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Everything posted by beebware
Which category did you submit the description update to? We don't tend to make it a "habit" of constantly changing a sites description so the fact that your description hasn't been changed since it's listing less than 4 months ago isn't surprising.
Alas, it's still awaiting review with the other site. Sorry.
Your site (submitted on 22/Oct BTW) is awaiting review in that category with less than two dozen other sites.
Hmm, I've just refreshed the public page (technically called a "Public Page Regeneration" in ODP terminology) and the 'Add URL' link has disappeared. Since I can't understand why such a small category has had the 'Add URL' function disabled, I'll consult with a few other ODP editors to try and see the reason why... Many thanks for alerting us to this anomaly. However, the good news is that I've manually added your site to the unreviewed queue there (where it is the only site awaiting review). Don't worry about the "Needs an editor" message: it just means that an editor hasn't made that category one of their "pet categories" - but many many editors can still edit it (everyone that can edit in ANY of the categories above can also edit and review sites in this one). Have you considered becoming an editor though? [edit] Ah, I've found out why (fellow editors see this internal forum thread). Basically, the Recreation/Boating/Boat_Sales_and_Rentals/ category is in the middle of a "reorganisation" and most of the listings are being moved to the appropriate category under the Regional section of the directory. The "Add URL" facility was probably turned off to try and allow editors to concentrate on getting the reorganisation done then having to currently bother with reviewing sites. Your site will be moved to the appropriate Regional/ category in due course.
Since your site is primarily a shopping/retail site it will not be listed under the Health/ section of the ODP - only under the appropriate category in Shopping/. You previously submitted on 7th of May, 14th of October, 04th of December and 30th of December - most of which resulted in your site being moved to Shopping/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Skin_Disorders/Eczema where it is awaiting review with less than 2 dozen other sites. Since you are based in Queensland, Australia - you could also submit your site to the Queensland Shopping.
I have changed the submitted URL from http://www.mediaheaven.co.uk/discprinting.htm to your root URL of http://www.mediaheaven.co.uk/ and it is awaiting review in that category with around half-a-dozen other sites.
At the time of review, the editor reviewing your site felt that it had insufficient content to be be listed. I've just had a look at the website and I disagree with them (so whether the site has substantially changed since then I'm not sure) so I have re-added your site to the unreviewed queue of that category (after leaving an appropriate note for future editors) and it is awaiting review with less than half-a-dozen other sites.
Ok, so you are also an affiliate of http://www.murrayclock.com/ and http://store.yahoo.com/plansnow/ - but we still don't list affiliate sites: no matter how many affiliates you have (see our guidelines again under the section "Sites Consisting Primarily of Affiliate Links")
Looking at it, your site was listed under an editors "Bookmarks" category (which is not part of the main directory and is NOT included in the RDF dump OR the search database). The Bookmarks/ categories are an "editors playground" and you should not attempt to read anything at all into any listings therein: you are likely to find sites with poor descriptions, some totally irrelvant descriptions, a larger number of dead sites etc etc - this is because editors are allowed to put any sites they like into their Bookmarks for whatever reason and the listings therein have no influence over the rest of the directory. But, as motsa said, your site is unlikely to be listed as it is just an affiliate site and we don't list those.
beebware replied to a topic in Site Submission Status
It's unlikely to be listed as per our guidelines (see the "Product Listings" section) - however it is still awaiting review with around 40 other sites in that category. Your root URL is listed in http://dmoz.org/Computers/Hardware/Peripherals/Printers/Supplies/Inkjet . -
It's awaiting review in that category with around a dozen other sites - you last submitted on the 15th of December. There is no need for you to resubmit.
PLEASE provide clickable URL paths in the form of http://dmoz.org/Arts/Visual_Arts/Galleries/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/ in the future. It is NOT in the unreviewed queue for that category and since it has not yet been 'touched' by an editor elsewhere, we cannot tell where you submitted it. Resubmit, make a note of the category and then come back here in a months time to ask for a status update (no sooner than a month, and come back to _this_ thread - do not start another one).
