the sites we find ourselves. There are many sites we wouldn't find without the site suggesting feature, and that's the reason why it is there, but there are also many sites that don't get suggested and it is up to us to find those.
Editing from the top down in a list of web sites would soon kill the editing pleasure for most of us. In particular in spam prone areas, I and many other editors start by weeding out the spam and duplicate submissions, then I'll often look for update requests and deal with those, and then review some of the remaining sites. Sometimes I feel like a challenge and tackle the more difficult suggestions, and sometimes I pick those that are easy. It all depends. And sometimes the cat needs to be fed in the middle of a site review and I'll leave the computer and go on with something totally different when I return.
That's how I work, and it may not be the same for other editors. Hope it made the editing process a little more clear, in any case.