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Everything posted by arkoid
Re: date format Not this Canadian either. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> I think most people in Quebec use DD-MM-YYYY format... well most people I know anyway. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Pour compléter le commentaire de tuisp. Je précise que dans le cas où "recalés" signifieraient ex-éditeurs, alors la réponse n'est pas toujours oui. Un ex-éditeur qui aurait perdu son accompte par inactivité peut voir son accompte ré-activé (à moins qu'il ait été un mauvais éditeur dans le passé) mais un ex-éditeur renvoyé pour abus ne sera probablement pas accepté. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Or anybody else that would know that this address exists... <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Re: Référencement Chaque fois que vous re-soumettez le même site dans une même catégorie, la nouvelle soumission écrase la précédente et se retrouve la dernière dans la file d'attente (lorsqu'on affiche la file d'attente par date de soumission, ce qui n'est pas le cas pour tous les éditeurs...). Il n'est donc pas utile de contacter qui que ce soit pour "annuler" une vieille soumission (sauf s'il s'agit d'une URL différente). Pour ce qui est des 3 langues... un site multilingues peut bénéficier d'un classement dans chaque langue et possiblement d'un classement régional également dans chaque langue si le site représente, par exemple, un commerce ayant une véritable adresse physique. Voilà, j'espère que ça répond à vos questions.
statut de http://www.worldcinemag.com/
arkoid replied to a topic in Français: Statut des sites suggérés
Vous êtes au courant qu'à chaque resoumission, vous écrasez la soumission précédente et retournez à la fin de la file d'attente? Sinon et bien maintenant vous le savez et vous comprendrez mieux pourquoi ça peut prendre autant de temps parfois <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" /> -
Looks like you've been accepted this time! <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Thanks for your perseverance and welcome to the ODP! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
In the case of gambling categories, it's usually the number of unreviewed sites that can changes the decision of the meta reviewing the application. Even in a relatively small category like Poker, the number of unreviewed sites is quite large for a new editor. I suggest that you follow the advices given in the posts above and apply for a very small category and you should be fine. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
Pas de dangers, il y a que les métas qui peuvent accepter les applications. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
Réfléchissons un peu... D'un côté, il y a ceux qui se plaignent que la qualité du répertoire laisse à désirer et d'un autre côté, il y a ceux qui prétendent que nous sommes trop sévères dans nos critères d'acceptation des nouveaux éditeurs... Si on accepte plus d'éditeurs en n'étant moins exigeants envers eux, on aidera en rien la qualité du répertoire puisqu'il faudra nettoyer les catégories en mauvaises état par la suite et le mauvais éditeur fautif se fera probablement expulser de toute manière et on revient alors à la case zéro avec du boulot de nettoyage en plus pour les éditeurs seniors... Par contre, en acceptant les personnes qui semblent compétentes et qui semblent saisir nos directives d'édition, on obtient la situation contraire. Il est donc évident qu'on ne peut faire plaisir à tout le monde, mais les choses étant ce qu'elles sont, la qualité du répertoire passe avant toutes choses. Par ailleurs, je doute fortement que vous avez été refusé parce qu'il y avait "trop de monde". Si le message disait quelque chose du genre de "cette catégorie est déjà bien représentée..." ça signifie que la catégorie est entre bonnes mains et qu'elle n'a pas besoin d'éditeur. Cela dit, ça ne vous empêche absolument pas de postuler pour une autre catégorie qui pourrait vous intéresser. Suffit de choisir une catégorie de 50 sites et moins, de bien choisir des sites non présents dans le répertoire pour cette catégorie et de respecter les directives pour les titres et descriptions et vous aurez de très bonnes chances d'être accepté. Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez consulter ma modeste page d'aide à l'adresse http://diokra.tripod.com/
Pas très étonnant, à chaque resoumission, vous écrasez votre soumission précédente et la nouvelle soumission se retrouve en dernière position de la file d'attente. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> Je suggère de patientez et de profiter de l'attente pour promouvoir votre site sur d'autres moteurs de recherche et répertoires en attendant l'inclusion dans DMOZ! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
You won't see the changes live on the public side, please be patient. As for the inconsistencies. Please don't believe that I built the whole Games/Gambling categories alone! Most of these categories were already there well before I became an editor myself! A LOT of different people have contributed to build the actual structure and like I said before, a lot of different people mean a lot of different views on how to organize "their" categories. I'm afraid that inconsistencies will be part of the game as long as this project will remain in its actual state. Quite some time ago, there was a category called Games/Gambling/Online . This category had only a few very general sites and a few sub-categories. One day, during a reorganization, these sub-categories have been relocated and the G/G/Online category has been deleted. The sites in G/G/Online were mostly portals. These sites needed a new home and since they were too general to fit in a more specific category, they were sent to G/G. Not so long ago, the Gambling guidelines have been revised and the G/G/Directories category has been deleted shortly after to comply with these new guidelines. Since that day, submitters have been looking for a new category to send their spammy sites and they discovered G/G/Guides ! A bunch of editors have been editing there in the past and that's not surprising to see all kind of stuff listed there. Some of these sites are portals similar to the ones in G/G but nobody talked about moving the sites in G/G to the Guides subcat. This move should have been done a long time ago but I guess some of us were still hoping to find a better way to classify these sites than sending them in the Guides category. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> So that's the little story that might explain some inconsistencies you've seen in the past. There's a lot of things going on behind the scene and even if everything seem so simple sometimes... trust me, it isn't so! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
I really don't understand what's the point of discussing about gambling.net since this site has been deleted already. As for your own site, if it's the one in your profile, it's already listed since September 13th so once again, I don't understand why you're still complaining about that. Oh, I forgot to mention in my last post that all the sites we're talking about have been moved to the Guides categories now. That was not the intended purpose of this category at the beginning but it seems like it IS now. <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" />
