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Everything posted by beebware

  1. Your site is NOT in the unreviewed queue for Business/Industrial_Goods_and_Services/Materials/Coatings - are you sure that is where you submitted? I can't actually check the logs of the site myself as I'm just clearing up some of the spam in that category now (damn you for leading me to a spam-filled category <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> ).
  2. Corrected URL path: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Travel_and_Tourism/Travel_Guides/ (ODP urls do NOT have spaces in them - but use underscores/underlines _ instead). Your site is awaiting review in that category with around 2 dozen other sites. If it hasn't been listed in around 1 months time, please feel free to come back to THIS thread (do NOT start a new thread about the same site) and ask again. Have you considered becoming an editor at all?
  3. There's no need to resubmit, as I said, your site is still awaiting review in both of those queues. The advice I gave you wasn't "official" ODP advice, more from an "ODP human editor" preference. Personally, if a site takes up my entire screen and the only way I can review it is by ALT-TABBING between windows, then I'll rather skip it and leave it for another editor to review. At the moment I've got 4 browser windows open (sometimes I have 8 or more), but they are all arranged so I can easily flick between them and that they are all visible (at least scrollbar/resize) at the same time - if they were all full-screen well...blarg <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> It's all about usability - if an editor can't easily "use" your site then they, along with other users (visitors) to your site, will simply "walk away" to sites which are more to their liking. I don't suppose you've considered becoming an editor yourself have you? At the very least it'll help you to see what people are looking for from a site (i.e. from a "visitors" prospective instead of a webmaster one) - plus, depending on where you edit, you'll get to see some awful site designs (some of them still make me shudder!)
  4. Your site is still awaiting review in the category with less than a dozen editors. You also submitted to http://dmoz.org/Computers/Education/Commercial_Services/Training_Companies/Desktop/ but the editor was put off reviewing your site because your site enlarged/resized itself to take up the entire desktop: meaning that the editor couldn't look at your site and type a review at the same time - therefore they left it in that unreviewed queue where it is awaiting another editor to review it along with around 40 other sites. Things like "link destination obscuring" (ie hiding the destination of the link when it should appear in the status bar), "desktop hijacking" (taking up the entire editor's desktop - meaning they can't look at your site and the editor window at the same time), "back button hijacking" (stopping the browser's "Back" button from working) and other similar things just make it harder for an editor to review your site. These things WILL NOT stop you from getting a listing, but they MAY make an editor more likely to "skip over" your site for another site that is easier to review.
  5. Your site is still awaiting review in the category. Please leave at least a month before asking for a status update again
  6. Please do not start new threads about the same site. I will give you a status update in the old thread so a moderator/administrator can close this thread.
  7. People, *please* provide a clickable URL to the category - i.e. http://dmoz.org/Regional/Caribbean/Jamaica/Localities/Negril/Travel_and_Tourism/Lodging/ . It's quite simple to cut'n'paste the URL bar and it saves other people from having to type out, by hand, the long category paths. http://www.visitnegril.com is the only site awaiting review in that category. There is no need to resubmit. If your site hasn't been listed in about a months time, please feel free to come back to THIS THREAD and ask for a status update: please do not start new threads for the same site. Have you considered applying to be an editor?
  8. Your previous post has been moved to the Adult forum. I did make the following post in it before it was moved across (and, when it was moved across, answered your question): ============================================= This question is not appropriate for this forum (Site Submission Status). Quote from the guidelines:>>> Adult - Questions related to the Adult/ heirarchy. Please note that this is the only area where reference to adult material, as defined in the Adult/ guidelines, may be made in these forums. Like the Adult category in DMOZ, this forum is not visible on the main page. In order to view that area, you need to contact an administrator to obtain access; the current administrator who specialises in that area is meta-editor ffabris. <<<< For access to the Adult forum, please ask in the appropriatly named Access to the "Adult" forum thread in the "Members Lounge".
  9. It's still awaiting review in that category with less than 2 dozen other sites.
  10. Which category did you submit to? Please provide the category path in the form of a clickable URL - http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/ - by cut'n'pasting the URL bar.
  11. I have moved your site to the more appropriate Adult/Image_Galleries/Fetishes/Pregnant_and_Lactating/AVS/ProAdult category for review: it is awaiting review in that category with 1 other site (the other category had nearly 2 dozen other sites awaiting review).
  12. If you look through past posts on this board, you will see that there are currently severe technical issues affecting the RDF dump that ODP produces and that is used by "downstream data partners" such as Google. Staff @ the ODP are more than aware of this problem and are working to resolve it as soon as possible: but the problem is it takes around 4 days to produce each dump (due to the amount of data in it) and it's been failing in the last few hours of the dump - not fun for someone trying to debug it <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> Other than that, we have no control whatsoever over the usage of the data by Google et al. [note: the "Site Submission Status" forum was probably not the best place to ask, "Bugs+Features" would have been more ideal]
  13. >> You say unique content, what qualifies for that? << Erm, content that is unique? I.e. not replicated on another site?
