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Everything posted by beebware
It was sitting in a queue of 5 sites. But once I deleted two other submissions from yourself (an 'Update' request and http://www.occultresearch.org/talk/phpBB2/ ) it's gone down to 3. I take it you are aware that since the 15th of September you've been listed in: Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Esoteric_and_Occult/Magick/Chats_and_Forums. Since the categories (at least to me) seem very similar, I would personally think the chance you having 2 listings in these categories is quite low. But I'll leave it for a more 'local' editor to deal with.
It is still awaiting review with less than a dozen other sites. [add] You only submited your site 4 days ago. Allow at _least_ 3 weeks to pass before enqurying about submission status. A month to two is not an unusual amount of time to wait, but less than 3 weeks is just being inpatient....
Can you please let a meta editor (or myself) know which editor supplied you with the copies of the internal forum postings and the editing logs. (see http://dmoz.org/guidelines/communication.html#privacy )
Re: Indian Dance Site Status Patience the answer is. Your site could be reviewed in the next half-hour or it could still be several months. Are you sure any of the subcategories aren't more appropriate to your site? (I know nothing about Indian dancing) Or even Shopping/Jewelry/Ethnic_and_Regional/Indian/ as your site, while providing information about Indian dance, does seem to be primarily a 'shop'?
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Your site is in the unreviewed queue of that category Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/Basic_Service/C/ with over 800 other sites. It *will* be a while before your site is reviewed.
Neither http://bathheaven.com or http://www.bathheaven.com appear in the queue to that category. They do not have 'editor notes' attached to them to indicate that have have been touched by an editor in any way (i.e. been moved or added elsewhere). Are you sure that is the URL and category you submitted to?
http://www.mrspedag.com is NOT in the queue for that category and doesn't appear to have been touched by an editor elsewhere.
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If you can give us even the vaguist idea what this is about, then we will be able to point you towards the right person. You could say that the CEO of AOL Time Warner is the 'ultimate manager' of the directory, but since ODP is just a very very small part of AOLTW, he may not even be totally aware what ODP is - let alone how to answer your question...
If you are fired I believe you get a message such as 'Login inactivated/removed'. Whereas, if you miskey your password or ODP is suffering problems you get the message 'Login incorrect'. I could be slightly wrong with the wording of the 'Login inactived/removed' message (as I've never seen it myself, thank deity) but I have been told that it is different.
It was listed in that category between 15 Sept 2002 and 06 Oct 2002 when it was removed as it seemed low quality to a higher-up editor. Personally, http://www.specialist-online-dictionary.com/ is now referring me straight to http://www.1amazingincome.com/dictionary/ so that may be another reason for the sites removal under the first URL (see the ODP editor guidelines for URL cloaking.)
It is still awaiting review in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Health/Beauty/Bath_and_Body/Soap/Handmade/ with around 60 other sites.
Status of http://www.sausalitoartgalleries.com
beebware replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Short answer: No. Long answer: ODP (aka dmoz.org) does not 'crawl' websites as it is not a search engine (such as Google). No site gets listed in the ODP without being manually reviewed by human eyes - hence why it is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. (similar to Yahoo! but we are bigger and don't charge for submissions). The only 'crawler' (or, to give them their proper names, web robots or 'spiders') that the ODP has is only called ' Robozilla' (see here for more details). All Robo does is check the links already listed in the ODP, and if any of them return known error codes or are otherwise unreachable - then the link is marked as 'Errored' (also referred to as 'red' links as that is the color they appear to editors). If a link is marked as errored, it is _not removed_ from the directory - but mearly waits until a human has double-checked it: then the editor can either mark the link as 'OK', or search for the new URL of the site, move it to the unreviewed queue for later review, or delete the site. We only have Robozilla to assist us in keeping the ODP 'dead-link' free, but "he" does not do any editing himself <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> When an editor goes from an ODP edit-side page to your site, they _may_ leave an appropriate trace in your web servers log file - but this does NOT indicate anything. An editor may have just been checking your site and left it in the 'unreviewed' queue for later review (or moved it elsewhere), they may have added it to one of our 'holding areas' (such as the editor Bookmarks section) for their own reference or just keyed in your URL just to check some other details. Likewise, a _lack_ of the reference in your log files doesn't mean an editor _hasn't_ visited: they may have launched your website in a new window, they may have a firewall installed which blocks the HTTP_REFERER header, they may have cut'n'pasted (or copied) the URL to a new window etc etc. -
It is still awaiting review with over 150 other sites. Please allow 3 months to pass before enquirying about the status again - it's going to take a while for that backlog to be cleared...