Feel free to disagree with me but none of these sites will be deleted (that must be because I'm affiliated with ALL of them right?). We don't reject sites because the unique content is not on the index page, we don't reject sites solely because they are outdated and we don't reject sites that are unique in a category because we *think* that no one will find a use for these sites. (well, *I* don't!) As for the Guides category. When this category was created, its purpose was to include sites offering gaming rules, tips, strategies, etc... on various type of games. Apparently, webmasters decided that this category would be the best one to submit all their affiliate links farm, portals, directories, etc... Consequently, this category is now the worst spam magnet in the Gambling section and quite difficult to edit in. In a big project like DMOZ, based on the work of thousands of volunteers, you'll obviously find different people with different views on what should be listed or what should be rejected. That's confusing for some, a Good Thing for some others but I don't think that's gonna change in the near future. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
*sigh* I hate playing this game but here we go again : I agree. I agree, but I'm getting some ASP script errors, I might need to double-check this site later. Well, that's your opinion. I see some unique content on this site (polls, quizzes, screensavers, wallpapers, scores and stats, etc...) I agree that part of the content has been taken from other sources though. (like the news for example) Why not please? I think that's the only site listed in Games/Gambling offering this type of service to webmasters. That makes it unique. Yup, but we don't create sub-categories for only one site. Now you know why it has been put there temporarily. That's right, the site has disappeared for some reasons. Thanks for pointing that out. Unless the last time you checked is before May 2000, then you're wrong. This site has gaming rules and strategies that could be pretty useful to the visitors. I know that this content is also available on various sites, but who's the legitimate author of these pages? Who is copying who? Since I don't know the answer, I'll keep this site listed for now. I agree.
LOL I was just messing with you Enarra! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
<Hmm... guess which one I am.> Hmmm Sagittarius? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
"Popular" and "honest" are subjective words, you have to avoid such words in descriptions. What seems honest or popular to someone might not be seen as such by someone else. "online gambling resource" is useless, I would have started the description with "Features...." "player advocate" is the name of the site, try not to repeat the title in the description. "site" is a word to avoid in description (because it's obviously a site!). However, "official site" is permitted. Gambling categories have their own set of guidelines to complement the general ODP guidelines. In these gambling guidelines, you'll see some information on the titles. Here's a quote from the gambling guidelines : One last thing, I saw your application and I suggest you choose another category to apply for at first. The one you applied for is a spam magnet, it's unlikely that a new editor would be accepted there (except maybe with a perfect application!?). Hope this helps
Oh don't worry about that. Even when you don't have any affiliations, there will always be someone to accuse you of bias! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
You might want to read this : http://dmoz.org/erz/editors/editor-types.html
Re: A whole directory vanished? <what’s the delay in removing them?> I don't know, I'm quite busy with real life responsabilities these days but if you really want to know. All sites with the titles starting with the letters A to J have been reviewed. I still have to review all the rest of these sites (K - Z). <If the sites in the directories category were removed why not just delete the entire Gambling structure? > I already suggested that in the past, but wasn't taken too seriously! /images/icons/wink.gif That would indeed solve a lot of problems... including posts like yours on public forums...
Re: A whole directory vanished? How do you know those crappy sites you're talking about have been added by editors without being changed after they were added? Ever heard of bait&switch? Apparently not... Also, you have to consider that guidelines are changing with time and what was an acceptable site in the past might be rejected today and that's exactly what happened with the Directories and Guides category. New gambling guidelines are coming out soon and we're already in the process of enforcing them, that's why the Directories category has been deleted and that the Guides category is being reviewed. As for that "godly attitude" thing... well, that joke was funny at the beginning but now it's getting a bit overused, thanks for the laugh though. [edited : oops, apparently lissa posted while I was typing my message and we're basically saying the same things.]
Re: A whole directory vanished? <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>kctipton wrote: "It exists for the users, the searchers." Thats exactly right, but editors dont realize this!<p><hr></blockquote> We do, but you don't seem to realize that editors are ALSO web surfers/searchers so we can take decisions as to what we want to include and what we don't want. In fact, those decisions are called the "guidelines" and our job is to review all sites we receive with those guidelines in mind. But with more than 300,000 categories and about 8,000 active editors, it can take some time before we spot things that need to be changed. <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>Most have attitudes and enjoy playing god ... who are they to tell end users what they should or will find useful? Let these end users decide whether or not a site is useful for themselves. <p><hr></blockquote> Well, like I just said, DMOZ editors are Internet users/searchers too and I don't know of any search engine or directory that has this directive to "accept every submissions" as part of their algo or guidelines. Search engines have their spam filters and directories have their editors with guidelines to follow. There's no gods involved but feel free to apply as an editor if you think you can become a God by doing that... /images/icons/wink.gif Regarding the Games/Gambling/Guides category. I said in my previous post that this category is currently under review. There were 99 sites in it 2 days ago, now there's 88 sites left and this number will continue to go down in the next days. We cannot just delete the whole category because there's some good sites in there that deserve to be listed (unlike the Directories category). Please be patient, we are all volunteers with real lives too! /images/icons/wink.gif
Re: A whole directory vanished? The Guides category is currently under revision, you should see some changes there soon. /images/icons/wink.gif
Re: struggle - perseverance - success ? thehelper gave you some good advices, I suggest you make the proposed changes and re-submit again. Arguing with editors here won't help you getting listed faster (In fact, you may shoot yourself in the foot if you're insulting editors trying to help you). My 2 cents
Re: struggle - perseverance - success ? <Again – I thank you arkoid as I strongly believe that you have helped support my case that my site should be indexed.> I'm sorry if I don't share the same feeling. /images/icons/wink.gif