  14. Re: URL Rejected? >> BTW ... don't all domain names point to somewhere else unless you have your own dedicated server << Nope, domain names point at IP addresses (extremely simplified explanation). It is up to the server at the IP address to decide what to do: it can either issue a "Redirect - see http://www.example.com/" command or it can actually serve up the content. To have your site "properly hosted" on a server (ie the IP address that the doman name points to is actually the IP address of the server that hosts your site) is not really expensive. You can get space on a "shared server" (ie a server that a number of other websites are hosted on) for extremely low cost now. An example is the company hosting my "personal" site - admiteddly their prices are at the "upper end" of the scale (because they offer quite a bit of functionality such as 120Mb space, PHP, Perl, MySQL, Java, full logs, unlimited email addresses etc), but they are $394 per year. No exactly "breaking the bank" for a small commercial website (and, in fact, is cheaper than Yahoo! Stores hosting fee). Of course, your "own dedicated server" is a bit more pricer than that: but considering you normally have 20_Gb_ of space and total control over the server - so, if you wanted, you could totally reformat it and install whatever you liked on it - it is sometimes worth considering). You may find this category of interest to you.
  15. This question is not appropriate for this forum (Site Submission Status). Quote from the guidelines:>>> Adult - Questions related to the Adult/ heirarchy. Please note that this is the only area where reference to adult material, as defined in the Adult/ guidelines, may be made in these forums. Like the Adult category in DMOZ, this forum is not visible on the main page. In order to view that area, you need to contact an administrator to obtain access; the current administrator who specialises in that area is meta-editor ffabris. <<<< For access to the Adult forum, please ask in the appropriatly named Access to the "Adult" forum thread in the "Members Lounge".
  16. Re: Procedure when investigating abuse As motsa said, most of that information is confidential - but we do keep detailed logs of every site an editor has edited (added, deleted, changed) and each site has its own logs.
  17. It's still awaiting review in that category with around 130 other sites.
  18. You are getting confused between the category page last update date ( on http://dmoz.org/ ), and the search update date (on http://search.dmoz.org/ ). Perform a search on the ODP, scroll down past the search results and you'll see: >> Search database last updated on: Sat Sep 28 00:54:00 PDT 2002 <<. Staff @ ODP are aware are the large delay in the search database system and are working on resolving it (and the associated RDF problems) as quickly as they can.
  19. Your site is awaiting review in that category with over 350 other sites. By looks of things that category attracts quite a lot of spam, so it could be some time before you are listed: but there is no need to re-submit your site (resubmit just updates the 'submitted date' on the site: and if an editor has the sort order 'show oldest first' enabled for the queue, your site will be moved to the bottom of the queue).
  20. It's awaiting review in that category with less than two dozen other sites.
  21. >> Is there a way to view the unreviewed queue for a given category? << Nope. >> Also, how long does it take (on average) to get a site reviewed << Anything from 5 minutes to quite-a-large-number-of-months. It all depends on a whole host of factors, but category unreviewed queues are a bit like stocks and shares "past performance is not an indication of future results... queues may go up and down". The best thing to do, is to follow the advice available on the ODP, ensure your site complies with our guidelines, and submit your site to the MOST APPROPRIATE category (if your site is about 'bourbon biscuits', submit to 'Food/Snacks/Biscuits/Bourbon' and NOT to 'Food/Snacks' or 'Food/Snacks/Biscuits') - ideally with a good, honest description, the correct non-cloaked URL and then just wait. If your site then hasn't been listed after a month or two, then please feel free to post in the 'Site Submission Status' forum with your site's URL in the 'Subject header' and a clickable category path to the category you submitted to (just cut'n'paste the URL bar so you get http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom etc ). Do NOT: * Submit your site to lots of categories * Submit your site to categories "just because they have a listed editor" * Ask for a submission status within a month of submitting (it just wastes time) * Submit mirrors, doorways, or 'hidden URLs' to your site. Hope it helps! beebs.
  22. It hasn't been rejected. It just hasn't been reviewed yet. The 'Last updated:' time at the bottom of the page may mean nothing at all. An editor could have just done a flying-visit to correct a mis-spelling in that category, de-cloak URLs, remove known spammy/dead/affiliate URLs (we've got "teams" of editors which do these) - or the editor in question only had time to review one or two sites before they had to go do some "real life work". We don't say to editors "You _have_ to review every single site at once". What I can tell you is that the category was updated for one of the reasons above. Just be patient.
  23. See above.
  24. See http://dmoz.org/add.html : You should not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory. If it helps, you can let your client now that I am willing to personally refund him the amount the ODP charged him for submission. Luckily we don't charge $299 unlike another web directory PLUS, unlike them, we have a full money-back guarantee and don't re-bill you the same amount year after year. In other words: don't promise what you can't deliver. The problem is between you and your client (you not being able to give them what they paid for): the ODP is not involved....
  25. Yep, it's there! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> It's been sitting there the last ten days in a very small queue....
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