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Everything posted by beebware
Please provide clickable URL paths to the category you are enquirying about (in this case: http://dmoz.org/Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/ ). Your site is awaiting review in that category - unfortently, the unreviewed queue it extremely backlogged at the moment (over 1,000 sites! <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" /> ). If you can find a more specific sub-category for your site, please let us know so we can move it down to there (which may speed up the review time of your site). It's when you see categories like that that remind you that we really need more editors that are knowledgable about _anything_...
Are you sure that is the URL and category you submitted to? (you should have included the URL in the 'Subject' of this forum thread, but if you can post it in your reply it would be helpful - that way we can cut'n'paste it to search the unreviewed queues etc). Personally, I would have thought that Reference/Dictionaries/By_Subject/Military/ would be more suitable for your site (see the Add URL page, step 3:
I think that category has moved to become Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Financial_Services/Personal_Finance/Mortgages/M/. Your site is listed in that category.
change of desc status - www.webfirm.com.au
beebware replied to nuthin's topic in Site Submission Status
Your update is still waiting in the queue with nearly 300 other sites. [Please do not reveal confidential information. Thanks. - apeuro] -
Submission status for http://www.floornature.com
beebware replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Your site has been deemed worthy of a listing in Arts/Architecture (lsited on the 9th September). Congratulations on having such a worthwhile and informative site that the editors concerned have listed it so high up in the "tree". -
Yep, the ODP search engine normally updates around 2 days after the RDF dump has been produced (I believe staff have got the search running off a copy of the dump to try and relieve a bit of pressure on the main server). However, this does mean that when the RDF dump is out of date, search is too. ODP staff members are more than aware of the issue and are working on resolving it as soon as possible (in fact, as I type, there is another attempt to produce the RDF dump going ahead - but it'll be a minimum of 24 hours before we know if the problem has been sorted).
Submission Status of http://www.allonlineslots.com
beebware replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Your site was deleted from the unreviewed queue to that category in May and October this year (previously it had been submitted 5 times in a different category over a year - but deleted for the same reason). The reason? Basically, several different editors agreeded that your site had more affiliate links than useful content, and hence under our guidelines (see "Sites Consisting Primarily of Affiliate Links") your site is not suitable for inclusion. You may also find the Gambling Guidelines useful and informative. -
Your site was listed 9hours ago in Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Accessories/Candles/Scented
Request status of http://www.depressionremedy.com
beebware replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Deeplinking is the exception rather than the rule and some sites may qualify for multiple listings but, again, it's rather the exception. It all depends on if the site (section of site, or page) offers Original, unique and valuable informational content that contributes something unique to the category's subject. Intelihealth has probably (although I haven't looked into it) made high quality, useful, informative pages - submitted to the correct categories (with a decent description) and proved worth while to list. However, if they just had pages advertising single products without information that is already listed in the ODP, then it is unlikely they would have been listed. The Shopping/ branches are more strict towards the multiple-listing rule as it is one of the few branches of the ODP aimed at commercialisation - most of the others (in this instance Health/) are more aimed at information: hence why informative sites can be listed many times outside of Shopping/ but very few times inside. Of course, it should go without saying, that commercial sites (ie sites whose primary purpose is to make sales) are not really welcome in the informative categories. You may find the Shopping FAQ of use to you, especially parts 1.6 and 2.1. -
You already asked this exact same question (and received the response that your pages do not meet our guidelines for listing due to lack of worthwhile content) in this thread which you started two days ago. Please continue this conversation over there (although I cannot see the position changing - several editors, including myself, have looked at the pages and they aren't worth listing). (Admins: Can we have a thread closed here and some popcorn please? <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> )
Well, when I said it had been "agreeded", I meant more than "a number of ODP editors agreeded" rather than "you and the ODP". I'm not too familiar with the site (apart from reading the decisions made by other editors), but that's the lay of the land.
