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Everything posted by beebware

  1. Re: www.icreditcentral.com I don't think it'll make much difference (emailing the editor). The editor listed for that category seems to be quite active (having last logged in less than 5 hours ago) - plus the fact that they are one of the more senior ODP editors (a 'meta editor'). They (or an editor further up in the 'tree') will get to your site eventually, just have patience.
  2. Your site is now awaiting review in Business/Food_and_Related_Products/Food_Processing/Equipment along with around 50 other sites. The old site has been removed and appropriatly tagged with your new URL for future reference. >> description that contains the words coffee, roasting, and equipment in it << I'm not reviewing the site for inclusion so I can't comment on what may or may not be in the eventual description, but I can say that if the local editor thinks that those keywords are relevant to the site and the category they will be included. Likewise, if the editor feels that the keywords won't add anything sufficient to the description, then they won't be included.
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  4. Private message me with the old URL and the rest of the details and I'll look into it. I'm not going to promise to review your site, but I'll sort out the old URL vs the new one issue.
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. (please leave spaces between URL paths and quote marks - that way this forum software can automatically convert the URL to a clickable format) Your site has been moved to http://dmoz.org/Health/Services/ for another editor to review. There is no need to resubmit as an editor will review your site in due course. It may be a case that once your site is reviewed (there are only around a dozen other sites in that category awaiting review) it may be accepted into one of the subcategories of Health/Services/ (if it is deemed your site isn't quite broad enough for 'top-level Health/Services'). If, in a months time you cannot see your site in Health/Services or in the ODP search system (which will be up-to-date by then: fingers crossed), then feel free to post again IN THIS THREAD and we'll try and update you on the status of your site. DO NOT start a new thread for this site.
  7. It would have helped if you had copied the exact message you received instead of re-wording it. If you got the message: Sorry, we could not determine your IP address for this submission. This may be because your browser or ISP has cached the previous page. Your submission has been redirected to the misplacd submissions folder. We apologise for the inconvenience. Then there is no need to resubmit as we do have your submission (like the message says). It has just been placed into a temporary holding area ("Misplaced submissions") for checking before being moved to the unreviewed queue of the category you submitted to. See these previous threads for more details. If however, you received a different message, please tell us EXACTLY what it says. Also, please cut'n' paste the URL of the category you are submitting to. "Education<College" could mean any of (I would guess) a hundred categories, but http://dmoz.org/Science/Earth_Sciences/Education/College/Field_Camps/ makes it obvious exactly which category you meant AND allows an editor to quickly click on the category to see if your site is awaiting review there or not.
  8. >> My site submission form won't go through << Can you please elaborate on this. What do you mean "won't go through"? What message do you get? Which category have your tried submitting to? What browser+OS (i.e. Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000) are you using? Just saying "it doesn't work" doesn't really help us advise you in any way, nor track down any potential problem. It's all in the details <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
  9. Your site is awaiting review in Shopping/Pets/Theme_Merchandise/Dogs along with nearly 150 other sites. DO NOT submit in categories "higher up" in the ODP in the hope of a quicker listing. It doesn't work (your site will just be moved down to the appropriate category again - wasting an editors time: or it may just be deleted altogether). Because you have constantly resubmitted, you have overwritten your previous awaiting submissions: therefore it appears that the only time you submitted was 30 minutes ago. Editors that have 'sort unreviewed by date' (which, I believe, is the default setting) will show your site at the _bottom_ of the queue now. Constantly resubmitting just hurts your site review chances (delays it - or, in extreme cases, causes you to be branded a spammer). There is no need to resubmit - an editor will eventually get around to reviewing your site. Unless, you want to become an editor yourself: admitedlly it's doubtful you'll get Shopping/Pets/Theme_Merchandise/Dogs straight away, but if you are editing elsewhere in the directory it may free up some time for another editor to review your site....
