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Everything posted by beebware
Re: submission not going through No, there is no problem. We have received your submission and it will be processed (as per any site) in due course. The IP address problem is one of the "security features" the ODP has to try and prevent malicious bulk-submissions. Anything that accidently triggers that alert is diverted into the "Misplaced Sites" folder for an editor to "look over". If we find it is a 'normal submission' then the site is passed directly to the correct category for normal review (with just an extra day or so of delay) - however, if we notice that it is a malicious submission then action may be taken.
There seems to be too much overlap between http://www.hunggar.info and http://www.yonlee.com/ (which is already listed) to make them both worth listing. Your submission, therefore, has been rejected and is unlikely to be accepted in the future.
It would have made things easier/quicker if you had posted the URL of the category in question: http://dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Enlightenment/Teachers/Lenz,_Frederick . To be honest with you, looking at the "next level up" category (the ../Teachers/ one), I cannot see why your listing has been removed (the Fredrick Lenz category has been 'disbanded' and most of the sites moved to the 'Teachers' one). However, I am looking into this issue and should be able to tell you more once I've investigated the circumstances. If you haven't heard back in a fortnights time, put again in THIS thread (do not start a new one) and I'll try and update you.
Your site is awaiting review in that category with over 400 other sites - it will be sometime before your site is reviewed.
Re: It's awaiting review in that category with less than half-a-dozen other sites. PLEASE leave at LEAST one month between enquiries (you last enquired on the 21st of December and it's only the 7th of January in my timezone so far).
hutchenson probably meant the following URL: http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Romance/ (the other link is password protected and is for editor usage only)
It's easier if you provide clickable URL links in the form of http://dmoz.org/Business/Electronics_and_Electrical/Production_Equipment/ but luckly this instance didn't require much intervention to "fix". Your site is awaiting review in that category with less than 50 other sites. 6 weeks is really "no time at all" to be waiting - especially for a Business/ or Shopping/ category. If your site hasn't been reviewed by this time next month, then please come back to THIS THREAD (do NOT start another thread) and ask for a status update.
There are over 460,000 categories in the ODP - each with their own unreviewed queue - it is IMPOSSIBLE for check every single queue looking for a single site. However, I can tell you that your submission was received but due to a technical problem you would have recevied the "Unable to determine your IP address - your submission has been moved to the Misplaced Sites folder" message. It is currently awaiting editor intervention to move it to the appopriate category you submitted to (which, at the moment, I cannot inspect myself due to time constrants), but since you submitted near the middle to the end of December, it is still extremely early to be expecting any sort of status update. We recommend leaving a MINIMUM of a month between submitting and enqurying. >> about 50% of my content can not be found anywhere << The problem is, no editor has the time to inspect every single site in detail. The reviewing editor will take a 'snapshot' of your site by reviewing random sections (for example, if there is a long list of URLs on a page, I just randomly scroll my mousewheel and click on the link it falls on): if in this snapshot they discover that the majority of the site is replicated elsewhere then they will be relucant to continue "digging". However, if they click on one link find it "not unique" but click on another one or two at random and find good quality unique content then you do stand a chance of being listed. We don't care about your Google Pankrank or anything else though.
It is still awaiting review in that category with around two dozen other sites.
Your site was published in Regional/Oceania/Australia/New_South_Wales/Localities/C/Campbelltown/Business_and_Economy on the 13th of November. It is awaiting review in Health/Beauty/Hair/Advice with around a dozen other sites.
Sorry, there has been no significant change in that categories unreviewed queue since you last enquiried.
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http://www.newterritoryleathers.com status please
beebware replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
It's awaiting review in that category with between 200 and 250 other sites. It will be some time before it is reviewed - sorry! -
Yep, that 20% pay rise we had from the ODP just before Christmas has come in really handy. Remind me again - what's 20% of nothing? <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
It is the only site awaiting review in that category.
As per the ODP editor guidelines we are not able to do this. If you really really think that anything could be achieved by asking for this information - you will have to contact the Netscape Legal Department who may be able to assist you. We (the editors) cannot and will not discuss legal matters with third parties - all we can do is point people "threatening legal action" towards the Netscape Legal Department.
Sorry - we have no record of your submission attempt. Your site is not in the unreviewed queue of that category, nor are there any indications that it has been otherwise accepted, rejected or moved by an editor. You need to re-submit, but may I suggest Computers/Internet/Searching/Search_Engines/Google/Tools as a slightly more 'detailed' category (there is already a "Google dance" related site listed there).
Your site was submitted on the 12th of October and is awaiting review in that category with around half-a-dozen other sites. There is no need to resubmit.
We have no record of you submitting to that category and there is no indication that the site has been "touched" by an editor previously ("touched"= an automatic editor note is made whenever is site is deleted from anywhere, accepted in the directory or moved elsewhere - your site log's indicate none of these events have occured). Your site, however, does scream "affiliate site" to me: but whether this is just because your site sells "nutrition products in pill form" and I tend to associate those with affiliate sites (as that is what they tend to be) I'm not sure yet and I'm not really in the "right frame of mind" to check...
It is awaiting review in that category along with around 150 other sites.
It was published on the 4th of December in Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Gardens/Patio as "_Solar Lights_ - Seller of energy efficient solar lights for garden pathways, ponds and flower beds. Includes novelty and security lights. "
The Open Directory Project was designed to be a directory and not a search engine. That's it. Full stop. Try to imagine it as a "card index" of a library - yes, it'll point you in the rough correct direction: but if you are looking for exactly which books contain references to item X- then you'd be best looking elsewhere. The reference to Yahoo! was meant to reflect the fact that many submitters feel that they should have multiple listings in the ODP because "its free" - whereas if we were to operate a "pay for submission" policy then submitters would then think carefully about where they are going to submit and not attempt to try and get multiple listings in several categories.
*sigh* As the READ BEFORE POSTING thread asks: . If only people followed simple instructions then editor's lives would be so much easier... Anyway, after HAND TYPING the URL category path of http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Marketing/Surveys/ (I suppose I should be grateful that it isn't even longer or contains "foreign" characters). Anyway, as the category description of states, that category is for "Software that assists in surveying opinions needed to support marketing." and that message would have appeared when you submitted your site. You do not (at least to my eyes or to two other editors) do not offer any Surveying software - a better category would probably have been http://dmoz.org/Business/Marketing_and_Advertising/Internet_Marketing/Market_Research/ (where you also submitted several times) but editors reviewing your site felt that the 9 articles that I can see on your site does not have sufficient content to make it worth our while listing. In short, your site has been rejected and is unlikely to be listed in its present condition.
The problem is, if we list every page of your site in every applicable category - then every other site will want the same. We are already struggling with the number of unreviewed sites as it is, but that will just make our jobs 1000x times harder and wouldn't "add" anything to the directory. You need a "search engine" rather than a directory. Out of interest, if we charged (liked Yahoo! does) $300 or so per submission - how many categories would you then think would be suitable for your site?
We need to know which category you submitted to before we can give a status report - please see the "READ BEFORE POSTING" thread which is permantly at the top of this board for instructions.