It's awaiting review in that category with around a dozen other sites.
Nope it won't effect your current queued site- an "unwritten guideline" is that a site is normally allowed one listing in the Topical branches (Arts/, Computers/, Business/ etc ) and one in the appropriate Regional/ category - of course, this isn't a "hard and fast" rule and there are exceptions to it, but <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Don't worry about the Nottingham category not having an editor - there will be editors "higher up" in the tree that will be able to edit the site and the Regional/ categories are usually a bit better maintained than the Topical ones (as people feel "more at home" when editing them). It could even speed up your listing in the Topical category (as your site will have then been 'verifyed' that it can be listed and have a description written for it which the editor in the Topical/ branch could then copy and tweak: saving a lot of time).
Looking at the notes to the site, it is awaiting review in Adult/Regional/Business/Personal_Services/Escorts with around a dozen other sites. The reason it hasn't been accepted yet is because they have been problems with an editor navigating through the site - but it is in the queue for a re-review at some point in the near future.
Your site is awaiting review in that category with around 250 other sites - it could be some time before it is reviewed. Sorry You could also submit your site (if you haven't done so already) to the Arcadia Business and Economy category.
I only posted the link to the Leicestershire one as an example (mainly because I know it off the top of my head) - please post the category YOU submitted to in that format (starting with http://dmoz.org/ )
I think one of the categories in http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Minnesota/Localities/M/Minneapolis/Business_and_Economy/ will be suitable. And, yes, you are allowed to be listed in more than one category - as long as the content of your site is suitable. Since you are located in Minneapolis you can be listed there as well as under the Shopping/ category.
Come back to this thread in a month's time and post the category path (for example: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/England/Leicestershire/ ) that you submitted to and we'll be able to confirm it's been moved to the appropriate category, if it's been accepted or how many other sites are awaiting review in that category.
Please see these threads for details. Your site, as the message ("Your submission has been redirected to the misplaced submissions folder.") states has been moved to a temporary holding area. It'll be double-checked by an editor before being moved to the unreviewed queue in the appropriate category.
There are between 100 and 125 sites awaiting review in that category and, yes, your site is one of those still awaiting review. On the "good news" side of things - your site is already listed in your localities category. Please feel free to check back here in a month's time to see if there's been any progress.
Your site is awaiting review in the category with between 75 and 100 other sites. You only submitted on the 6th of December so it's still quite early to ask about your submission (we suggest asking once a month at a maximum). Since you are based in Nottingham (not too many miles from me <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> ), you could also submit your site to the appropriate Nottingham shopping category.
Adult sites can only be asked about in the Adult forum (see the forum guidelines). Please ask for access via the Access to the "Adult" Forum thread. Once you've got access you can ask in there about any site that we class as Adult. Hope to see you there soon <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Yep, it's still in the queue - but it's now a queue of around a dozen sites. Why the increase? Well - for the last week or so, our automated link-checker Robozilla has been munching his way through the directory and leaving big red paw marks over sites that are either "unreachable", 404, "dead" or otherwise bad. These are flashed up to editors as "Red" - an editor comes along, investigates each one and then can either clear the red, find the new location, or (as has happened in this case) move the site(s) to the Unreviewed queue in the hope that they'll come back "alive" in a few weeks time. It probably won't affect the time it takes an editor to review your site - if anything, it could possible speed things up. Why? Well, if an editor is looking for a lot of sites to review a queue size of 12 might be more attractive to them than a handfull... Feel free to check back here in a months time... <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" /> (edit: Oops - correcting use of <a href=" to [ url= for the link to Robozilla)
If you look in other threads on this forum, you will hopefully realise that the ODP search system has been "broken" for a large number of weeks now (as there has been major problems with generating the "RDF dump" that it relies on). Staff at the ODP are more than aware of the issue and are trying to rectify the situation as quickly as possible (it doesn't help with the RDF dump taking around a week to produce). Once your site is listed in the ODP directory, it usually shows up in the search system one or two RDF dump updates later (these updates _should_ take place every week, but until the technical problems with database corruption are sorted, the updates have been 'halted').