Everybody, PLEASE, include CLICKABLE paths to the categories - http://dmoz.org/Society/People/Personal_Homepages/V/ . Just cut'n'pasting the URL bar isn't that hard... We have no record of your site being submitted into those categories. It has not been rejected from elsewhere either. Are you sure that those are the categories you think you submitted to? Personally, I wouldn't list the site as it is _just_ a feedback form ("Who is Pascal Van Garesse?"), but other editors more familar with Personal_Homepages (PHp) may do so...
We have no record of you submitting with the URL of http://www.bikerswild.com to Shopping/Vehicles/Motorcycles/Calendars_and_Videos. Your site was reviewed in Recreation/Motorcycles at the end of June, but the site was non-functional at that point of time. If your site is relevant to the additional category and adds some worth while content, then it may well be listed, however duplicate listings are the exception and not the rule...
Your site is currently listed in Business/Hospitality/Food_Service btw. Around the 10th of Feb your site was removed from the directory for licence violation related reasons, but we accept that you did notify us (by mailing quite a few editors regarding the matter - without telling them you had asked another editor to look into the issue) in March that proper attribution was now in place. I feel that it had been agreeded not to' deeplink' your site (or any of your 'mirror sites') as they do not offer sufficient content to warrant listing.
>> probably be better << I didn't say we didn't know, just that we may not know. And can I borrow your "Learn French in 10 minutes" book please <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
It'll probably be better if you posted in the French forum. Why? Because people there are more familar with the World/Français categories and will actually "know" what the category paths mean. Most English-only editors don't venture into World/ ...
Re: Site sub status for http://www.floridainsider.net/ The site does not have sufficient content to make it worth our while listing (it's just really a one page advert for a booklet). It was rejected for listing and I doubt it will be listed elsewhere as it does not meet the criteria of our guidelines. Sorry.
First of all: Please follow the Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING and "Always include the URL of the site you're asking about in the title of the thread." www.lord-rings.0catch.com ========================= The LoTR site was submitted just 6 days ago and that is too early to be asking for a site submission status. We normally recommend waiting a MINIMUM of two weeks before enqurying - ideally a month. Remember, the more time editors spend giving site status updates, the less time we have to edit. Anyway, it's there in a small queue (less than a dozen sites awaiting). To be honest with you, I'm not sure what the chance of your site being listed is. I've seen sites with more content than yours, and if a site doesn't have "Original, unique and valuable informational content that contributes something unique to the category's subject" then it won't be listed. It's usually easy to get a site listed in a small category that has just got started (as there isn't much "competition"), but once a category has grown and already lists very comprehensive, informative sites - then it gets harder. The decision, however, will be left up to the "local editor" of that category. www.geocities.com/stephen_rf/front-page.html ============================================ That site is NOT in the unreviewed queue of the category, nor has it been deleted from the unreviewed queue of that or any other category. Are you sure that is where you submitted? (I actually checked the queue for http://www.geocities.com/stephen_rf/ as the 'front-page.html' bit may be classed as an unnecessary 'deeplink'). This does, at least to someone unfamilar with the topic, seem an informative and well researched detailed site (even though the 'click sounding' flash buttons are annoying) - so it _probably_ stands a good chance of being listed.
Ah. Can't remember your password AND no longer have the same email address? Oh. Erm... Only thing I can think about, is to contact a friendly meta (any of them mentioned as 'meta' on the 'senior editor' list. You'll need to change the link from the format of http://dmoz.org/editors/profile.cgi?editor=hutcheson to http://dmoz.org/profiles/hutcheson.html before the system will allow you to access the appropriate profile page (and then the 'Send to editor' feedback button). Don't forget to include details of your username, your old email address (for authentication reasons), the URL of this thread (just so they know and, maybe, post here 'when done') and any other details you think relevant. I can tell you that since you did just 'time out' (ie there is no removal noted on your records) you do stand a very high chance of getting back in <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> You've just now got to find someone that will give you the keys... If you did "get friendly" with a meta whilst you were still editing (and they are still a meta) - it may be worth contacting them instead of a 'random meta'. Unfortently, when a timed-out editor can't remember their password AND their email address is no longer valid, it kinda breaks all the ODP's automated systems - hence the need for 'more than usual' human intervention (well, I say human, but I meant 'god-like' as we are talking about meta's here...)
