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Everything posted by arkoid

  1. Re: struggle - perseverance !! success ? Just one more thing I'll like to add. I think people don't understand that it's not only the number of affiliate links that is important but also WHERE they appear on the site! A site with 20 affiliate links can be accepted and another one with 20 affiliate links can be rejected, so saying that a site should be deleted because it contains X number of affiliate links is simply not a valid reason. On some sites, these links are organized in a way that the content is sometimes hard to find! On the other hand, on some sites, the content is very easy to find and the affiliate links are very dispersed throughout the site. Such sites have greater chance of being accepted in the directory. Obviously, not every people will agree on whether a site with affiliate links should be listed or not and this is why we keep seeing thread like this one in public forums! /images/icons/wink.gif Hope that clears things up a bit
  2. Re: struggle - perseverance !! success ? Ok, I think I understand what the problem is exactly! You took a very bad example to compare with! Games/Gambling/Directories is probably one of the worst category in the gambling tree. I'm fully aware of this and the clean-up of this category is on my "to-do" list since a long time already, but I was too busy recently to start reviewing those sites. I believe you though that most sites in there contain lot of affiliate links but I can guarantee that these sites will be deleted sooner or later. Your site has been reviewed many times by many different editors. I even posted a message on our internal forums asking for more opinions on this site and we finally decided to take it off. Now, as someone suggested in this thread, your best move now would be to delete some affiliate links and/or modify your site so that making people clicking on those links doesn't appear to be the main goal of the site. Hope this helps
  3. I just cleaned the small unreviewed queue in Games/Gambling/Blackjack . Your site has been added in this category as well, you should be able to find it in the search as soon as the next update will be completed. /images/icons/smile.gif
  4. Regarde ma page de profile, tu y trouveras l'adresse d'un site qui peut t'aider à être accepté comme éditeur. /images/icons/wink.gif [désolé pour la plug, mais c'était moins long que de tout répéter ici!]
  5. arkoid

    Bug Thread

    Re: Forum Bug I'm not sure if this has been mentionned before.... but I think there's a bug with the forum "Français". Smileys doesn't seem to work there and some editors said they couldn't edit their posts (didn't verify this info myself though). Maybe someone could look into this please? Thanks
  6. La création de nouvelles catégories est généralement discutée entre nous sur le forum de World/Français sauf dans le cas de changements mineurs. Dans de tels cas, les éditeurs plus expérimentés peuvent parfois créer des sous-catégories dans un domaine qu'ils connaissent bien sans devoir à chaque fois en discuter avec les autres éditeurs. Règle générale, pour les nouveaux éditeurs, il est préférable d'avoir le consensus des éditeurs qui sont concernés par la création de cette catégorie avant de procéder à sa création.
  7. arkoid


    Re: Remerciement Hum... je ne suis pas au courant de l'histoire (je ne suis pas méta) mais je sais par contre que tu risques de ne pas obtenir de réponse parce que c'est bien écrit dans les guidelines que ce forum ne doit pas être utilisé à cette fin. http://resource-zone.com/guidelines.php <<In particular, the following topics may not be discussed. Specific complaints about being removed as an editor. Complaints about specific people working or volunteering their time at ODP. Discussion of the ways in which ODP runs itself. Discussion of any confidential information by current, or past, ODP editors. Discussion of how to use the ODP to optimize search engine rankings and site promotion. This ODP is not a search engine, and we don't rank or optimize web sites. Discussion of editing issues - these should be discussed in the editor forums, not in the public forum. Discussion of ways to circumvent or violate official DMOZ policy. Discussion of your "Freedom of Speech" rights. While the ODP is based on democratic principles, it does not try to imitate a democratic government. You are free to talk about anything you want... somewhere else. >>
  8. LOL some people can be very funny here. I won't add any comment since it's quite obvious that such a discussion will not bring anything constructive that could be useful to the readers of this thread.
  9. <<Its just that DMOZ could be even bigger and better, but there seems to be this air of suspicion that those who volunteer to help are only doing so for ulterior motives. >> You would be surprised to see how many people thought the same way before getting accepted as an editor themselves and then changed their opinion when they saw the "other side" of things! /images/icons/wink.gif
  10. Pourquoi crois-tu qu'on se donne tout ce mal! LOL
  11. si si il y en a un! Tu regardes dans le coin droit du dernier "post" tu y verras le lien "reply" et tu pourras alors répondre au dernier message. En fait, n'importe quel lien "reply" va fonctionner, mais tu peux choisir celui sur le "post" de la personne à qui tu veux répondre spécifiquement pour pouvoir voir son message pendant que tu écris ta réponse. Hum j'espère que c'est clair, je me relis et j'en doute moi-même! LOL
  12. arkoid


    Oh en passant, au risque de passer pour qqn qui veut faire de la pub pour sa page /images/icons/wink.gif , vous trouverez sur ma page profile le lien d'une page donnant de bons conseils pour devenir éditeur à DMOZ. Bonne chance!
  13. arkoid


    Ca dépend. Il vous faut trouver 3 bons sites à soumettre pour la catégorie pour laquelle vous postulez (les sites ne doivent pas être déjà classés dans le répertoire et vous ne devez pas soumettre 3 sites avec lesquels vous êtes affiliés), évitez les fautes d'orthographe, ne mentez pas dans votre application et écrivez de bons titres et bonnes descriptions des sites soumis pour augmenter vos chances d'être accepté. De plus, je suggère fortement de postuler pour une catégorie ayant moins de 50 sites pour commencer. Les catégories régionales sont en grand besoin d'éditeurs, c'est un bon endroit pour commencer! /images/icons/smile.gif
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