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Everything posted by beebware

  1. Do you mean like this list of specialized search engines or these specialized directories?
  2. It's awaiting review in that category with around 50 other sites. However, I'm not sure if it meets the minimum content requirements of "30 listed sites at the time of submission other than those which are controlled by or affiliated with the site webmaster", but I only checked a couple of categories which had around 3 sites each.
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  4. It's awaiting review in that category with around 150 other sites: but isn't your site just an affiliate of https://www.servintservers.com/ ?
  5. Personally, I know a number of sites that are in competitve markets which have extremely high (if not number 1) positions in Google for their chosen keywords: yet, do not have ANY ODP links at all. There's a lot more to SEO than just getting listed in the ODP, and I think you'll find that Google does recognise "ODP data" on other sites and doesn't apply the higher page rank to the listings (I'm sure there's a reference somewhere, but it's 2am atm and hence I'm loath to look for it). As an SEO, I recently submitted a clients site to ODP. I have not touched it as an editor (and probably never will as it's not in my "field") - and it is not currently listed in the ODP. However, I ran a report for the client today and they had over 100 number 1 positions for their dozen keywords on 35 search engines: all down to standard optimisation techniques, no spamming, good SEO practice and knowledge and good overall submissions. An ODP listing *is NOT* essential for good results!
  6. Re: B4 I submit how many cats can i submit this si Actually, it /may/ affect your listing - but only in regards to the length of time. Imagine that dfy was reviewing your site for listing just then - he would have probably left it in the unreview queue for another editor to review: that might not be for a few more weeks as the editors will be aware that "dfy normally looks after that area". If he could get into your site quickly, easily navigate around it etc he would have probably listed it "there and then" instead of leaving it for another editor to trip over. Of course, I'm just using dfy as an example there - but if a site failed to display anything on my Internet Explorer 6 machine (512k ADSL equipped connection) within 30 seconds and gave no indication that it *was* planning on showing anything, then I'd mark it as a "dead" site and go back to it a week later. If it was showing the same problem (i.e. appearing to not load within 30 seconds on a broadband connection), I'll mark it as dead and delete it! How long are your potential customers willing to wait?
  7. If you are thinking of contacting an editor with regards to your submission, I wouldn't bother looking up an editors details. This forum was created for "site submission statuses" and the like and many editors have had their "hands burnt" by corresponding with submitters via email so you are unlikely to get a reply if you do contact them directly. By "hands burnt", I mean things like personal attacks, mail/spam bombs, server attacks etc - all for just not listing somebody's website! Volunteers shouldn't have to endeaur conditions like that, therefore it is recommended to new editors that they do not respond to editor feedback unless they _really_ want to!
  8. The good news is that there are less than 1000 sites awaiting review in that category - then even better news is there's less than 500. And it's even better than that: there's less than 250 sites awaiting review in that category! Ok, not quite good news as 250 sites is still a largish number, but your site is in that queue and will be reviewed at some point.
  9. motsa makes a very good point about the "location" of a company. Microsoft has customers in practically every locality of practically every country: does that entitle them to a listing in every single one of those localities? If you say "yes" because you want the same rule to apply to your site (listing in every location you have customers) - think how worthless the ODP would become. Especially since any "web enabled" company can have customers from all over the globe...
  10. There's no need to contact any sort of moderator. Your site was submitted on 27/December/2002 at 22:21:18 GMT. Queues are handled in a semi-random method. An editor is free to "pick and chose" which sites they review when, but the unreviewed queues can be automatically sorted into "oldest first", "alphabetical by submitted title", "alphabetical by URL" and a whole host of other methods: then when an editor reviews a site they are automatically taken to the next one in that order. However - the sorting is up to an individual editors preference which they can change on an ad hoc basis. You might just get an editor that takes one look at a massive backlogged category and just reviews one or two sites at total random, then again they might do the opposite and review all of them EXCEPT one or two. Therefore, queue sizes are NOT a direct indication of "time to review" and we cannot give the latter anyway. Obversely, it there is a small or non-existant queue it COULD be interpreted as the fact the category is well maintained and hence the "time to review" is small - but it could have had 600+ unreviewed in there 5 minutes ago...
  11. Maybe, but to be honest with you I did expect "a professional" to pay attention to the rules and do a little research (as good SEOs are meant to research stuff continusely to stay up to date and read instructions)
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  13. *sigh* As Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING at the top of the forum reads: Without the category we are unable to give ANY site submission status.
  14. Hey - it's no more surprising than I find it. How I've managed to become so famous in my short life astounds even me <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
  15. The URL www.afrika-elefanten.com is already listed under http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Regional/Afrika/S%fcdafrika/Reise_und_Tourismus/ (whose 'English language' equilivant category is http://dmoz.org/Regional/Africa/South_Africa/Travel_and_Tourism/ ). It's actually been listed there since 15th November 2001! Many categories now have "This category in other languages" links which may help you find the appropriate category. Failing that, get the same person that translated the site into language X to find it for you. [added] To be more precise, it is listed in the above category as "Tembe Elefanten Park - Afrikanische Großtiere in einem 190 Quadratmeilen großen Naturreservat. Deutschsprachige Seite über den Park mit Unterkünften, Photos, Preise, Anreisemöglichkeiten und anderen wichtigen Infos. ". I don't speaken zu deutsch either, so I've got no idea what that really says (although the Google translation helps give me information that I wouldn't have been able to guess at)
  16. Re: Has it been reviewed yet? Re: the timeout issues - please see this thread for details. I doubt it's an IE 6 specific issue though, as I use it on a third party computer to submit sites to the ODP. You could just be hitting server overload problems.