No we don't: your site will be reviewed when an editor decides to review sites in that category. This could be anytime from five minutes ago to several months. As we are all volunteers, we can't dedicate set amounts of time to the ODP and just try and "pitch in" and give a hand when and where we can: we cannot, and will not, make any guarantees about how long it will take a site to get reviewed. However, because your site is the only one awaiting review in that category - it does indicate that it is well maintained, and, therefore, it shouldn't be long until an editor gets round to it. But how long - we can't say. However, the more people that help out by becoming editors, the more sites we can review in the same time period. Sorry I can't give you much more positive feedback, but that's just the way things are. Oh, what the hell, I'll stick my neck out and say that it is likely your site will be reviewed within the next 3 years <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> If it's any longer than that, well, erm, obviously something has gone wrong. Heh.
I don't know if it may work or not - but try entering your details on the reinstatement form without filling in the password box. Have you tried the password reminder page to get a reminder of your password? If they both fail, post here with your username and a meta editor will probably come to your assistance.
Re: Questions on spamming >> 1. Massive keyword stuffing almost every page in the site - 500+ keywords in Meta Keywords. << We don't care about this (nor do we care about 'hidden text' on the page: such as black writing on a black background). It makes no difference to the ODP or to an editor review. Nothing gets into ODP without an editor approving it, and it'll be a very poor editor that let in a lot of keywords into a sites title or description. The ODP doesn't have a 'keyword' field for sites anyway (title and description only). Keywords 'stuffed' into meta tags and such will just damage a sites ranking in search engines such as Google as they are more than wise to this method of spamming. >> Domains 2, 3, and 4, all automatically redirect to domain 1. But, redirect url is hidden from address bar. << An editor would just list the first site. Editors are aware of URL cloaking and we do have measures in place to try and prevent this sort of thing even slipping by us. >> This really makes me mad because they are getting ALL of these domains and individual pages indexed in every SE, and at least one of them in DMOZ. << The "general" rule is: One site, one listing. Of course, we then have exceptions ("you may also be entitled to a listing under Regional/", "very informative site-worth deeplinking" etc etc). Rest assured, if the site is as bad as you make it - one listing is what they've got and one listing is all they are going to get. >> Does DMOZ support this, or do they consider this spam? << We might not (as human beings) like it, but we don't consider it spam. Unless, of course, they then attempted to try and list all the cloaked URLs and deeplinks - then we might get a little mad at them. >> I hate to waste your time if this isn't even considered spam, but it must be << It's not spam to us, but it _may_ be spam to sites such as Google (their abuse report page is here ).
Please start a new thread for queries about other sites. Remember to include the site URL in the "Subject" of the new thread and include a cut'n'pasted URL path of the category you submitted to. This is done so that people can easily watch threads which interest them and that editors 'know' which issues have been 'dealt' with.
http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Boating/Sailing/Multihulls/ has now been created! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> (your site is currently in the queue there with a dozen other sites: the main categories unreviewed queue was over 350 and I've just managed to get it to under 200 by deleting quite a lot of spam, deeplinks, duplicate submissions and moving to the appropriate World/ category any sites in foreign languages) I've moved all of the applicable sites to the appropriate category (bar http://home.swbell.net/eliz-kev/proa_page.html - as I'm not sure about that site at the moment) and I'm currently working my way moving down all the applicable unreviewed sites. If you are going to apply to be an editor for that category, add details about this thread (including it's URL) in the field marked "Explain your interest in the subject of the category for which you are applying to edit". Include the quite good site reviews you listed below (as long as they aren't all your own sites: remember to declare any/all affiliations in the box labelled 'Sites with which you are associated') and apply away! I've a feeling if you can impress a meta editor as much as you've just managed to impress me, you'll make a damn good editor! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
beebware replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
It's awaiting review in that category with around 2 dozen other sites.