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Everything posted by mcgarry

  1. Hi djdeeds, Thanks for your time! Chris
  2. Just bumping Happy New Year, Chris
  3. Hi All, I ended up resubmitting (on 11/24/2004): http://www.thejobspider.com/ to this directory: http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Employment/Job_Search/ with a better description of: A free employment resource site. Offering: online job searching, job alerts, resume posting, and free job posting. At least now I can feel more comfortable that its not my description that is holding me back... I also submitted (on 10/11/2004) a regional listing to: http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Business_and_Economy/Employment/ Could someone let me know if these where both received (or any other insight)? I do appreciate it! Thank you, Chris McGarry
  4. arubin, Thanks for taking the time with me. I do appreciate it. I haven't made a decision but I'm leaning towards not touching the submission. I guess I'm hoping the editor will take pity on me when looking at the submission date (I guess I'm also assuming that the editor will find my site a valuable resource addition! ). Thanks again, Chris
  5. Thanks arubin. That was helpful... I appreciate it. I do have one other question though. I'd be willing to bet that when the site was new and I first submitted it to DMOZ at the beginning of last year, the site description I wrote was must likely very poor. Since then the site has grown tremendously, became fairly popular, and I've concreted it's direction. I keep thinking that maybe I am not getting included because it was such a poorly written description and the editor would need to rewrite a new one. Does it make sense for me to resubmit with a better written description like "A free employment resource site. Offering: online job searching, job alerts, resume posting, and free job posting."?? I realize that this would overwrite my first submission but I've read some editors may put the site in the "I'll look at it later" basket because the description needs soo much work. I almost want to slap myself for even thinking it would be better to resubmit when I've waited this long but I figure I should at least ask the question. So I guess my question is: Should I slap myself ? Chris
  6. Hello, I'm checking again on the status. Here is the directory: http://dmoz.org/Business/Employment/Job_Search/ Submitted 25 Feb 2003 Site Link: http://www.thejobspider.com/ Thanks for your time, Chris McGarry
  7. Hi spectregunner, Great so your saying mine's the only site in the pool.... Or was it there is three hundred others... Just being funny (I've read too many of the other responses to your (the volunteer's) posts not to rib ya)... Anyway, I read you clearly... thanks, Chris
  8. Hi Alucard, No, I'm not 100% certain that's the correct category but many of my competitors are there... It looks right. If you have a suggested category I'd like to hear it. On the category backlog: I've read in these forums that "some" of the volunteers review by date. Is there many ahead of me that way (looking for good news )? Thank for your help, Chris
  9. I'm thinking I may have been past up in this forum. I apologize for posting again if this was not the case. Here's my message..... Still being (OK OK trying to be) patient but.... I'm checking again on the status. Here is the directory: http://dmoz.org/Business/Employment/Job_Search/ Submitted 25 Feb 2003 Thanks for your time, Chris McGarry
  10. Still being patient but.... I'm checking again on the status. Here is the directory: http://dmoz.org/Business/Employment/Job_Search/ Submitted 25 Feb 2003 Thanks for your time, Chris McGarry
  11. Will do. Thank you for your help! Chris
  12. Also, looking through my records I don't see the exact date I submitted it. May I possibly have that information as well? Don't mean to be a pest. Thanks, Chris
  13. Hello, Figured I'd ask again. Is the near future looking any better for a review of my site? I listed it Here a few months back http://www.thejobspider.com Thank you very much, Chris McGarry
  14. Thank you for helping! That's (more ads) exactly what I'll be working on while I wait. Thanks again, Chris
  15. Hello, I was wondering if I could find out the status of my site: http://www.thejobspider.com I submitted it a while back to the following category: http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Employment/Job_Search/ It has not been an excessive amount of time I'm just anxious. Thank you, Chris
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