  10. The search database is quite out of date at the moment (it should be working properly again the next week or two - fingers crossed). The ...Loans category you referenced has been disbanded (ie deleted and the sites moved elsewhere). I think the best category for your submission would be: ...UK/Business_and_Economy/Financial_Services/Personal_Finance/Loans/L/ . How did I find that category? ============================= When I tried to access "Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Financial Services: Loans" I got a 404 error which suggested Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Financial_Services/ as a possible category. I went there and just clicked on 'Personal Finance' (since your site is aimed to consumers and not businesses: well, at least a quick glance told me that), clicked on 'Loans' and then the first letter of your site name (as that category has been broken down to an alphabar as there are a large number of sites for that subject and no other way of classifying them apart from by 'company/site name'.
  11. http://www.prosperity4.com/flashryder.asp has never been listed in the ODP, and the category path you quoted does not exist. Can you post the URL of the page you think your site is listed?
  12. The problem seems to be slightly more widespread than first thought (causing problems to most of the alphabar categories of http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Financial_Services/Insurance/Life_and_Pensions/ . As I have tried all I can to fix this problem but without success, I have raised the issue on the internal ODP forums for more senior editors (and staff members) to investigate.
  13. There currently appears to be a technical problem with the Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Financial_Services/Insurance/Life_and_Pensions/T category where your site is listed. I am looking into it and should have a resolve for you shortly.
  14. Which category have you tried to submit to? I'll be able to see if it has been accepted by the system or not. ODP has been suffering from a few problems recently (they do seem to be mainly over now though) which resulting in the server being unavailable: but if you tried in the last week or so, you shouldn't have experienced any problems. [site specific] Looking at your site, it WILL NOT be accepted for listing in its present condition. It is just soliciting content/listings at the moment, and doesn't actually offer any details about any Florida villas. When you have a few villas actually listed (and, hence, some listable content), you should submit - but at the present time, your site will be rejected for listings(as it was around the 20th of September).
  15. Hmm, your products do appear to be sold by quite a number of other sites. See this one,, this one and this site (all taken from these Google search results). They offer the same products as yourself, and the site design is practically the same. Under these circumstances, it does look like your site is an affiliate site and therfore will not be listed.
  16. >> Please check on the status for me though. << See post 2 in this thread where dfy gave you a status ("still awaiting for review"). When asking for a status check there are a few answers we can give: [*]Site is already listed in this category. Please refresh your browser and check you are visiting http://dmoz.org/ [*]Site is awaiting review with around XX other sites. [*]Site does not appear in the unreviewed queue of that category. Are you sure that's where you submitted? [*]Site was moved to another category (X) for review [*]Site was declined a listing for reason Y [*]This site WILL NOT be listed anywhere in ODP because of reason Y [/list:u] If you want any further information, then we can only really offer generic advice. This forum is not a method to get your site reviewed before anybody elses. All sites _are_ reviewed, but depending on the backlog of categories (and the category your site is _relevant to_ [not necessarily the category you submitted to]) this can take some time.
  17. Most of the time, if you re-submit to the same category your latest submission will overwrite the previous one. So, although you may have submitted several months ago - because you resubmitted yesterday, it overwrote the details. >> Can I get penalized for trying to submit to soon again? << Yes you can, but the penalisation only usually comes into play with 'big abusers': i.e. if you attempted to list everypage of your site ('deeplinks') or resubmited every single day (with or without the same URL) then we would have to take measures to stop/reduce it. These penalisations can range from simple warnings to other editors ("look out - known abuser/spammer") to a complete blocking of you submitting any sites and your URL blacklisted. Like I said, these penalities are only used in the extreme cases, but as long as you are sensible and don't try to abuse the system then you won't even run the risk of these coming into play. Accidents we can live with, abuse of the system we don't.
  18. It makes our life easier if you provide clickable links to the category (just cut'n'paste the URL): http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Ethnic_and_Regional/European/Russian . Looking at the submission (you are awaiting review in that category with between a dozen and two dozen other sites), the last submitted date is '25 October 2002'. Therefore, it is a little bit early to be asking the status of the submission. The category appears to be reasonably well maintained, so it shouldn't be more than a couple of months at the outside before your site is reviewed. If it hasn't been listed in a month to 2 months, come back to this thread (don't open a new one - as that just gets us annoyed) and we'll be able to tell if you've been rejected or not. If you have a physical store front, you may consider submitting to the appropriate Regional/ category.