  17. Re: Has it been reviewed yet? It was only submitted on the 3rd of January to http://dmoz.org/Games/Video_Games/Roleplaying/W/Wild_Arms_Series/Wild_Arms_Advanced_3rd so it's still "early days". There are only a couple of other sites awaiting review in that category so hopefully an editor will get around to reviewing it shortly. Have you considered becoming an editor yourself at all? [add] Oh - looking at the notes, it was submitted prior to this date on at least one other occasion (hence the date above is the 'last submitted date') but wasn't listed as you were suffering server problems at that point.
  18. Please stop starting new threads about the same site - you already have started two previous threads about this same site.
  19. There's a shortage of editors everywhere. We currently have around 4million sites in the ODP and no where enough editors... Have you considered volunteering at all?
  20. Your site was submitted on the 17th of December and reviewed by an editor on the 16th of Jan and was LEFT in the unreview queue (i.e. there is NO reason to resubmit) with the notation that there is insufficient content on your site to warrant listing. I've just had a look at the site myself and I've found the services page "lacking" in detailed information (only webhosting has any prices and that is 'low as $9.95), there's no address details (hence why your site was previously rejected in Adult/Regional/North_America/United_States/New_York/Business/Personal_Services/Escorts/Female as the editor was unable to verify your address) and it's just generally lacking content that is "worthwhile to list". As stated, it is still in the unreviewed queue (with a couple of other sites), so an editor will re-review it at some point in the near future - but if you could add some detailed content then it will probably stand a higher chance of being listed.
  21. msaw: I've noticed small problems with the Google Toolbar PR display myself recently - a couple of days this week it has been entirely blank, but then "resumed" and on some sites it was displaying PR values but not on other sites. Since Google is just coming to the end of a "Google Dance" it could be temporarily hiccups. If you still experience strange problems in week's time, it may be worth contacting Google Inc themselves.
  22. Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c ODP techies have been working on the server overload issue and the problem should be getting less severe now (earlier this week editors were unable to login due to the problem - now we've been given our "own" server allocations which should help reduce the main load on the public facing server). You were aware that you could also use http://ch.dmoz.org/ for browsing weren't you?
  23. However, if you try and submit example.com, example.co.uk and example.biz to the ODP - it WILL be caught and only one of the domains will be listed (if that!).
  24. Looking at the thread in question I can see no noticeable changes in that thread (apart from the addition of your post and apeuro's) since dfys on the 24/01/03 05:23pm. Define "historical importance". Personally, I saw it more as a disgruntled webmaster constantly complaining that their unique content-lacking website would be be listed as per our guidelines. Apart from your suggestion that third party news feeds (ie Moreover) be "re-assessed as valid content" (which it isn't in my eyes and many other editors) there was no suggestion of changes of policy. apeuro is a meta editor and, hence, is one of the "more respected" editors of the ODP. I have always found his posts and comments polite and informative. We do not remove editors for restating facts. You were told that your site was rejected and the reasons for it being rejected. You were also told that once your site has unique content that it may then be worth listing. These points (whilst summarised briefly and politely by apeuro at the end) had been already made many times in that thread and yet you seemed "unable" to grasp the idea of "unique content" being something that you produced (a copied article from the BBC - whether with or without there permission, a discography that can be already be downloaded from multiple sites, and news feeds provided by a third party do NOT count as content you uniquely produced). Again, totally from my viewpoint, you did appear to be the one that was being aggressive to fellow posters in that thread (accusing them of personality defects, making unpleasant remarks, ) and accused many editors of not actual understanding the situation. A site is either listable or not listable under our guidelines. Your site does not fit the site selection criteria of our guidelines and therefore is not listable. There isn't much _to_ understand. You did refer that your site is still growing (I believe the proper terminology is "still under construction" - and we don't list that sort of site), but we can only judge a site on the content it has _currently_ - we do not pretend to be able to see into the future and be able to accurately go "Yes, the webmaster will add X Y and Z content on that date as they promised": I've recently come across sites which have still said "Launching in September 2001"! Your thread was closed as, in the eyes of the forum's administrators, it was no longer serving any useful purpose (the same information being repeated several times) and it should have been perceived that, for now, that topic of conversation is at an end. For reference, I'll quote set parts of this forums guidelines: I would personally advise a re-reading of the form guidelines before any further posting takes place.
  25. How will making a telephone call help? Quick qnswer: It won't. Long answer: Netscape (who you would probably be speaking to) would not take any notice of any telephone calls about ODP listings - first of as they tend to take a "hands off" approach when it comes to the ODP, secondly the person you are likely to speak to will have very little knowledge of the ODP (there are two staff members - hence the chance you you catching one of them when they are available is low: there is a reason why there is no telephone number mentioned on the ODP) and thirdly no site is guaranteed a listing anyway. A number of editors have decided not to list your sites for a few reasons and so your site is not going to be listed - that's it plain and simple.
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