*Please* provide clickable category links (such as http://dmoz.org/Business/Investing/Retirement_Planning/ ) in all site submission status requests. At the moment, we are unable to give a status check as the ODP is down for maintenance. Please allow 24-48 hours for this message to be updated (i.e. ODP to come back online and for editors to get round to checking your status).
Your site has only been sitting in the small unreviewed queue there for 8 days: it is a bit early to enquiry about its submission status at this time. If it has not been added within the next 8 weeks, please feel free to ask again.
It's still awaiting review. The reason the category was updated was that a site already listed there had become 'dead' and was removed by another editor. Categories can be updated for a whole host of reasons - from adding new sites, moving current sites to other categories, removing now inappropriate sites (for example: if a site goes 404 or has its domain hijacked), spelling/hype corrections or just general routine maintenance (sometimes categories are hit by 'strange problems' which needs the page regenerating: and, hence, the 'last update' date is updated).
Your submission was flagged by an anti-spam system (which can be triggered by a variety of 'normal' things) which needed editor intervention before it got to the appropriate category. As soon as it was validated that this was an 'ok' submission, an editor moved it out of the spam-trap to the category of http://dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/New_Zealand/Business_and_Economy/Internet/Web_Design_and_Hosting/ where it is awaiting review with around 70 other sites.
You were listed on the 7th of October, but if you scroll down to the bottom of the search results you will see a message that currently says: Search database last updated on: Sat Sep 28 00:54:00 PDT 2002 Until the search database is refreshed (which I doubt will be until next Wednesday at the earliest due to maintenance work) you won't show up.
Status of http://www.sausalitoartgalleries.com
beebware replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
Sites are not listed in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Visual_Arts/Galleries/ but are in fact listed in the appropriate alphabetical subcategory for that sites name. Anyway, your site has been moved to http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Localities/S/Sausalito/Arts_and_Entertainment/ for review (along with a couple of other sites). -
It's still sitting in the unreviewed queue of http://dmoz.org/Business/Arts_and_Entertainment/Photography/Stock/Companies/North_America/ with around 20 other sites.
Your site is still awaiting review in that category and the last site to be added there was added in the middle of August (i.e. not recently). I doubt your site will get listed however for reasons other editors have already pointed out in this thread.
That's actually a common mistake and there is an automatic alert to warn editors about multiple http://http:// . Actually, checking the unreviewed queue for http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Counties/San_Diego/Guides_and_Directories doesn't show any sites awaiting review. Plus, there are no tags currently logs on your site to say it has been reviewed by another editor. If you submitted your site in the last 14 hours, you may need to resubmit as the ODP has suffered a bit of downtime which affected the back-end systems: therefore there is a chance your site submission may have got lost. It may also be worth double-checking the category you submitted to.
Unfortently, the ODP has been suffering from technical difficulties for the past 14 hours which has resulted in various parts of the ODP being unavailable (editors are currently unable to log in, it appears new site submissions are being rejected and now appears the new editor applications are being rejected). Don't worry, you aren't the only one affected so it isn't personal (if it is, then the ODP has developed a grudge against all current and possibly future editors <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> ), and hopefully it'll be fixed RSN (real soon now), but at the moment we are unable to give a precise time as we don't know ourselves. Just hang in there and our apologies for the problems that are currently being encountered.