  19. We don't accept editors who only join to promote their own site(s) - and, unfortently, the Shopping/ branch of the ODP does attract quite a few potential editors who join for just that reasons. I'm sure the recommendation for you to start in the non-Shopping category ( Sports/Racquetball/ at a guess) was to ensure that you applied for the correct reasons and had knowledge of the field. I know this does sound a bit negative, but personally I'll prefer a potential editor to be rejected then an abusive editor joining for a day and then several editors having to spend months clearing up the mess they made. If you do decide to join in another category, you may find that after just a month or so of good editing you'll be granted the category you were after originally - and, you never know, by the end of a year you could be a meta editor and approving new editors yourself (if you wanted to aim for that). >> Can someone who has editall priviledges please just go in there for me and approve? << Ok, if you are referring to meing approved as an editor - only Meta editors can do that (see Types Of Editors). If, however, you are asking for an editor who has editing permissions in Shopping/Sports/Racquetball/ to approve your site (they don't need to be an editall, anyone that edits in Shopping/Sports or Shopping/ can do so), then I'm sorry - but you are just going to have to wait. The guidelines to this forum state: Please note that posting in this forum will not lead to site listing in itself. An editor will get round to reviewing your site, but they will do so in their own time: posting in this forum will not get your site reviewed any faster.
  20. Anything from a few minutes to several months. We are not able to give precise times as all editors volunteer their time. Oh, no category is 'editor-less'. Any editor that has permissions for that category or any of its parent categories can edit it. Plus we have 'editall' editors (like myself) that can edit anywhere. A good example is: this category which does not have an editor, but can be maintained by editors of this category , this one, this one, this one , that one and Regional/ , but also all the people on the editall list (that are marked 'root', 'editall' or 'Catmod:Regional'). That's 35 editors without counting the editalls.
  21. Further information has come to light which forces me to ask the following question. What is the main difference between http://store.yahoo.com/tropi-ties/ and http://store.yahoo.com/entare/ ? I believe you are connected with both sites...
  22. I don't know how they differ as I try and avoid Shopping/ as a rule. Plus my knowledge of the American mobile phone market is limited to knowing how the phone technology works and not how they are sold. Did you actually take the recommendation I made in the 4th post (way way at the top) of this thread:
  23. Google uses the RDF dump to produce http://directory.google.com/ . However, there have been problems with the RDF dump being produced - but ODP staff are working on fixing that ASAP (it's currently the highest priority: they have informed editors that work on things like "public page regeneration" and the ODP own search system will be delayed until the RDF is fixed). Google does also crawl the ODP, but it'll be up to Google exactly what it does with the crawl. ODP has no "direct" link with Google - it is just one of the many sites using ODP data. >> is it possible that the Google will get sites through the rdf that are (not) currently available online due to the backlog? << (my addition to try and make the sentence make sense) It's possible, but only if the RDF dump is correctly working. According to the RDF verification checks, the RDF was meant to be produced in the last few days - but failed due to consistency checks. ODP staff are aware of these issue(s) are are working to fix them just as quickly as they can.
  24. Yep, they do offer the same. Compare the details of the ATTWS Popular featured package - Refurbished Nokia 5165 and the Ericsson R3000LX. Exact same prices, exact same plans: only difference I can see is that the ATTWS (AT+T Wireless) makes it clear that you are purchasing a refurbished mobile/cell-phone. Both sites do prompt for a Zipcode, so I used "19808" to ensure a fair comparison.
  25. The category has been renamed as the Christmas.../Christmas_Lights category path was a bit redudent. You'll be able to find the new category at: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Holidays/Christmas/Decorations/Lights/ just as soon as it's been "built" (the "public page regeneration" system which "builds" the pages is currently a couple of days backlogged - therefore some categories aren't showing up correctly, redirects aren't working as they should etc etc: normal service should be resumed in the next couple of weeks).
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