Re: Remerciement
Hum... je ne suis pas au courant de l'histoire (je ne suis pas méta) mais je sais par contre que tu risques de ne pas obtenir de réponse parce que c'est bien écrit dans les guidelines que ce forum ne doit pas être utilisé à cette fin.
<<In particular, the following topics may not be discussed.
Specific complaints about being removed as an editor.
Complaints about specific people working or volunteering their time at ODP.
Discussion of the ways in which ODP runs itself.
Discussion of any confidential information by current, or past, ODP editors.
Discussion of how to use the ODP to optimize search engine rankings and site promotion. This ODP is not a search engine, and we don't rank or optimize web sites.
Discussion of editing issues - these should be discussed in the editor forums, not in the public forum.
Discussion of ways to circumvent or violate official DMOZ policy.
Discussion of your "Freedom of Speech" rights. While the ODP is based on democratic principles, it does not try to imitate a democratic government. You are free to talk about anything you want... somewhere else. >>